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File: bst.jpg (573.44 KiB) [Draw]
battle station general /bsg/ Anonymous 01/17/21(Sun)11:58:53 No. fg-9FB213B7
post em
Anonymous 01/17/21(Sun)16:48:12 No. fg-64B592C2
o hai /mkg/
Anonymous 04/16/21(Fri)17:08:58 No. fg-7PMU7EXV
>>fg-9FB213B7 (OP) bump not because I have an image but because I like the normalcy I want this /g/ to rival THAT /g/.
Anonymous 07/05/21(Mon)22:11:00 No. fg-W0WWRDBD
>>fg-9FB213B7 (OP) What is that keyboard? It looks cool, do you like it?
File: Battlestation.jpg (415.68 KiB) [Draw]
>>fg-9FB213B7 (OP)
File: desktop_thread_1.jpg (1.06 MiB) [Draw]
>>fg-9FB213B7 (OP)
Anonymous 07/10/21(Sat)23:17:01 No. fg-JQS231K2
>>fg-YSTQCMQP I really need to get my classic II working. She chimes but the display is wonky (not checkerboard but I need to replace the two ICs on the analog board I think).

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