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28chan.org Anonymous 07/08/21(Thu)00:01:21 No. fb-GV59QEPC
https://28chan.org/ come home white boy
Anonymous 07/08/21(Thu)00:23:57 No. fb-03DQ8OUA
>>fb-GV59QEPC (OP) Get raped to death no one wants to use your centralized retard board 🙂
Anonymous 07/08/21(Thu)04:41:19 No. fb-1ZB6NT1T
>>fb-YGV7BNPU → too retarded to understand federation, thought they were hitting four boards, they just hit the same board 4 times smh normies btfo by this one
Anonymous 07/08/21(Thu)22:19:52 No. fb-HYPCSCEH
Pedophile image board
sage 07/09/21(Fri)01:02:26 No. fb-R3TQ0CYB
>>fb-GV59QEPC (OP) off yourself faggot nobody cares for your shit centralized chan

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