/main/ - Usagi

Usagi is a federated image board instance.

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Mark sensitive

R: 9
Akari Nationalism General (continued)
Old thread https://usagi.reisen/b/X11WVVIW
R: 1
Do you guys play animal crossing?
R: 401/ A: 50
New akari thread. >>https://usagi.reisen/b/T7TFZOND (old)
R: 0
What do you guys think of the latest Minecraft update?
R: 0
Do you guys like adventure time?
R: 2
just use nntpchan! https://github.com/konamicode9/nntpchan
R: 162/ A: 3
Interesting News & Links
What have ya got?
R: 228/ A: 44
To what are you listening right now?
Music, podcast, audiobook, game, environment, or anything else welcome - with links if desired
R: 6/ A: 6
Hamster Thread
Post funny hamsters
R: 0
Buck status?
R: 3/ A: 1
Hey guys!
I guess that's it
R: 99/ A: 84
Random images & videos
R: 0
What's Lois gonna do to family guy?
R: 3
What are you working on /g/?
Creating this thread in hopes to breathe some more life into this board/site, and maybe find some inspiration for stuff I could code too. What are you currently working on? Any projects you've abandoned, and might want to pickup again? Pic not related
R: 2
Walk in see this
R: 55/ A: 4
Please address rampant anorectal violence & facilitating factors.
• Blatantly injurious erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, a girthy penis/object, and a prolonged duration—is rampant worldwide. It is impossible for resultant anal and rectal injuries and serious/chronic/permanent health consequences to be uncommon due to anorectal fragility relating to anatomy and neuromuscular physiology. • Widespread (willful) ignorance, apathy, misinformation, and disinformation about anorectal anatomy, physiology, and health are facilitating rampant anorectal violence. • People with (self-)destructive inclinations, some affiliated with pornography companies, are having a field day with anorectal violence and spreading disinformation. This is contributing greatly to societal decay, aka decadence. • Watching violent pornography can have numerous effects on some viewers (including inspiring them to the point of emulation, even using coercion). • Pornography is being used as a substitute for sexual education in many cases. • There are, or most certainly should be, criminal implications for people who perpetrate anorectal violence against one or more others. Furthermore, various factors on their own or combined can in some regions (and anywhere else definitely should) invalidate consent from a legal perspective; these include the possibility or actual result of serious injury, use of a strong mind-altering drug, and the presence of a significant mental disorder such as a severe case of sexual masochism disorder. FChan is no more. :( My previous thread, started one year ago on FChan, can still be found here: https://usagi.reisen/b/BAI8AY22
R: 1
Antonia Eliana Ortiz Schiaffino
R: 2/ A: 1
когда уже сделают нормальный тор аналог двача? ну или дайте на лолифокс ссылки или на тор2сн че бля нихуя найти не могу
R: 7
What is the actual purpose of a registrar and how can I avoid using one? Will hosting my own nameservers help?
R: 14/ A: 1
Share some interesting or useful software and services. * yt-dlp: Downloads videos and audio. Supports a ton of sites. https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp * gallery-dl: Downloads images including entire galleries and accounts. Coomer-focused, but supports generic hosts like imgur or Twitter accounts. https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl * Image Max URL: When given an image or video url, it'll grab the largest/original file. Available as a script or a website. https://github.com/qsniyg/maxurl https://qsniyg.github.io/maxurl/ - * BespokeSynth: Modular software synth and DAW. https://github.com/BespokeSynth/BespokeSynth * VCV Rack: Virtual modular synth. Freeware with a paid version. Popular, so there's a ton of third-party modules, a bunch of which are free. https://vcvrack.com * SunVox: Tracker-based modular synth. https://warmplace.ru/soft/sunvox/ * Pure Data: Free version of Miller Puckette's original Max language. https://puredata.info * BlackHole: Zero latency loopback driver for Mac OS. https://github.com/ExistentialAudio/BlackHole - * Reticulum and LXMF: Networking protocol and messaging format designed to work over high latency and low bandwidth networks such as packet radio. https://github.com/markqvist/Reticulum https://github.com/markqvist/LXMF * Clients built on LXMF: https://github.com/markqvist/NomadNet https://github.com/markqvist/Sideband https://github.com/liamcottle/reticulum-meshchat * NNTPChan: Decentralized imageboard using the NNTP protocol from Usenet. Unfortunately, seems to be dead. There were like a dozen instances at one point, but I'm unaware of any that are active. Basically fchan a decade ago. https://github.com/nntpchan/nntpchan * BitChan and Gochan: More cool imageboard software, but even deader than us. https://github.com/813492291816/BitChan https://github.com/gochan-org/gochan * Superhighway84: Usenet-inspired decentralized forum. https://github.com/mrusme/superhighway84
R: 13
Hi Im new and lost
Hi I’m new here and a bit lost still. Why am I here? Well, I’m reaching out looking, for a website, a forum, a chat, something, because I have a fetish that seems taboo, and sick of feeling isolated and alone. No, it’s not p3d0 / CP, well except to most people who don’t bother to look past a cover it is, I’m more Hedephilia or Ephebophilia, but only within the context of Macrophilia. Whether it was Land of the Giants, Gulliver’s travels, Honey, I shrunk, or the fact most cartoons had a “shrinking episode” (TMHT/TMNT where they shrunk and April found them “you’re so tiny”) all got me excited. However, the Macrophilia community is really judgemental, and anything that vaguely looks under 18 is deleted and you’re banned. Japan seem to be the only place that understands, quite a few anime and manga about Giantess girls (though I prefer regular sized girls finding a shrunken guy), and yes while 18+ is fine most of the time, there’s something cute, endearing, about those mangas about schoolgirls. To be clear, I do not want to abuse anyone, least of all anyone under 18. I am not interested in any of that material (CP) that sounds like it’s floating around this part of the web in vast amounts. The fact is the reverse is true, I would like them to abuse me, well unknowingly, as I prefer gentle, kind, mischievous and lewd, not cruel like many apparently do, it’s a fantasy where I’m the size of a toy, a doll, a small action figure and she’s curious and exploring sexuality as it’s new to her still. Like a lot of these things it’s a power dynamic but it’s the opposite of seemingly what most expect. I’m not identifying with the victim, I want to be the victim but to a sweet, innocent, curious, lewd girl taking advantage of me. When I was younger, there were websites that had collages, they were rough, literally look like someone had cut out and stuck together in real life paper and scanned back in, but you know tech was basic back then. Guessing they’ve all been shutdown now or too scared to operate. Now we have AI, but again there’s so many limits and censorship. So, there it is, I’m lumped in with the monsters, kink shamed, when all I want to do is write, make AI images (not using anyone’s likeness, though I’m not sure public figures can escape people doing whatever, anyway), chat with other likeminded individuals. I wouldn’t harm anyone in real life and have no interest in any material that caused harm to someone in its making. So, anywhere here and anyone like that? Any address you point me to or advice? Or is this part of the web just the other extreme end and I’m looking for something in the middle that doesn’t exist?
R: 1
dead board is dead
R: 12/ A: 4
made a new fedi account
Post my new profile picture or banner, preferably something retarded looking or funny, thanks
R: 4
Textboards > imageboards
I hate having to find an image that won't break my opsec to start a new thread
R: 2/ A: 1
Is this a slavpedo board now?
R: 2/ A: 1
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFaAjR_RRJs Strandbased
R: 4
I still don't understand why some men want to become women. I get the other direction. Women get creeped on all the time. Who would want to become one?
R: 2/ A: 2
the random board
very random indeed
R: 5/ A: 1
Current Happenings
Current happenings and events from around the net. See also the Interesting News & Links thread: >>https://usagi.reisen/b/ZECX7JON
R: 23/ A: 4
I wish I was introverted sometimes. I am so unhappy being friendless.
R: 3
science ryan is practically unfindable on youtube because of the reams of search result spam from that faggot ryan's world anyway I find his postmodernist nonsense annoying. of course truth works according to the correspondence theory. how else could it?
R: 25/ A: 6
I dug a quarry in minetest. I want to build a road that goes to the end of the map all four cardinal directions and I am planning to make it out of cobblestone
R: 0
https://9channel.moe/ is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images. There are boards dedicated to a variety of topics. You can even create your own board with your chosen topics. Users do not need to register an account before participating in the community
R: 0
What are you doing right now?
Currently /lounging/ around under the covers when I should be sleeping.
R: 27/ A: 2
>4chan is going to shit >fchan is not getting 4chan refugees how?
R: 6
Alternatives to YouTube for anyone liking Tor, Invidious, & desktop browser with Javascript disabled
I have a feeling that Invidious could go the way of Nitter in the future (a major company being hostile to third-party interfaces and ultimately killing them off, or at a minimum making them highly inconvenient to use). That's why I'd like to see alternatives to YouTube similar to Invidious: chiefly being Tor-friendly (instances with no or tamed Cloudflare, plus availability of onion instances) and working well with a desktop browser that has Javascript disabled. I've heard about PeerTube. It's federated, which is good. However, its web interface at least requires Javascript. While third-party applications are available, development appears to have stalled/ceased on some or all of them. Putting that aside, isn't it reasonable to expect a desktop web browser to work under the documented conditions when it does for Invidious?
R: 7
I'm bored, post internet radio stations. Music or otherwise.
R: 5/ A: 5
Game Kino
R: 1
The worldview of the "rationalist movement"
https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/6h9p6NZ5RRFvAqWq5/the-summoned-heroine-s-prediction-markets-keep-providing >The Heroine ignored this. “The markets . . . did something markets are supposed to. They kept you in power. They made it so the sociopath at the top of the pyramid was the kind that’s clever and myopic and numerate and invested in the status quo. Not some crazed, bloodthirsty gloryhound; not someone who’d burn the world for a doomed ambition; not someone who destroys by mistake, or just for the sake of it. And I’ve faced a lot of your potential replacements in battle, so I know they’d have been worse.” That's an interesting value judgement.
R: 3
Idea: Forum with TLS client certificates instead of accounts or tripcodes. Posting without a cert could be possible and would be how you have an anonymous forum such as an image- or textboard. It goes without saying that the vast majority of these certs would be self-signed. But other kinds of certs might come in handy for, say, official statements from organisations. The private key would be used to sign posts for added security.
R: 20/ A: 2
I don't understand something. How come this area of the internet (dark fedi, this imageboard) is so racist against Jews and blacks, but simultaneously very friendly towards the LGBT (for instance, trans people)? I guess it doesn't technically contradict but it still feels very odd. Am I missing something? (Tried to find a pic that was related but couldn't so pic unrelated)
R: 5
Lisp is good, but it's not pleasant for many to look at. I propose HTMLisp. Yes, Lisp and HTML hybrid functional programming language. Lisp: (+ 2 2) (setf var 2) HTMLisp version a: <+> 2 2 </+> <setf> var=2 </setf> HTML version b: <setf> var 2 </setf>
R: 2/ A: 1
AGPL dodging 2: electric boogaloo
> Get the server code here: https://github.com/anomalous69/fchannel This doesn't work anymore.
R: 2
Starbound source code leak
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:bd7fa06196ff340d3efcbc33c0f177cc73471304&dn=Starbound%20v1.4.4%20source&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.opentrackr.org%3a1337%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fopentracker.i2p.rocks%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=http%3a%2f%2ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3a80%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fopen.demonii.com%3a1337%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fopen.stealth.si%3a80%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fexodus.desync.com%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.torrent.eu.org%3a451%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.moeking.me%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.tiny-vps.com%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.bitsearch.to%3a1337%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fexplodie.org%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fuploads.gamecoast.net%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker2.dler.org%3a80%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker1.bt.moack.co.kr%3a80%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.theoks.net%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.monitorit4.me%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.auctor.tv%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.4.babico.name.tr%3a3131%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fsanincode.com%3a6969%2fannounce https://rose.dev/blog/2023/05/27/starbound-1-4-4-source-code-access/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmSjwU5by74
R: 5
I would really like a website where I can explore ideas and ask questions without fear of censorship from governments, admins, or what I say following me in real life. Image and text boards come close, but they don't take things very seriously sometimes.
R: 502/ A: 97
The official blog of akari nation continued (old >>https://usagi.reisen/b/I7YE7QIM).
R: 6/ A: 1
Usagi's Tor hidden service intermittently desynchronized from the clearnet site
Within the last week or two, I've noticed that Usagi's onion site frequently is stuck in the past versus the clearnet site. The onion overboard displays posts up to Sep 27 with nothing newer. The issue seems sporadic, because sometimes the hidden service is up-to-date with the clearnet site.
R: 10
Anonymous I2P instance project?
Would host-kun be interested in making an I2P proxy and documenting the process? I'm thinking of running a personal (private) instance behind I2P for anonymity (and curiosity) reasons. I'd be nice to federate with y'all, I love this instance. If I can't inject the internet directly into my penis, why even live? Oh, here's the I2P website for the uninitiated https://geti2p.net/en/
R: 6/ A: 2
Cat Thread
FChannel needs more cats :3 Here's mine!
R: 1
anyone else /rotting/ here?
R: 6
anomolous xmpeepee
Anyone else tried using XMPP with the anonymous SASL mode? It's not that great an experience. There are only 3 clients listed on https://xmpp.org/software/ that support it (or at least, that support XEP-0175) It would be great if there were an easy client that could just connect to the given server anonymously and you could do your thing and then leave without all this messing about with "adding accounts" (Gajim) or there being no connect command (poezio), or it only working on Haiku (Renga). It would also be great if there were supporting mobile clients.
R: 6/ A: 1
Youtubers are fucking morons
>Be youtuber >Instigate online weirdo >Nonconsensually film them >Online weirdo hits them >"CALL THE COPS HE HIT ME ;~;" https://youtu.be/iYz5xPSlZIM?si=EuAifBCbC29QVTvN Bro youtubers are fucking moron what the fuck did he think was gonna happen
R: 3
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpRRwgyeBak This gives me an idea for a sci-fi story: Premise: internet shitposters and trolls are actually not human, but computer viruses/worms that have evolved sapience in the primordial soup of the internet. The main character is a virus that is trying to enter the physical world somehow. Or maybe a human who has had their mind infected by such a virus a la Snow Crash/Terry A. Davis
R: 0
You should really change the name of the software from fchan to something else. There's already a website called fchan (http://fchan.us/) and it's short for "furry chan". When I google fchan most of the results end up being for that website. perhaps renpouchan or something like that (I had a bunch of other names but they were all taken).
R: 5/ A: 3
dumb bunny let the certificate expire for dis
R: 4
I have sometimes thought it would be cool if there was a specialised protocol for forums and imageboards that you could connect to via specialised clients instead of web browsers. There could be a web interface as well for people who don't want to use it. Using specialised clients would make possible techniques for detecting censorship, post editing, and other badmin behaviour. Everything (such as posts, threads, and attachments; or on normal forums also bios and user metadata) would be cryptographically signed and hashed, and public keys and hashes would be constantly saved by the client whenever it comes across them, allowing it to detect when content is altered or deleted, which it would inform the user about in the interface.
R: 0
Federated threads don't show up on the /overboard/. IDK if this is intentional.
R: 3
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kMIqh64tvg >tfw the nutrient-rich deep ocean supports an advanced civilisation of cephalopods who regularly send crafts to the surface which are the source of our UAP sightings
R: 3/ A: 3
Free software music thread
R: 1
only new threads will federate?
R: 7/ A: 1
>>Usagi is a federated image board based on ActivityPub. looks that activitypub federation on usagi side not fully supported - can't federate from my onion mitra instance 2023-12-13T21:11:21 mitra::activitypub::deliverer [INFO] response from https://usagi.reisen/b/inbox: [500] ActorInbox:34 : GetActivityFromJson:126 : GetObjectFromJson:198 : json: can 2023-12-13T21:11:21 mitra::activitypub::deliverer [WARN] failed to deliver activity to https://usagi.reisen/b/inbox: http error 500
R: 7/ A: 1
R: 3
Dream thread
>be me >dream.mp4 >in familiar dreamscape >be half-naked >wonder if all the areas I find myself in in dreams are part of the same world >decide to float away (as I often do in dreams) >panic a little bit as I float off a giant cliff and over a body of water (probably a river) >try really hard to steer myself towards land so I don't drown >float down to a muddy patch by the water >there's a group of monkeys >one of them grins at me and says "ooh. human brain. we love to eat human brain" >reach down to the mud and pry out a stone >shockedmonkeyfaces.jpg >they run away, leaving two monkeys behind in the tree >start to bash one of the monkeys with the stone >other monkey shakes his head >notice that first monkey is tied to the tree with string >wake up
R: 3/ A: 1
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0fwRMvNkoA Why wouldn't the thought experiment mean that negative mass doesn't exist because the conclusion is absurd? I'm not a physicist but it feels like word salad to me.
R: 10/ A: 5
R: 2
Lets assume that we don't have any parallel universes, that means our universe can only have 1 perpendicular universe, because otherwise you would make a square (or a third of a square), and the square would have parallel lines. This is assuming the multiverse is non-euclidian, which is true, because our eyes are non-euclidian.
R: 2
It do be like that.
R: 20/ A: 4
I don't like "Gushing over Magical Girls" because it focuses too much on sadism and not enough on masochism. I still try to project into the characters being tortured though.
R: 3
Konosuba - Isekai shit - not funny - nobody goes anywhere cool Mahoujin guruguru - Fantasy trusoul - Very funny - very cool locations
R: 0
The ending to the original space battleship yamato was shit.
R: 3/ A: 1
R: 3
alt-chan technologies
Is this is a superior altchan technology to fchan? Bitmessage sounds cooler than ActivityPub. Full decentralization is preferable to federated cuck.
R: 3/ A: 1
When I am World Dictator, school bullying, allowing school bullying, being okay with school bullying, and making jokes about bullying victims will carry the death penalty.
R: 1/ A: 1
This board needs more Rance.
R: 6
increasing thought crimes
i love stable diffusion and the jail bait tits i can generate with it i will never spank the monkey to used up slut roasties ever again stable diffusion gives me an infinite pool of vril to draw yes fucking kids is gross and wrong no a teen is not a kid and only in recent history has this been so confused starve feminists and yank it to stable diffusion jail bait qed
R: 502/ A: 80
My old blogthread (>>https://usagi.reisen/b/FLVRRGD8) got to 500 posts so I'm gonna create another blogthread (the 500 post one is taking too long to load).
R: 50/ A: 3
How the fuck do we revive fchan? Also how do we see the list of instances that this instance federates with?
R: 6
Why haven't tripcodes been updated since the early days of imageboards? Insecure tripcodes are, as the name suggests, insecure and secure tripcodes don't work cross-site (which is essential for a federated network like this one is supposed to be). I propose using public-private keypairs as tripcodes. You can do this already by pasting the output of GPG into the post field, but it would be more convenient if a browser extension or client-side JS did everything automatically.
R: 2/ A: 1
I'm so lonely. I don't have any friends IRL or even any online community I feel comfortable with. People seem repulsed by me, and sometimes, I am repulsed by them. I am ignored all the time. Even my own family leave me to rot.
R: 2
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6wL_CwCMy4 >final coincidence I predict that one day we will learn to harvest vacuum energy leading to the universe falling into that stable state. When that day comes, the world will feel lifeless and dead, as we will have sucked the life out of everything. Or maybe we will harvest enough energy to tip the vacuum over the edge, and then fall downhill the rest of the way (pic related) and the sudden release of energy will tear everything apart.
R: 10/ A: 2
*Usami board
R: 1
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POBN5PMYfRE This looks really interesting but sadly, I don't understand much of it. Could be useful for making P2P networks more efficient perhaps?
R: 3
What's the point in having a password field if there's no option to delete posts?
R: 1
R: 1
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBTBj9yBy1o 24, the answer to death, a small corner in a bathroom in a rundown building in Chernobyl, and nothing
R: 4/ A: 1
>nsfw im not posting my pp here b
R: 1
haven't checked on this place for a year, how's it going? this still the last remaining instance or have new ones cropped up?
R: 1/ A: 1
What if threads were like boards and could be infinitely nested?
R: 13/ A: 3
It would be really cool if you could talk to people from imageboards privately. Maybe there could be a browser extension that adds a random (for anonymity) address with a communication application to each post. I think SimpleX Chat would work well because of it's "Incognito Mode" and because you don't have to make millions of accounts with a server that might not like that.
R: 0
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ff8j_oKQVH0 This was pretty obvious to me
R: 3/ A: 1
Usagi Reisen
A soggy raisin
R: 2
https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/medical-disciplinary-tribunal-suspends-nurse-who-has-sexual-relationship-with-a-patient/YCBEQLFKG5AOLFCP4LOTOYZ6EQ Everything about this story enrages me. Why was Mr T even in the hospital-prison in the first place? He doesn't sound like the sort of person who would be violent so probably thoughtcrime aka psychosis. God I hate head shrinkers so much it's unreal.
R: 0

R: 0
Just watched the Oomuro-ke movie and it was cute and funny.
R: 0
https://www.halfords.com/technology/mobile-phone-accessories/audio-accessories/scosche-universal-wireless-fm-transmitter-472442.html I wonder if something like this could be used to jam that really annoying music they play in public places?
R: 2
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37VP5tAeKPY serene and beautiful
R: 3
Wikipedia logo.
I never noticed that the "A" at the end of Wikipedia is capitalized in their logo until today.
R: 5/ A: 4
here im a day late
R: 1
It took me 48 hours to find somebody hiring for Jewish organized crime in Montreal. Annie was a mess. And that has now staged towards Karen Daniels constantly. I never got enough speeding tickets to turn her into Mia Townsend. The games never let you side with cops by design. Tortured South African diplomats are the hardest Ra social memory complex aspects to unlock: They are healing as Octave.
R: 8/ A: 2
Hi, I wrote https://0chan.vip another federated *chan that is a bit older than Fchannel. Is Usagi.reisen the only fchannel node left? 0chan is the only "multichan" node surviving (after some spam issues and bullshit). Maybe we can link with each other...?!
R: 0
that last event was lame
R: 1
Buckingham and Oval Office people are forced to act as hearts that time the entire system. The solar winds demand all the hearts keep the same time. Those places will drain your mind and body into a stupor. You have to release cardiac stress faster than anyone and most just fall to a state of an animal. That is why President Henry Eden was real on Maldek. Human primal power is a circus of a ritual. It is a dunce cap. You can't make me go in there. You can't force me into power. It makes no sense. RA SMC HAILS AS THE RESULT OF THOSE SOLAR WINDS BEING RESEARCHED THAT YOU MUST SEEK POWER :) They believe my material belongs to the world only because it restrains forgetting of the past. SUN HAILS AS ESSENTIAL PROCESS SINCE PARADIGM CITY :) Why would I ever belong to the world that dear? MALDEK IS DONE :) YOUR MATERIAL GOES TO THE EARTH AND YOU KEEP WHAT REMAINS :) The nuclear power and footballs chain you to the Earth. It has brought most administrations to a cardiac sleep. This world is not meant to last this way. The leaders will all become animals as the princes. CREATIONS HAIL AS EXCELLENT LESSONS IN POWER :) They think they can get somebody to force me into this process. The very sleep of the executive agencies preempts my retrieval. You only average for these agencies as power as you refuse to lead peoples as gods in Babylon. And now you force me to work for you and them? Why? BECAUSE YOU KNOW WE EXIST :) YOU WILL COOPERATE WITH POWERS GREATER THAN YOUR OWN :( And what tax do I pay that is so dear? STOLEN THE PROBLEM IS NONE SO FAR :)
R: 2/ A: 1
The glider in this logo makes me cringe.
R: 6/ A: 2
what did bunny mean by this
R: 2
R: 0
R: 9/ A: 1
Hypothetical Cross-Service Operations
it's pretty cool how you can post from mastodon into a lemmy instance in this thread we hypothesize about potential interoperability between fchan and other activitypub services
R: 4/ A: 1
Idea for FChannel
Post hiding. So that you can hide reported posts until they are dealt with.
R: 10
Somebody was walking an emu around town the other day. It was pretty cool, I got to pet it.
R: 7/ A: 5
The free software song by richard stallman.
R: 5/ A: 5
post backgrounds.
R: 3
How did you guys find fchan, personally I found it on 4chan's /g/ board after the original dev posted about it on there.
R: 5/ A: 1
dead board
R: 7
Fun fact
The ActivityPub standard was mostly written by Transgender/Queer people. 4 out of the 5 authors listed are trans/nonbinary. https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/
R: 2/ A: 2
Bra / Panty Pics
bra / panty pics
R: 2
Is this an Usagi site?
R: 1
only seventeen
R: 1
Pretty cool car.
R: 2/ A: 2
R: 500/ A: 48
> https://peervideo.club/search?tagsOneOf=omoani gigajems
R: 2/ A: 1
New uberkino gigabanger just dropped.
R: 2
https://emojipedia.org/pregnant-man Emojis have gone woke.
R: 0
GNU: we generally do not accept new packages that substantially overlap with an existing GNU package. As a coherent system, it is better for GNU to have a given package to do a given job, and people in that area to contribute to and improve that package, working together, instead of having many packages that each do different parts of a job, each developed on its own. Similarly, a small program often fits better as part of an existing package than being a new package of its own. Also GNU: *has 5 text editors (ed, emacs, moe, nano, and zile) and 4 implementations of scheme (guile, kawa, MIT/GNU Scheme, SCM) *
R: 15/ A: 3
I watched Trigun (original) and it was good but it wasn't great. Trigun reminded me a lot of Rurouni Kenshin.
R: 0
R: 2/ A: 1
Somebody needs to draw the Iliad but with the characters from Yuru Yuri.
R: 6/ A: 5
gif test
R: 16/ A: 4
R: 8/ A: 3
I've never seen this fetish before.
R: 4
It would be cool if boards had an RSS feed.
R: 1
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
   printf("Hello, BOOBS!");
   return 0;
R: 3/ A: 1
Meli Christmas!
R: 2
could somebody here please suggest me a modern album to listen to from start to finish?
Preferably something indie that gives me 1990s Nintendo 64 OST vibes For some reason, despite being born in 2001, that kind of dream-like nostalgic MIDI sound has always captivated me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVEVc48JRJQ&t=2s&pp=ygUic3VwZXIgbWFyaW8gNjQgb3JpZ2luYWwgc291bmR0cmFjaw%3D%3D
R: 2
How do I get happy? I'm so unhappy it's unreal
R: 1
I decided to start building a general purpose Bibtex bibliography file and I'm honestly sad I didn't do it sooner. I am able to use Emacs org mode to cite studies wherever I want now.
(require 'oc-bibtex)
(setq org-cite-global-bibliography
       (file-truename "~/Documents/bibliography_file.bib")))
R: 5
Idea for censorship-resistant piracy
local offline pirate (or legal) library mirrors that store metadata and IPFS/magnet links (Anna's Archive already uses IPFS gateways so we get that for free), packaged as an application. It could use RSS or Atom feeds to keep up to date and have built-in search. So, for example, a source could be libgen, Sci-Hub, etc. Or even a legal library. Compared to just searching in Anna's Archive, it prevents/mitigates: - external censorship (i.e. censorship from hosting providers and governments) (probably the biggest threat when it comes to piracy) - internal censorship (i.e. censorship from the library owners themselves) (always possible) - server/human failure (mistakes happen) Is this feasible? Would the set of CIDs/infohashes be small enough?
R: 7
R: 0
R: 3
R: 0
This has got to be the best alarm sound to remind you to take your medication: https://gitlab.com/simpilldev/simpill/-/blob/main/app/src/main/res/raw/eas_alarm.mp3 In the app, it calls it "Doomsday Alarm".
R: 6/ A: 3
Example thread
Here it is
R: 23/ A: 7
Future of fchan
I really want an activitypub based imageboard to continue. Please do the needful
R: 0
stab stab stab
R: 4/ A: 1
Just when I was about to consider cranking one out, the manga does a complete 180
R: 7
I feel so ashamed at what I look at. It really is disgusting. What can I do, /b/achelors? Thankfully, I think it's not illegal. Not enforced anyway. And it doesn't harm anyone real.
R: 4/ A: 2
Cool Reisen...
R: 4
A while ago, there was an idea called OcapPub that was meant to be ActivityPub but where you have to invite people to talk to you. I was thinking something like that might be a good idea to deal with the coming AI bot problem. We could have a locked down social network where existing members have to attest to the humanity of new members. An imageboard could be implemented by using ring signatures to add anonymity.

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