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Browser Shilling Thread Anonymous 06/27/21(Sun)16:31:17 No. fg-DQ6CZGBJ
Name a better browser, I'll wait.
tried compiling it from AUR, but something went wrong, no idea what are there any distro-agnostic nightly builds? until then I am staying on Firefox Nightly
Anonymous 06/27/21(Sun)19:09:36 No. fg-ENJS45WD >>fg-QGWOICN1
>>fg-NEYVI8WK Compiling a browser takes literal hours, I just use the librewolf-bin AUR. Way better
Anonymous 06/27/21(Sun)19:40:46 No. fg-1LJKT1QD >>fg-FBWFG6QH
>>fg-NEYVI8WK https://librewolf-community.gitlab.io/install/ Not sure about nightly builds but there are AppImage and Flatpak installations available, though I would highly suggest doing it the AUR way with the librewolf-bin repository like the previous anon did.
Anonymous 06/28/21(Mon)00:11:08 No. fg-FBWFG6QH >>fg-F19JC3O0
>>fg-1LJKT1QD is there any way to build this on openbsd? i don't know the compilation instructions to follow and they don't seem to post them on the docs page
Anonymous 06/28/21(Mon)03:15:55 No. fg-QGWOICN1
>>fg-ENJS45WD is there a benefit to compile it other than to just say you did? Tbh can't think of any
Anonymous 06/28/21(Mon)03:33:37 No. fg-94FIV1GP
>>fg-DQ6CZGBJ (OP) eww
Anonymous 06/28/21(Mon)12:15:31 No. fg-OB6S4FXZ
>>fg-DQ6CZGBJ (OP) baste, librewolf is good.
Anonymous 06/28/21(Mon)15:42:17 No. fg-F19JC3O0
>>fg-FBWFG6QH Not a BSD user and I could not find anything related to BSD in the docs either... If I were you I would install Firefox, apply Arkenfox (https://github.com/arkenfox/user.js) and install uBlock Origin, LocalCDN, Privacy Redirect (and NoScript for untrusted websites). You might also want to try GNU IceCat.
Anonymous 06/29/21(Tue)01:31:53 No. fg-RAKQKI0K
>>fb-52MQXGVB → Gotcha I didn't think it would be anything special. I actually was compiling it when I typed that question up haha. Its running about as well as the appimg from what I remember.
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>>fg-DQ6CZGBJ (OP)
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>>fg-YIGZ7ZYW DAILY REMINDER https://github.com/jasperla/openbsd-wip/issues/86
Anonymous 07/01/21(Thu)01:42:54 No. fg-2RMSZGSO
> flatpak, appimage I vomited in my beard This nerd is trying to remove shitty PM choices https://git.nuegia.net/webbrowser.git/ kinda neat
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>>fg-YIGZ7ZYW >picrel
Anonymous 07/02/21(Fri)07:48:23 No. fg-MRLVZ69Y
>>fg-RP1MF45L pozzed startpage kek
Anonymous 07/02/21(Fri)14:07:24 No. fg-I4CY5VYB
all you need is <code>curl | less</code>
Anonymous 07/02/21(Fri)23:11:35 No. fg-7OGGNZR1 >>fg-Q632U4NI
>>fg-DQ6CZGBJ (OP) A better browser? sure, qutebrowser.
Anonymous 07/03/21(Sat)07:08:30 No. fg-Q632U4NI >>fg-0ZE36ZF8
>>fg-7OGGNZR1 The fact that it is keyboard based is good and all but it is lacking, not private at all by default and it is a Chromium based browser. AFAIK you can get most of the benefits by installing the Tridactyl add-on to Librewolf.
Anonymous 07/03/21(Sat)13:18:59 No. fg-0ZE36ZF8
>>fg-Q632U4NI It's not private by default but it is fairly easy to configure. Obviously I would recomend librewolf to a normie who wants a better browser, but if you're using vim keys based browser you're probably already fairly comfortable editing config files and suchlike, and in fact qb is highly configurable. For example, I have a keybind which will go into hint mode then open the selected link in mpv, which I use for youtube and other things. I also have it riced nicely, and it is more riceable than firefox userchrome.css allows. Another advantage of qutebrowser is how minimal it is. I used Tridactyl (and vimperator before that) on hardened firefox for many years, and I have to say that qutebrowser is just a better implimentation of vim keys. With an addon, you have to wait for a page to load before it will actually let you use any command which opens the menu thing. For example, if I open a webpage, then while it's loading I want to open another page in a new tab, I have to wait for the current page to load first, and my internet is not the fastest. Also, I dont know if this is the case on librewolf, but on firefox the addon is dissabled on "official" pages, like about:addons for example. This annoys me. I don't believe qb is chromium based, I think it's based on qt web engine.
Anonymous 07/07/21(Wed)13:14:37 No. fg-MY98CJVD >>fg-4OYYT6HH
>>fg-DQ6CZGBJ (OP) >not ungoogled chromium or pale moon ngmi
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>>fg-DQ6CZGBJ (OP) I use IceWeasel. it just werks
Anonymous 07/07/21(Wed)22:34:51 No. fg-BO3NOQAS
i use ungoogled chromium, idridium, and firefox with arkenfox user.js
>>fg-YIGZ7ZYW Pale moon will make people seethe, but it's unironically good, and i appreciate the stability. Never had a bug really, and with the last version, you can even play most videos.
Anonymous 07/10/21(Sat)01:56:54 No. fg-3XNC5KT6
>>fg-DES4UNUZ i've never actually tried anything other than Librewolf, should I give others (such as pale moon) a shot?
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>>fg-RCX01VOR → Not using brave. I have ungoogled chromium as well for anything that needs chrome, I like librewolf better tbh.
Anonymous 07/12/21(Mon)10:08:49 No. fg-VRNBEBG9
>>fg-DQ6CZGBJ (OP) ungoogled because it cna be used with emacs bindings i use icecat over librewolf because librewolf package is fucked in chaotic
Anonymous 07/16/21(Fri)21:13:37 No. fg-4OYYT6HH
>>fg-YIGZ7ZYW >>fg-MY98CJVD >>fg-DES4UNUZ tried it and i get so many issues with cookies, playing videos, and general speed. How do you guys deal with that? I like the aesthetic of it, and if it was more usable I would absolutely switch to it
Anonymous 08/05/21(Thu)22:56:54 No. fg-7X01UPR1 >>fg-CTTUK8W2
>>fg-57IQQIDK → stop positing here then faggot
Anonymous 08/06/21(Fri)05:03:08 No. fg-CTTUK8W2
>>fg-7X01UPR1 fuck off, federation is a step forward to a less shitty web, so no i won't.
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>>fg-DQ6CZGBJ (OP) works on my machine
Anonymous 08/06/21(Fri)05:10:05 No. fg-DB6YHO3O
>>fg-DQ6CZGBJ (OP) has anyone tried Web Browser? (the palemoon fork) i've wanted to but there's no prebuilt binaries available and i always get random compiler error that I can't seem to solve
Anonymous 08/06/21(Fri)07:50:32 No. fg-0V3XIEZ0
>>fg-DB6YHO3O Yea, there are a bunch of dependencies that aren't listed in the BUILD file. You can usually find out what they are by reading the errors.
Anonymous 08/07/21(Sat)02:10:22 No. fg-68ENEMV3
>>fg-EAWW9QIP What fucking retards these Palememe guys are...
Anonymous 08/09/21(Mon)18:12:46 No. fg-XWJDZTSW
>>fg-X8PMLZEH → 0.01 BAT has been deposited into your account.
Anonymous 09/25/21(Sat)19:24:23 No. fg-USSN2Z9K >>fg-E4E5CJT4
>>fg-DQ6CZGBJ (OP) based librewolf, bump
Anonymous 09/26/21(Sun)03:41:31 No. fg-E4E5CJT4 >>fg-AHN95HAH
>>fg-USSN2Z9K s/based/bloated
Anonymous 09/26/21(Sun)19:46:01 No. fg-AHN95HAH
>>fg-E4E5CJT4 compared to some minimal based browser yes, compared to shit like chrome or firefox its pretty poggers
Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)13:10:09 No. fg-HL1Y655V
>>fg-DQ6CZGBJ (OP) Microsoft Edge, And?
Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)17:34:19 No. fg-V762Q427
I would use Librewolf, it's good, but the team is made of fascists. Thus i stick with Firefox. It's a shame.
Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)21:09:06 No. fg-6NQZD3L0 >>fg-2MXET6UE
>>fg-V762Q427 → >but the team is made of fascists please elaborate. what have they done or what are they planning on doing that's fascist?
Anonymous 10/15/21(Fri)02:44:11 No. fg-HZYRAROZ
>the team is made of fascists based
Anonymous 10/15/21(Fri)12:21:03 No. fg-2MXET6UE
>>fg-6NQZD3L0 The logo is a wolf. That's a hidden reference to Adolf Hitler, who was called Herr Wolf. So much hate and destruction caused by this man.
qutebrowser is based
Anonymous 10/23/21(Sat)14:57:31 No. fg-S5YJG077 >>fg-H2XX2MNE
>>fg-WAPOMVAY qutebrowser is based but it fucking consooms memory on my machine, i've had the OOM killer come out on an average workload that works perfectly fine on literally any other browser sucks, because i liked it. i miss it, even
Anonymous 10/25/21(Mon)16:16:30 No. fg-ZVEV67MQ
>>fg-DQ6CZGBJ (OP) I can't.
Anonymous 11/02/21(Tue)15:38:43 No. fg-H2XX2MNE
>>fg-WAPOMVAY This. Instead of binding bash scripts to a hotkey in dwm or launching through dmenu I can just add a keybind to qute and it will execute it. I still love librewolf but the customizability of qute makes it hard to be beat. >>fg-S5YJG077 I've noticed this too. This and the poor ad blocking are two big flaws. Also wish it had something like umatrix built in, and more privacy friendly features (auto delete history/cookies etc).

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