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Anonymous 03/12/24(Tue)12:03:23 No. NLL7SGM1
Anonymous 03/12/24(Tue)12:29:01 No. CZGJCGOW
did it work?
Anonymous 03/12/24(Tue)13:40:40 No. 7SEAK5WS
no bunny im still alive

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I dug a quarry in minetest. I want to build a road that goes to the end of the map all four cardinal directions and I am planning to make it out of cobblestone
23 replies and 6 images, Click here to view all.

Anonymous 12/16/23(Sat)18:18:03 No. 3JV9F99N >>OLTW2WJP
>>E71XW3O3 There are multiple things you can do If you post your coordinates (and you're on the fchan server) I could go over and build a you ladder out of there. You could do is break the torches of the places aren't the exit and then look for pockets of light (this is mainly useful if you are trying to look for an exit in the ceiling). You could also kill yourself with fall damage, water, or by placing blocks inside yourself (suffocation, do this with sand or gravel since you can't break stone with your fists). If you can't put blocks inside yourself, either use gravity or enable the ability to put blocks inside yourself in the options menu. If you do this then it's a good idea to write down your coordinates of where you died. What I do to avoid getting stuck in caves is I always put torches on the right side of the caves, so If the torches are to the left of me, I am going out (and I make sure to carry a bunch of logs with me).
Anonymous 12/16/23(Sat)18:20:38 No. EEQ6G2DP
>>3JV9F99N F5 will give you your coordinates (I think).
Anonymous 12/17/23(Sun)10:26:07 No. OLTW2WJP
>>3JV9F99N I asked help from my friend, all good. Thank you for the tips!
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I created a flying machine in creative mode. Features - Can go up and down (user toggle able with switches). - Automatically stops before it hits the ground. I will probably try to recreate it on the server.
Anonymous 01/29/24(Mon)09:42:52 No. SI9PAE0E
>>GTBBQLS6 It has a third feature as well. - Automatically stops if the person falls off the machine (It runs away from you when you get close to it though).

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I remember playing this video game where you could play with your daughter by catching a ball or you could jump up to a bunch and get ice cubes and push them in a furnace. You only had around 500 seconds to do anything. I remember the first time I played I tried getting the ice cubes but then my daughter disappeared near the end. I felt bad so I played the game again and played with her for the entire 500 seconds.

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Starbound source code leak Anonymous 06/19/23(Mon)07:00:37 No. 0LX39KK8
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:bd7fa06196ff340d3efcbc33c0f177cc73471304&dn=Starbound%20v1.4.4%20source&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.opentrackr.org%3a1337%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fopentracker.i2p.rocks%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=http%3a%2f%2ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3a80%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fopen.demonii.com%3a1337%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fopen.stealth.si%3a80%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fexodus.desync.com%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.torrent.eu.org%3a451%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.moeking.me%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.tiny-vps.com%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.bitsearch.to%3a1337%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fexplodie.org%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fuploads.gamecoast.net%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker2.dler.org%3a80%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker1.bt.moack.co.kr%3a80%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.theoks.net%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.monitorit4.me%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.auctor.tv%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.4.babico.name.tr%3a3131%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fsanincode.com%3a6969%2fannounce https://rose.dev/blog/2023/05/27/starbound-1-4-4-source-code-access/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmSjwU5by74
Anonymous 06/21/23(Wed)01:36:04 No. N3PDUORP
very based anon thanks for sharing i looked into it a bit and found it on archive.org https://archive.org/details/starboundsourcecode but it seems that only the .rar archive contains the full thing too bad probably nobody is gonna be ballsy enough to keep developing the game due to fear of legal repercussions but would be p cool to see some anonymous madlad fix several bugs and performance issues and release it

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>>fv-7D7WTAG2 (OP)
Anonymous 06/21/23(Wed)01:05:46 No. QQMAV2YM
>>BQDQLL9X i like her lowkey scared/uncomfortable look

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Anonymous 06/14/23(Wed)14:31:56 No. WZ2AB7C7
nice brannie collection reisen

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Always bet on Duke https://archive.org/details/duke-nukem-forever-2001-x-0r-jmp

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The Game Awards Anonymous 11/23/21(Tue)18:24:23 No. fv-M5X246CJ
Fedichan, what is it about TGAs that makes me and so many other people else want to watch it every year? We know it's rigged and award shows are all fucking stupid. But I still watch for some reason. Thoughts?
8 replies and 1 images, Click here to view all.

Anonymous 12/03/21(Fri)22:00:16 No. L5T96F0H
Anonymous 12/10/21(Fri)11:17:20 No. KXWHD20W >>fv-T28NTKIV
>>fv-M5X246CJ (OP) Completely forgot they were today.
Anonymous 12/10/21(Fri)11:17:20 No. KXWHD20W >>fv-T28NTKIV
>>fv-M5X246CJ (OP) Completely forgot they were today.
Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)06:01:54 No. fv-T28NTKIV
>>KXWHD20W fuck the oscars
Anonymous 04/16/22(Sat)12:40:00 No. fv-J7F9853V
>>fv-M5X246CJ (OP) dumb cope

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Ahh Sokoban, now theres a game

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vidya screenshots and gifs Anonymous 01/25/22(Tue)17:58:35 No. fv-F54WBELB
Post the latest vidya screenshots or gifs you took/saved. I'll dump some of mine to get it started.
8 replies and 8 images, Click here to view all.

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>>fv-F54WBELB (OP)
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>>fv-F54WBELB (OP)
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>>fv-F54WBELB (OP)
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>>fv-F54WBELB (OP)
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>>fv-F54WBELB (OP)

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DOOM thread? DOOM thread! Time to rip and tear some demon assholes Other retro FPS games are also welcome
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Obligatory guide:
Anonymous 08/12/21(Thu)18:23:16 No. fv-M4KYCE6A >>fv-FPG1DCO6
>>CJ80B6QB (OP) for me it's gotta be quake
Anonymous 08/18/21(Wed)01:13:43 No. fv-FPG1DCO6
>>fv-M4KYCE6A I also prefer quake, but doom is cool, respectable. Kudos OP.

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