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File: MicrosoftTeams-image-13.png (1.54 MiB) [Draw]
Windows As A Service Anonymous 07/14/21(Wed)20:15:32 No. fg-C49KMJN3
you can not make this shit up
File: ea3dc0031fc6d5a879aa595d48(...).gif (43.48 KiB) [Draw]
>>fg-C49KMJN3 (OP) God yes I.T lead keep replacing our desktops with azure vdi thin clients ooooohhhhhh
Anonymous 07/15/21(Thu)01:18:12 No. fg-IGW969OD
>>fb-BW9CNO8P → holy based, i might switch back to windows now
my buck is broken 07/15/21(Thu)02:21:31 No. 2J3LPL33
my buck is broken
Anonymous 07/16/21(Fri)16:16:26 No. fg-7WVBB1RV
>>fg-C49KMJN3 (OP) seems bretty based for IT

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