/g/ - Technology


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i love apple
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Anonymous 01/16/21(Sat)01:55:24 No. fg-8BE2E46D
>>fg-90A606A2 (OP) aadhaarit Sir
Anonymous 08/04/21(Wed)22:18:30 No. fg-JUQESOB8
>>fg-90A606A2 (OP) haha, he's a nigger
Anonymous 09/21/21(Tue)21:43:35 No. fg-UBSTRP70
Brown people reeee
Anonymous 09/26/21(Sun)15:11:23 No. fg-029PUEUE
>>fg-90A606A2 (OP) is that a real person
Anonymous 10/12/21(Tue)05:29:14 No. fg-O1O21DE9
>apple >picrel is from twemoji

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Add a .css Anonymous 08/12/21(Thu)18:59:21 No. fg-5CWCHNQP
Add a .css file, how are people going to understand that a board is dedicated to black people pretending to be female, if the background is not black and the text is not pink? Smh
>>fg-5CWCHNQP (OP) Besides, add numeric post numbers, because some of us are actually aliens originating from the big bang and use numbers to produce things. Like repeating numbers.
Anonymous 08/13/21(Fri)15:12:42 No. fg-6FX8JGC8
>>fg-QQQ1WLF2 >add numeric post numbers trips wasted on a moron
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>>fg-5CWCHNQP (OP) ???
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Anonymous 10/11/21(Mon)16:08:31 No. fg-90IBWFZG
>>fg-QQQ1WLF2 fuck you shitty trip get

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What have you done for software freedom today anon?
Anonymous 09/26/21(Sun)17:49:41 No. Y9YFTD6M
>>LVZRFVS1 (OP) >Using free software almost across everything >inviting others to use such for communications as a primer
Anonymous 09/26/21(Sun)22:35:39 No. 3AUS8IOV
>>fg-G3O9XQHX → >g-guys i just wrote this on my website >doesn't shill his website
Anonymous 10/11/21(Mon)08:20:30 No. fb-O7Z6EU3F
>>fg-J874N8L3 → Thanks for the stylesheet
Anonymous 06/26/22(Sun)03:57:41 No. fg-2RZH1P3M
>>fg-LVZRFVS1 → this

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Are there any good open source apps for viewing Word documents, etc. on Android? OnlyOffice looked good, but apparently their mobile app is closed source.
6 replies and 1 images, Click here to view all.

Anonymous 05/07/21(Fri)21:51:43 No. fg-8022MN6X
>>fg-BEFICWTC Do you mean this one? https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.collabora.libreoffice
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>>fg-292GKEZ6 (OP) document viewer on F-droid. works great.
Anonymous 07/02/21(Fri)07:54:08 No. fg-EMNWO0KK
>>fg-CCX7F0P2 this. Werks pretty good. Also, check Markor if you want.
Anonymous 08/05/21(Thu)15:29:07 No. fg-0HSA42LM
>>fg-292GKEZ6 (OP) I use LibreOffice Viewer https://f-droid.org/en/packages/org.documentfoundation.libreoffice/
Anonymous 09/28/21(Tue)09:10:12 No. LEA5ZYJ5
>>fg-8022MN6X There was a viewer https://f-droid.org/en/packages/org.documentfoundation.libreoffice/ but not quite updated, might still work

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Bugs in Apple's CSAM detection discovered Anonymous 08/21/21(Sat)00:52:20 No. fg-U5ODX6QZ
Anonymous 09/08/21(Wed)14:36:42 No. VAIH3MXW
>>fg-U5ODX6QZ (OP) bump

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you dont use epik as a hosting provider right anon?
8 replies and 1 images, Click here to view all.

Anonymous 09/16/21(Thu)03:24:26 No. fg-0R858JJ8
>>fg-5VOUHR0C (OP) here is the torrent https://ddosecrets.com/images/1/13/EpikFail.torrent
Anonymous 09/17/21(Fri)02:48:39 No. fg-K7UTX4FF >>fg-E4QFA743
>>fg-5VOUHR0C (OP) i have it but it's just connected to a dead VPS. surely this isn't an issue... right???
Anonymous 09/17/21(Fri)02:49:04 No. fg-GW6WYE2T >>fg-E9LJG1AM
>>fg-3N9XTLXP >not posting from kyogi nice try anon
Anonymous 09/17/21(Fri)06:06:36 No. fg-E4QFA743
>>fg-K7UTX4FF all account detail was leaked. account credentials, everything. i dont see it as a problem though.
Anonymous 09/18/21(Sat)19:27:11 No. fg-E9LJG1AM
>>fg-GW6WYE2T i meant my website only exists on tor but i am not the sort of schizo to route everything through tor

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Freetardism and Trivial Technology Anonymous 08/21/21(Sat)13:43:19 No. fg-VGIRVGAN
https://digdeeper.neocities.org/ghost/freetardism.html = problem? https://xj-ix.luxe/wiki/trivial-technology/ = solution?
12 replies and 3 images, Click here to view all.

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>>fg-FX8UZSGH based aesthetics appreciator
Anonymous 08/31/21(Tue)14:31:54 No. fg-W2XECU30
>>fg-VGIRVGAN (OP) >listening to neocities retard article ever your first mistake. trivial technology is based doe ngl, gpl is cancer
Anonymous 08/31/21(Tue)14:33:15 No. fg-NE65YOZR >>fg-I4BBDTWQ
>>fg-GB5XIR3T piss and shit your dogshit liscence to death about it faggot. enjoy getting subverted by companies because "nooo don't steal code!!" and not being able to contribute to good software projects. die out
Anonymous 08/31/21(Tue)19:21:44 No. fg-I4BBDTWQ
>>fg-NE65YOZR you should just dilate instead of posting on my board :^)
Anonymous 09/14/21(Tue)06:47:12 No. fg-UP6GD9ZH
>>NE65YOZR >get subverted because you don't allow them to cuck you Lol

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Desktop Bread Anonymous 01/16/21(Sat)07:53:36 No. fg-F2D95307
Post em if you gotem
29 replies and 14 images, Click here to view all.

Anonymous 08/04/21(Wed)19:37:58 No. fg-II3QDONV
>>fg-DJO6SBN8 >no more transparent terminal I'm glad more people are growing out of the retarded meme.
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>>fg-866RRYLI update, new wallpaper, new font, removed transparency in terminal
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Pretty basic right now but Window Maker is still my favorite WM.
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wayland/swaywm is pretty nice

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/p2p/ - P2P, Decentralization & Privacy General Anonymous 03/07/21(Sun)01:38:49 No. fg-VF0POXSF
>-Privacy Tools, Addons, Websites, Operating Systems, etc.- PrivacyTools: https://privacytools.io Techxodus: https://wiki.techxodus.org >-Software- Freenet: https://freenetproject.org GNUnet: https://gnunet.org IPFS: https://ipfs.io libp2p: https://libp2p.io ZeroNet: https://zeronet.io >-Anonymity- Tor: https://www.torproject.org I2P: https://geti2p.net Lokinet: https://lokinet.org >-File Sharing- Tribler: https://www.tribler.org >-Video- Peertube: https://joinpeertube.org Odysee: https://odysee.com >-Chat-
(view full post...)
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Anonymous 04/08/21(Thu)20:29:59 No. fg-6IOS9K6C
>>fb-Y24T7X8O → >hardcoded >open-source i fail to see the problem problem
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>>fg-VF0POXSF (OP) Monero is Cringe - NSA hipster dude.
Anonymous 08/20/21(Fri)10:15:48 No. 11UHSH18
>>fg-VF0POXSF (OP) Are there any Lemmy instances without the slur filter other than derpy.email?
Anonymous 09/01/21(Wed)13:07:32 No. fg-V7H4S23P
>>fg-VF0POXSF (OP) GNUnet is for file sharing and anonymity and should go in those sections too
Anonymous 09/03/21(Fri)08:55:44 No. fg-167LKJ7K
>>fg-VF0POXSF (OP) where is biglybt ? it's one of the best torrent clients and p2p networks not only torrent client im using it and im never using any site/tracker for my torrent search everything is found in it's swarm search

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Thread Creation / Deletion Anonymous 08/17/21(Tue)11:38:44 No. fg-D93Q4DPA
Is it even possible to create a new thread?
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Anonymous 08/17/21(Tue)15:35:35 No. fg-XS5G9D9Z >>fg-M4O6P681
>>fg-7ELMHOXT idk it's either a glitch with the software or devchan / the instance owner deleted it
>>fg-D93Q4DPA (OP) >>fg-7ELMHOXT >>fg-XS5G9D9Z i only really delete duplicates that cross boards and if there is already the same thread. and... i might accidently delete a thread becuase the admin controls are right above the post and easily misclicked. unless someone says something, i do not know if things get eaten by the server or not. ill look into this post.
Anonymous 08/17/21(Tue)20:23:41 No. fg-L7P02P3I
>>fg-M4O6P681 based benevolent devchan
Anonymous 08/18/21(Wed)14:13:19 No. fg-LROAQV0S
>>fg-M4O6P681 that sounds like an issue kek
Anonymous 08/29/21(Sun)21:21:12 No. fg-LYAXAUG6
>>fg-M4O6P681 Did you discover anything? Tangentially, do you keep a log of moderator actions?

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FDA Approval - Details Edition Anonymous 08/25/21(Wed)06:20:43 No. fg-NINXAMP5
https://www.fda.gov/media/151710/download "We did not refer your application to the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee because our review of information submitted in your BLA, including the clinical study design and trial results, did not raise concerns or controversial issues that would have benefited from an advisory committee discussion." https://www.fda.gov/advisory-committees/blood-vaccines-and-other-biologics/vaccines-and-related-biological-products-advisory-committee "The Committee reviews and evaluates data concerning the safety, effectiveness, and appropriate use of vaccines and related biological products which are intended for use in the prevention, treatment, or diagnosis of human diseases, and, as required, any other products for which the Food and Drug Administration has regulatory responsibility. The Committee also considers the quality and relevance of FDA's research program which provides scientific support for the regulation of these products and makes appropriate recommendations to the Commissioner of Food and Drugs." Also from FDA approval letter see: The review of this product was associated with the following National Clinical Trial (NCT) numbers: NCT04368728 and NCT04380701. https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04368728 Recruitment Status : Recruiting Estimated Primary Completion Date : May 2, 2023 Estimated Study Completion Date : May 2, 2023 https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/study/NCT04380701 Actual Study Start Date : April 23, 2020 Estimated Primary Completion Date : April 2023 Estimated Study Completion Date : April 2023

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So now that this is here - what can we do with it? Should we plan something??
Anonymous 01/18/21(Mon)03:39:45 No. fg-A863G2F7
Admin-anon will make it better. /prog/ anons will contribute code. Once code is stable other anons will host instances. I will advocate for free software on /g/. The cycle continues.
Anonymous 04/16/21(Fri)22:41:48 No. fg-P3HXV0ZV >>fg-CFI9OW82
>>fg-78D9FEF8 (OP) We need to make sure this site surpasses the user base of the OTHER fchan. I don't want this site overshadowed by the furries.
Anonymous 08/17/21(Tue)21:39:54 No. fg-CFI9OW82
>>fg-P3HXV0ZV that could backfire desu

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Anonymous 01/21/21(Thu)04:10:15 No. fg-52905B21
>>fg-454BC937 you weren't supposed to see that -.-
Anonymous 01/29/21(Fri)08:38:26 No. fg-CE60G8A0
>>fg-56665AFF We all down for that fun time
Anonymous 01/29/21(Fri)11:38:43 No. fg-9E498E7D
Anonymous 08/18/21(Wed)07:21:39 No. fg-6XEIJEBP
>>fg-3217114D (OP) Cunny

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Debian 11 (Bullseye) Anonymous 08/15/21(Sun)03:52:58 No. fg-W4S5SP4A
https://www.debian.org/News/2021/20210814 It's update time desbians
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Anonymous 08/17/21(Tue)06:38:42 No. fg-05AINLWG >>fg-ZO1MO3KV
Ride like the wind
Anonymous 08/17/21(Tue)21:17:50 No. fg-ZO1MO3KV
>>fg-05AINLWG kek
Anonymous 08/18/21(Wed)04:34:23 No. fg-UX26QWHT
>>fg-W4S5SP4A (OP) nice, about damn time. now to upgrade all the servers and other boot partition.

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Mr. GPT3 has something to say Anonymous 08/04/21(Wed)17:40:25 No. fg-6ZFLTCRD
> hi i am a faggot
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>>fg-6ZFLTCRD (OP) Am I a faggot? I use Arch btw
sage 08/05/21(Thu)22:59:44 No. fg-8TE933AA
>>fg-AFWIB5GM >archuser >anime wallpaper yes
Anonymous 08/09/21(Mon)13:46:16 No. fg-WH2KI85L
>>fg-6ZFLTCRD (OP) >GPT-3 what do you think of GPT-J? https://github.com/kingoflolz/mesh-transformer-jax/

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