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I don't understand something. How come this area of the internet (dark fedi, this imageboard) is so racist against Jews and blacks, but simultaneously very friendly towards the LGBT (for instance, trans people)? I guess it doesn't technically contradict but it still feels very odd. Am I missing something? (Tried to find a pic that was related but couldn't so pic unrelated)
Anonymous 05/03/24(Fri)21:56:27 No. C43SDDB3
I don't think we are particularly prejudiced against jews and blacks here. I only use this website, no other fediverse, but I could hazard a guess about the other websites. Most of the time, people become less prejudiced after they have friendly interactions with different kinds of people. There are tons of LGBT people on the fediverse, so I would guess that some people realized that they are good people and stopped hating them. There aren't very many black nerds on the fediverse, so most people probably don't have any interactions with them. Most ethically jewish people don't mention they are jewish, so people might not realize they are friends with jews.
Anonymous 05/03/24(Fri)23:22:39 No. SAFI0BPD
Newsflash: We're not all the same. I've noted before elsewhere that many LGB people may well come to regret their association with the trans movement. Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual are merely sexual preferences. Trans[genderism|sexuality] is much more than that; I can elaborate if requested, but I prefer to stay out of this particular quagmire especially on Usagi.
Anonymous 05/04/24(Sat)11:19:29 No. 2VDN3UYL
fedibant site really is fedibant site
Anonymous 05/06/24(Mon)14:00:24 No. EQH49W3O >>1JL0CBMT
>>GY4CW95N (OP) My views are this: 1. Jews are good, my closest internet pals are Jewish, as long as they aren't ideological Zionists. 2. Blacks or simply negros are good as long as they aren't under the spell of BLM. 3. Lesbians and gays are fine, but transsexuals are mentally ill. Transsexual ideology is a subvariant of taking law (or more correctly imagination) of attraction to the extreme. Law of attraction defined as belief that the more you think, manifest, scient and talk about something you want, the more likely you will get it. I have met and communicated with the transsexuals, they are usually good people except in this single category. My standpoint of viewing someone positively is the question: To what extent is he controlled by his beliefs.
Anonymous 05/06/24(Mon)19:44:05 No. Z7QNS8VE
I don't really give a shit about anything I just like to LARP as a hateful racists/homophobe/whatever because it tickles my brainstem. Also the fedi is lame and boring.
Anonymous 05/16/24(Thu)15:19:19 No. 1JL0CBMT
>>EQH49W3O Fair enough
Anonymous 08/10/24(Sat)06:37:06 No. 2NYDE0R2 >>NHNYD007
The next four years in the U.S. at least are looking to be terrible no matter who wins: Clowns to the left of me. Jokers to the right. https://www.advocate.com/politics/kamala-harris-lgbtq-record How pro-LGBTQ+ is Kamala Harris? (2024/07/21) https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/lgbtq-celebrities-lawmakers-kamala-harris-rcna163542 LGBTQ celebrities and lawmakers come out in support of Kamala Harris (2024/07/24) https://www.advocate.com/election/out-for-kamala-call-letter Thousands are expected to join LGBTQ+ community call supporting Kamala Harris campaign (2024/07/24) https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/07/kamala-harris-vp-campaign-progressive-lgbtq-transgender-rights.html Kamala Harris’ Surprising Record on Trans Rights (2024/07/29) https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/campaigns/presidential/3101333/kamala-harris-expected-to-expand-bidens-child-gender-transition-agenda-if-elected/ Kamala Harris expected to expand Biden’s child gender transition agenda if elected (2024/07/29) https://www.hhs.gov/about/news/2022/03/02/statement-hhs-secretary-xavier-becerra-reaffirming-hhs-support-and-protection-for-lgbtqi-children-and-youth.html Statement by HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra Reaffirming HHS Support and Protection for LGBTQI+ Children and Youth https://www.hhs.gov/about/news/2022/06/27/readout-hhs-secretary-becerras-roundtable-with-trans-youth.html Readout of HHS Secretary Becerra’s Roundtable with Trans Youth https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/1131771/health-and-human-services-secretary-supports-gender-transitions-for-minors-in-committee-testimony/ Health and Human Services secretary [Xavier Becerra] supports gender transitions for minors in committee testimony (2023/06/13) https://www.hhs.gov/about/news/2024/03/29/statements-hhs-secretary-xavier-becerra-hhs-principals-ahead-transgender-day-visibility.html Statements by HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra and HHS Principals ahead of Transgender Day of Visibility https://thefederalist.com/2024/05/16/hhs-secretary-admits-the-feds-will-punish-hospitals-that-resist-trans-mutilation/ HHS Secretary [Xavier Becerra] Admits The Feds Will Punish Hospitals That Resist Trans Mutilation
Anonymous 08/10/24(Sat)20:19:16 No. NHNYD007
>>2NYDE0R2 all I'm seeing from this is Kamal is based AF
Anonymous 08/11/24(Sun)03:48:04 No. EU7AY96X >>TWLQPSJC
"Historically, the movement toward androgyny occurs in late phases of culture as a civilization is starting to unravel. You find it again, and again, and again, throughout history — in the Greek art you can see it happening. All of a sudden there's a kind of — the sculptures of handsome, new young men, athletes that used to be very robust in the Archaic Period suddenly begin to seem like a wet noodle toward the end. The people who live in such periods — the late phase of culture — whether it's the Hellenistic era, whether it's the Roman Empire, whether it's the Mauve Decade of Oscar Wilde in the 1890s, whether it's in Weimar Germany — people who live in such times feel that they're very sophisticated, they're very cosmopolitan: homosexuality, heterosexuality, so what, anything goes and so on. From the perspective of historical distance you can see that it's a culture that no longer believes in itself, and then what you invariably get are people who are convinced of the power of heroic masculinity on the edges—whether they're the Vandals and the Huns, or whether they're the barbarians of ISIS—you see them starting to mass on the outsides of the culture, and that's what we have right now. There is a tremendous and rather terrifying disconnect between the infatuation with the transgender movement in our own culture and what's going on out there. I'm concerned; I feel it's ominous. I question whether the transgender choice is indeed genuine in every single case, but again, what concerns me is when well-meaning adults believe that they are helping people by making it easier — some permanent change in the body from which there is no going back." "For example, Brown University, one of the elite ivy-league schools in the United States put sex-reassignment surgery on its student insurance program so that they can get a sex change in college... I feel that's evil, because what it does to young people today facing an uncertain job market — when it says people who are questioning their gender while they're at Brown University suddenly feel 'well, it's like economically better judgment for me to move now on this rather than to wait until I don't have a job and live in my parents' basement.' So, actually, the adult community trying to be understanding is, I think, involved in possibly making a permanent change in somebody's life that could have tragic consequences." https://youtube.com/watch?v=I8BRdwgPChQ Lesson from History: Transgender Mania is Sign of Cultural Collapse - Camille Paglia (Shared December 14, 2016)
Anonymous 08/11/24(Sun)16:17:04 No. TWLQPSJC >>DBZPAVZI
>>EU7AY96X People have been saying the US/West is about to collapse for well over 300 years now. Any time now!!!
Anonymous 08/11/24(Sun)19:59:10 No. RXVPZS78 >>FMNQYKW9
My position is that adults can do what they want, but children should be protected from messing with their genitals, which they are sometimes it seems to me encouraged to do by predators.
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>>RXVPZS78 also normal people who think it's normal to cut off dick skin lol, American mothers think that their sexual fetish for mutilated cock should extended to their own sons because the sexual appeal of their own sons is important to them LOL I HATE NORMALS AND I HATE WOMEN HAHA LMAO
Anonymous 08/14/24(Wed)22:28:07 No. DBZPAVZI >>A5P2ECDT
>>TWLQPSJC It's certainly not difficult to argue that the U.S. is declining on a societal level. Even setting aside the trans issues, political polarization is very high, the national debt has ballooned to a ridiculous sum and yet the government keeps on sending funds to other countries (most recently Israel), the education system is failing, etc.
Anonymous 08/22/24(Thu)14:46:36 No. GSTZVMEC
>>EU7AY96X Camille Paglia said "I have repeatedly protested the lynch-mob hysteria that dogs the issue of man-boy love. In Sexual Personae, I argued that male pedophilia is intricately intertwined with the cardinal moments of Western civilization." in 1997.
Anonymous 08/22/24(Thu)14:47:59 No. BQHSC1IV >>USHEQ28W
>>GSTZVMEC It looks like she changed her mind about it though.
Anonymous 08/25/24(Sun)02:25:32 No. USHEQ28W
>>BQHSC1IV Probably to avoid being lynched.
Anonymous 09/11/24(Wed)06:58:23 No. A5P2ECDT
>>DBZPAVZI also we're about to elect a half nigger half jeet woman president who's only promise is to make inflation even worse than it already it LOL
Anonymous 09/11/24(Wed)22:07:01 No. A4YVDUAA >>V3P9ZAI2
>>A5P2ECDT The inflation isn't that bad right now. Last time they checked it was 3.2%.
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>>A4YVDUAA https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/cpi.pdf This is my source (I didn't read the whole thing). I looked at all items less food and energy because apparently food and energy prices are more volatile.
Anonymous 10/14/24(Mon)14:57:28 No. 40HJ3PPD
Living in a black city, the more of them I meet the less I like them. I actually used to be less racist than I am now

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