Welcome to Usagi

Usagi is a federated image board based on ActivityPub. The current version of the code running on the server is still a work-in-progress product, expect a bumpy ride for the time being. Get the server code here: https://github.com/anomalous69/FChannel

Usagi News

RSS | Atom | JSON

Oct 16, 2023 - [spoiler] and [code] tags

Post content can now be wrapped in [spoiler][/spoiler] and [code][/code] tags.
You will likely need to clear cached stylesheets to see them


func add(a int, b int) int {

return a + b

Jan 29, 2023 - Theme support for non-JavaScript clients

Javascript is no longer required to set and use themes.
For non-JavaScript clients a button has been added next to the theme selector in the footer, use the drop-down to select a theme then click the "Set" button to set the theme.

Nov 09, 2022 - Kyogi Migration

Kyogi has been shutdown, all of the posts and attachments from Kyogi have been merged into Usagi.

Latest Threads

Do you guys play animal crossing?
Do you guys like adventure time?
Buck status?
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