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Dream thread Anonymous 03/13/24(Wed)01:43:38 No. fb-X8AE2Z15
>be me >dream.mp4 >in familiar dreamscape >be half-naked >wonder if all the areas I find myself in in dreams are part of the same world >decide to float away (as I often do in dreams) >panic a little bit as I float off a giant cliff and over a body of water (probably a river) >try really hard to steer myself towards land so I don't drown >float down to a muddy patch by the water >there's a group of monkeys >one of them grins at me and says "ooh. human brain. we love to eat human brain" >reach down to the mud and pry out a stone >shockedmonkeyfaces.jpg >they run away, leaving two monkeys behind in the tree >start to bash one of the monkeys with the stone >other monkey shakes his head >notice that first monkey is tied to the tree with string >wake up
Anonymous 03/13/24(Wed)02:05:04 No. fb-148NE3DU
This is basically the plot to 2001 a space odyssey

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