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So now that this is here - what can we do with it? Should we plan something??
Anonymous 01/18/21(Mon)03:39:45 No. fg-A863G2F7
Admin-anon will make it better. /prog/ anons will contribute code. Once code is stable other anons will host instances. I will advocate for free software on /g/. The cycle continues.
Anonymous 04/16/21(Fri)22:41:48 No. fg-P3HXV0ZV >>fg-CFI9OW82
>>fg-78D9FEF8 (OP) We need to make sure this site surpasses the user base of the OTHER fchan. I don't want this site overshadowed by the furries.
Anonymous 08/17/21(Tue)21:39:54 No. fg-CFI9OW82
>>fg-P3HXV0ZV that could backfire desu

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