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was stallman ever wrong?
Anonymous 06/27/21(Sun)21:41:22 No. fg-QMF9005G
>>fg-7BY67R5P (OP) he was wrong in that he apologized and initially left the FSF.
Anonymous 06/28/21(Mon)00:09:49 No. fg-6RKSYD1M >>fg-LFXL5DGP
>>fg-7BY67R5P (OP) yea the gpl is shit and his code sucks ass. he's generally correct though
Anonymous 06/28/21(Mon)12:44:27 No. fg-9280V08C
>>fg-7BY67R5P (OP) Yeah, stallman is right about most things desu. granted, he's a mega autist, but he's mostly right. only thing i don't like is that he's an atheist, but whatever.
Anonymous 06/28/21(Mon)15:49:59 No. fg-LFXL5DGP >>fg-Z55IEN3E
>>fg-6RKSYD1M Why do you think GPL is "shit"?
Anonymous 06/29/21(Tue)01:07:04 No. fg-Z55IEN3E >>fg-CFR7PIZD
>>fg-LFXL5DGP too restrictive, you can't actually contribute to worthwhile projects if you gpl your code. anything that relies on IP law to sustain itself is shitty in general, and the goals of the gpl do not justify the means
Anonymous 06/29/21(Tue)13:35:07 No. fg-CFR7PIZD >>fg-QPMRJUAY
>>fg-Z55IEN3E GPL (and variants) is the only license that makes sure your software stays FLOSS. It is indeed > too restrictive for Google, Microsoft etc. because they are pragmatist monopolies that only care about profit. That is why they advocate for open source software alone; they can legally use all software with a permissive license in their proprietary spyware. This ranges from web servers such as Apache and NGINX used along their JS code to the MINIX kernel which is used by the IME backdoor in all Intel processors in the world since 2008. I did not even get into MacOS.
Anonymous 07/01/21(Thu)23:26:32 No. fg-N05MBFE6
>>fg-ZGEYWIJ9 → infinately based this kill the gnunigger
Anonymous 07/01/21(Thu)23:33:09 No. fg-QPMRJUAY >>fg-A2MFTSD3
>>fb-IL6JTP6P → >>fg-CFR7PIZD >i pnwd the corpos!!! you are fucking worthless. the big bad corpos you hate so much literally just rape gpl projects for profit (see redhat), and the smaller ones just don't say they are using gpl and get away with it because who the fuck cares. what the restrictions actually do is make improvements incompatible with permissive liscence purely for ideological reasons, so linux will never be able to donate code to 9front or openbsd or any actual good software project. the silver lining is that gpl code is usually fucking dogshit so it wouldn't actually be useful anyways. both of you should be contemplating suicide
Anonymous 07/03/21(Sat)07:46:21 No. fg-A2MFTSD3
>>fg-QPMRJUAY Red Hat is just another corporation that especially tries to appeal to the open source community, they suck off "the big bad corpos I hate" voluntarily to be among them. > what the restrictions actually do is make improvements incompatible with permissive liscence purely for ideological reasons, so linux will never be able to donate code to 9front or openbsd or any actual good software project. Fucking hell, educate yourself. GPL is compatible with most open source licenses, especially the ones that the open source community shills, such as MIT. The only actually known license it is not compatible with is the cringe, 4 clause variant BSD license which no one actually uses (They use the modified BSD or FreeBSD license which all are regarded as "The BSD License").

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