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Idea for censorship-resistant piracy Anonymous 09/29/23(Fri)22:46:39 No. fg-H4EP7X0B
local offline pirate (or legal) library mirrors that store metadata and IPFS/magnet links (Anna's Archive already uses IPFS gateways so we get that for free), packaged as an application. It could use RSS or Atom feeds to keep up to date and have built-in search. So, for example, a source could be libgen, Sci-Hub, etc. Or even a legal library. Compared to just searching in Anna's Archive, it prevents/mitigates: - external censorship (i.e. censorship from hosting providers and governments) (probably the biggest threat when it comes to piracy) - internal censorship (i.e. censorship from the library owners themselves) (always possible) - server/human failure (mistakes happen) Is this feasible? Would the set of CIDs/infohashes be small enough?
Anonymous 09/30/23(Sat)17:54:37 No. fg-F2TGOIPX
It seems possible. I am not sure you could get all the metadata you need. Also it would make more sense if you could download your own archives and read them. I have no idea of the scale of things but I would guess there's less than a billion books ever published in human history. So lets assume we have a billion books we need to track. IDK the minimum size of magnet links but nyaa has magnet links of around 500 bytes. So if you wanted to get metadata for every book ever published would be 500 billion bytes or half a terabyte. If there are only around a hundred million books (internet archive has 38 million) then the metadata would be about 50 gigabytes. The RSS feed that could give you every single magnet link would be huge, way too big to distribute to every client. Alternatively you could have an RSS have the new entries and at the bottom, it would have magnet links to download large pages of older links.
Anonymous 09/30/23(Sat)17:57:22 No. fg-2NVD7M9Q
Some bittorent clients already have rss feed support.
Anonymous 09/30/23(Sat)18:00:53 No. fg-HFD93H9U
Also don't use the term "Piracy" use the term sharing or "Copyright Infringement".
Anonymous 12/21/23(Thu)12:06:24 No. fg-5SL3B3RH >>fg-ABC14ZCM
Just use I2P torrents.
Anonymous 12/26/23(Tue)11:03:50 No. fg-ABC14ZCM
>>fg-5SL3B3RH Need a place to get them, which could censor.

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