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I don't understand something. How come this area of the internet (dark fedi, this imageboard) is so racist against Jews and blacks, but simultaneously very friendly towards the LGBT (for instance, trans people)? I guess it doesn't technically contradict but it still feels very odd. Am I missing something? (Tried to find a pic that was related but couldn't so pic unrelated)
Anonymous 05/03/24(Fri)21:56:27 No. fb-C43SDDB3
I don't think we are particularly prejudiced against jews and blacks here. I only use this website, no other fediverse, but I could hazard a guess about the other websites. Most of the time, people become less prejudiced after they have friendly interactions with different kinds of people. There are tons of LGBT people on the fediverse, so I would guess that some people realized that they are good people and stopped hating them. There aren't very many black nerds on the fediverse, so most people probably don't have any interactions with them. Most ethically jewish people don't mention they are jewish, so people might not realize they are friends with jews.
Anonymous 05/03/24(Fri)23:22:39 No. fb-SAFI0BPD
Newsflash: We're not all the same. I've noted before elsewhere that many LGB people may well come to regret their association with the trans movement. Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual are merely sexual preferences. Trans[genderism|sexuality] is much more than that; I can elaborate if requested, but I prefer to stay out of this particular quagmire especially on Usagi.
Anonymous 05/04/24(Sat)11:19:29 No. fb-2VDN3UYL
fedibant site really is fedibant site
Anonymous 05/06/24(Mon)14:00:24 No. fb-EQH49W3O >>fb-1JL0CBMT
>>fb-GY4CW95N (OP) My views are this: 1. Jews are good, my closest internet pals are Jewish, as long as they aren't ideological Zionists. 2. Blacks or simply negros are good as long as they aren't under the spell of BLM. 3. Lesbians and gays are fine, but transsexuals are mentally ill. Transsexual ideology is a subvariant of taking law (or more correctly imagination) of attraction to the extreme. Law of attraction defined as belief that the more you think, manifest, scient and talk about something you want, the more likely you will get it. I have met and communicated with the transsexuals, they are usually good people except in this single category. My standpoint of viewing someone positively is the question: To what extent is he controlled by his beliefs.
Anonymous 05/06/24(Mon)19:44:05 No. fb-Z7QNS8VE
I don't really give a shit about anything I just like to LARP as a hateful racists/homophobe/whatever because it tickles my brainstem. Also the fedi is lame and boring.
Anonymous 05/16/24(Thu)15:19:19 No. fb-1JL0CBMT
>>fb-EQH49W3O Fair enough

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