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gender Anonymous 11/13/24(Wed)23:36:13 No. HFAYOXO6  [Reply]
I still don't understand why some men want to become women. I get the other direction. Women get creeped on all the time. Who would want to become one?
Anonymous 11/15/24(Fri)09:33:33 No. flounge-CD819B0D
>>HFAYOXO6 (OP) I have had fantasies of wanting to become a woman. In my case it's autogynephilia. Whenever I think of wearing women's clothes or having a woman's body, I get extremely aroused. I probably wouldn't do it because I usually feel happy being a man (Usually after I ejaculate the fantasies of being a woman go away). For other people they feel like they are women already and it hurts them to be a man. The prospect of being a man feels extremely unnatural to them whereas the prospect of being a woman feels natural to them. When they act masculine they feel like they are hiding their true selves, so they live their entire lives being fake, that probably hurts a lot. I guess you should ask yourself why you want to be a man, The answer probably isn't "because men have more power, are less likely to be creeped on, are less likely to be raped, are stronger, etcetra", It's probably just because it feels more natural for you to be a man. Lets say as a thought experiment, that the government forced you to dress and act like a woman and if you didn't you'd be punished with fines, short term imprisonment, and corporal punishment. You probably still wouldn't enjoy acting like a woman even if it was advantageous to do so. You'd be doing it because you were forced to do it rather than wanting to do it. Same if you tried forcing a woman to act like a man. Certain areas in trans women's brains are more feminized than in cisgender male brains, which is probably what leads them to have a feminine gender identity. It's a mistake to say they have "women's brains" since other parts of their brains are like normal male brains, but some areas of their brain are more feminine nonetheless. > I get the other direction. I remember watching some video of a trans man breaking down crying because he didn't realize how lonely it was to be a man. https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=2uz3JJ50erc He also said "I understand why the suicide rate is higher in men", this is a meme. More women attempt suicide than men, the reason why the suicide rate is higher is because men are better at committing suicide than women. Also I can't relate personally because I never feel lonely.

Anonymous 11/06/24(Wed)19:09:56 No. flounge-B75797C7  [Reply]
dumb bunny usagi is down again
Anonymous 11/06/24(Wed)19:36:11 No. flounge-C7625F8F
now its just horribly slow
Anonymous 11/11/24(Mon)13:29:28 No. flounge-DA409AE6
raped bnuny
dead site
Anonymous 11/13/24(Wed)00:50:41 No. foverboard-E5U13F82
>>foverboard-GTJS0EWV >dead site Not even close to the deadest imageboard. We get posts pretty much every day, and that's not even counting spam!

What are you doing right now? Anonymous 11/12/24(Tue)00:35:11 No. 8GEGG6VK  [Reply]
Currently /lounging/ around under the covers when I should be sleeping.

Textboards > imageboards Anonymous 10/29/24(Tue)20:48:05 No. WLNIY7H7  [Reply]
I hate having to find an image that won't break my opsec to start a new thread
Anonymous 10/30/24(Wed)16:42:33 No. MJL8RBED
>>WLNIY7H7 (OP) > I hate having to find an image that won't break my opsec to start a new thread I can relate with this
Anonymous 11/13/24(Wed)03:50:43 No. CQ8VG0T0
BED of truth

The worldview of the "rationalist movement" Anonymous 10/29/24(Tue)20:40:26 No. KPCYNQ9X  [Reply]
https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/6h9p6NZ5RRFvAqWq5/the-summoned-heroine-s-prediction-markets-keep-providing >The Heroine ignored this. “The markets . . . did something markets are supposed to. They kept you in power. They made it so the sociopath at the top of the pyramid was the kind that’s clever and myopic and numerate and invested in the status quo. Not some crazed, bloodthirsty gloryhound; not someone who’d burn the world for a doomed ambition; not someone who destroys by mistake, or just for the sake of it. And I’ve faced a lot of your potential replacements in battle, so I know they’d have been worse.” That's an interesting value judgement.
Anonymous 10/29/24(Tue)20:41:06 No. BA20IIDK
>>KPCYNQ9X (OP) >The worldview of the "rationalist movement" Maybe

NEETdom Anonymous 09/14/24(Sat)19:20:23 No. LOM7P8IQ  [Reply]
anyone else /rotting/ here?
Anonymous 09/20/24(Fri)05:59:29 No. KHZQ6IB6
I wish to escape this but I can neither afford college nor training so I'm just stuck cleaning floors until I die of starvation or exposure to the elements LOL

Udongein Anonymous 09/07/24(Sat)20:42:46 No. flounge-B300B2B3  [Reply]
          _                  /⌒ヽ          /  \                 /   \          /    \               / \   \          /    |  \            /  / ヽ    ヽ        /     / ヽ 、 \ _ -‐ ‐'⌒ ー-/  /   i      丶        i      /    ヽ ゝ:: : : : : : : : : : : : : :\    ヽ    ノ        ヽ _ /     / : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :\   `─ ´                  /: : : : : : : : : : : : : :|: :ヽ : : : :\                    / : : : : : : : : : |: |: : : : |_ : : : : : : : ヽ                   / : : : |: : /: : 八: |\: : 「\|:: : : : :│              |′:/ : | : //   ∨  \| │.: : : : :|              | : :| : : | : | -―    --  |: : : : :| |               i: : |: : : ∨x==    ==ミ、 |: : : : :l |               |: : | : : : | .:.:::::.      ::::.:.:. /|: : : : :l |              |  | : : : |    、 _,     {イ: : : :/ノ                {: |: : : :|> .,,___. イ、|: : /:/                   |  ヽ、::::ヽ::_\xヘ/::::::::∨/ /               | {::―-、/::(´`} Y⌒)-::{´:: ::|               /∧:::::::/:::::::::ヘー{ハ-∧::〈ヽ:: i                /::∧:::::::::::::::::::∨」」V:::::::::} `                ,′:::::\_::::/o::::::{::::::::::/                 |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::O:::::::\_ノ                 |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::〈                 |\:::::::::::::::::::::○::::::::::::::〉              { /\::::::::::::::/\__/\
Anonymous 09/07/24(Sat)21:02:54 No. flounge-E06EA1F1

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