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File: KOSS_Porta_Pro_CS_1.jpg (89.33 KiB) [Draw]
could somebody here please suggest me a modern album to listen to from start to finish? Anonymous 12/18/23(Mon)04:02:34 No. fmu-0YOK3ADC
Preferably something indie that gives me 1990s Nintendo 64 OST vibes For some reason, despite being born in 2001, that kind of dream-like nostalgic MIDI sound has always captivated me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVEVc48JRJQ&t=2s&pp=ygUic3VwZXIgbWFyaW8gNjQgb3JpZ2luYWwgc291bmR0cmFjaw%3D%3D
Anonymous 12/21/23(Thu)04:07:37 No. fmu-ZK9Y44GC
I skipped the N64 entirely during my console gaming days, so I can't really help there. Try searching for "chiptunes" or "tracker music".
Anonymous 12/30/23(Sat)20:38:39 No. fmu-T77Z0QHJ
Maybe something by Jogeir Liljedahl? https://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_artist_modules&query=69569 Idk. I don't think I've ever used the console you mentioned but it is kinda dreamlike.

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