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Debian 11 (Bullseye) Anonymous 08/15/21(Sun)03:52:58 No. fg-W4S5SP4A
https://www.debian.org/News/2021/20210814 It's update time desbians
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Anonymous 08/17/21(Tue)06:38:42 No. fg-05AINLWG >>fg-ZO1MO3KV
Ride like the wind
Anonymous 08/17/21(Tue)21:17:50 No. fg-ZO1MO3KV
>>fg-05AINLWG kek
Anonymous 08/18/21(Wed)04:34:23 No. fg-UX26QWHT
>>fg-W4S5SP4A (OP) nice, about damn time. now to upgrade all the servers and other boot partition.

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