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>the website uses MMDDYY
Anonymous 10/23/21(Sat)02:09:12 No. fg-KAY6KUXC >>fg-PA3OV1C1
>>fg-HKAAUOE2 (OP) utc time is included in `.timestamp` tag rewrite it using a user script. i'll wait
Anonymous 10/23/21(Sat)08:55:01 No. fg-PA3OV1C1
>>fg-KAY6KUXC while you're at it can you have it display in the local timezone, or maybe even show the time since when hovering thanks op
Anonymous 10/28/21(Thu)03:05:08 No. fg-CHK0ZZ2G >>fg-2B5K7N8G
you fucking piece of shit this is the ugliest html to try to write a user script for you disgust me
Anonymous 10/28/21(Thu)03:17:51 No. fg-1R3KAGOE >>fg-2B5K7N8G
>>fg-HKAAUOE2 (OP) for future reference var timestamps = document.getElementsByClassName('timestamp') // for first in child elems var utc_seconds = Number(timestamps[0]) var date = new Date(0); date.setUTCSeconds(utc_seconds)
Anonymous 10/28/21(Thu)10:33:29 No. fg-2B5K7N8G
>>fg-CHK0ZZ2G It was worse... >>fg-1R3KAGOE Use the data-utc attr of the timestamp span
Anonymous 11/10/21(Wed)20:32:56 No. fg-IKCV5X3P
>>fg-HKAAUOE2 (OP) Absolutely haram
Anonymous 11/17/21(Wed)23:27:27 No. fg-686I5UB4
I have been shilling for ISO8601 IRL I use it every time when possible People have corrected me, saying "anon, this is not how we write dates", to which I replied that I use internationally recognised standard and they can go fuck themselves
Anonymous 11/21/21(Sun)13:14:47 No. fg-9G6S72MF >>fg-0ZHXA8YX
>>fg-HKAAUOE2 (OP) >>fg-HKAAUOE2 (OP) yes eurofag, thats what the civilized world uses do you say "september eleventh two thousand and one" or "eleventh september two thousand and one" like a completer retard"?
Anonymous 11/21/21(Sun)14:39:49 No. fg-0ZHXA8YX
>>fg-9G6S72MF I say "Eleventh of September two thousand and one" while sipping tea that I have dunked a biscuit in, you burger retard.

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