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Anonymous 01/01/01(Mon)00:00:00 No. flounge-BB50CB63
>>flounge-EF0FFE6C Odd, I've never had this issue. My problems with Awoo were caused by a shitty ISP, they cut my internet for a few minutes at the time while I was hosting it out of my house. Tor always managed to recover itself though. I've been disconnected 3 times since I've stopped almost a month ago.
Anonymous 08/09/22(Tue)19:46:09 No. flounge-B0BE9A30
It's working as intended. Usagi's /lounge/ isn't following Awoo's.
Built tor from the latest source release, hopefully I no longer need to keep restarting the daemon every 5~ ish hours (switching to the tor project deb repos fixed this on the fchannel server, they don't provide aarch64 RPM packages (╥︣﹏╥᷅) ). To any tor sages out here, please teach me the seance I need to perform to make tor automatically rebuild it's circuits without getting stuck, no matter the network or distro I cannot seem to escape this curse...

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