Welcome to Usagi

Usagi is a federated image board based on ActivityPub. The current version of the code running on the server is still a work-in-progress product, expect a bumpy ride for the time being. Get the server code here: https://github.com/FChannel0.
You can find my modifications here: https://github.com/anomalous69/FChannel-Server/tree/usagi

Lokinet: hx83cg84s5baudy93m7yij6okuytjj88nwyoobm3eb17stkzp1zy.loki
Tor: usagib6danuxndqle3usrweloyskdeoelthqizr6wl7u3tnsmfwho5ad.onion

Usagi News

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Oct 16, 2023 - [spoiler] and [code] tags

Post content can now be wrapped in [spoiler][/spoiler] and [code][/code] tags.
You will likely need to clear cached stylesheets to see them


func add(a int, b int) int {

return a + b

Jan 29, 2023 - Theme support for non-JavaScript clients

Javascript is no longer required to set and use themes.
For non-JavaScript clients a button has been added next to the theme selector in the footer, use the drop-down to select a theme then click the "Set" button to set the theme.

Nov 09, 2022 - Kyogi Migration

Kyogi has been shutdown, all of the posts and attachments from Kyogi have been merged into Usagi.

Latest Threads

test: test
Share some interesting or useful software and services. * yt-dlp: Downloads videos and audio. Supports a ton of sites. https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp * gallery-dl: Downloads images including entire galleries and accounts. Coomer-focused, but supports generic hosts like imgur or Twitter accounts. https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl * Image Max URL: When given an image or video url, it'll grab the largest/original file. Available as a script or a website. https://github.com/qsniyg/maxurl https://qsniyg.github.io/maxurl/ - * BespokeSynth: Modular software synth and DAW. https://github.com/BespokeSynth/BespokeSynth * VCV Rack: Virtual modular synth. Freeware with a paid version. Popular, so there's a ton of third-party modules, a bunch of which are free. https://vcvrack.com * SunVox: Tracker-based modular synth. https://warmplace.ru/soft/sunvox/ * Pure Data: Free version of Miller Puckette's original Max language. https://puredata.info * BlackHole: Zero latency loopback driver for Mac OS. https://github.com/ExistentialAudio/BlackHole - * Reticulum and LXMF: Networking protocol and messaging format designed to work over high latency and low bandwidth networks such as packet radio. https://github.com/markqvist/Reticulum https://github.com/markqvist/LXMF * Clients built on LXMF: https://github.com/markqvist/NomadNet https://github.com/markqvist/Sideband https://github.com/liamcottle/reticulum-meshchat * NNTPChan: Decentralized imageboard using the NNTP protocol from Usenet. Unfortunately, seems to be dead. There were like a dozen instances at one point, but I'm unaware of any that are active. Basically fchan a decade ago. https://github.com/nntpchan/nntpchan * BitChan and Gochan: More cool imageboard software, but even deader than us. https://github.com/813492291816/BitChan https://github.com/gochan-org/gochan * Superhighway84: Usenet-inspired decentralized forum. https://github.com/mrusme/superhighway84
NEETdom: anyone else /rotting/ here?
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