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File: orange cat grabs a train o(...).mp4 (506.49 KiB) [Draw]
https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/medical-disciplinary-tribunal-suspends-nurse-who-has-sexual-relationship-with-a-patient/YCBEQLFKG5AOLFCP4LOTOYZ6EQ Everything about this story enrages me. Why was Mr T even in the hospital-prison in the first place? He doesn't sound like the sort of person who would be violent so probably thoughtcrime aka psychosis. God I hate head shrinkers so much it's unreal.
Anonymous 04/16/24(Tue)03:34:19 No. fb-6T1BZRTH
It would be different if she started dating him while he was in the hospital, but it shouldn't be anyone's business who he dates after he leaves. She did nothing wrong.
Anonymous 04/16/24(Tue)03:36:41 No. fb-LA4M6HTR
>>fb-6T1BZRTH Actually, it was wrong for her to lie to him about him fathering her two children. Still, other than that it seemed like a happy relationship.

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