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The secret meeting of the high council will gather tomorrow to determine if poopchan shall be evicted from the group. We have to ask ourselves... do we really want some perverted anal prolapsed poop eater representing fchan??? It is not the best representative of fchan to have so much poop without no toilet paper. We MUST include toiletpaper chan OR get rid of poopchan. By the way the owner of poopchan likes to smear poop all over and get naked...its called scat parties.
Anonymous 09/09/22(Fri)03:57:49 No. flounge-E893CD8C
I liked poopchan but it seems like the mods have started neglecting it. Last time I checked the front page, most of /b/ was child porn. I don't go on it anymore because of how much CP there is. The sad thing is that I have a poop fetish so I thought it was going to be a good board for me.

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