/mu/ - Music

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File: Qjp27LYsHaiBIbnhT~5tYNND~c(...).jpeg (38.11 KiB) [Draw]
To what are you listening right now? Anonymous 06/01/23(Thu)00:02:56 No. CCWY191F
Music, podcast, audiobook, game, environment, or anything else welcome - with links if desired
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I'll start: Argus - Under the Mountain https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=cz1Tnb-kqW4
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Midnight Fury - Arcade Hero /watch?v=a8ASWSnRs8U
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Lauge - Vandringen /watch?v=emCg_NoZee4
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Enigma - Mea Culpa /watch?v=KG7Bs_BCC5w
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Argus - The Endless River /watch?v=cxJuMVAfXeg
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Dreaming Cooper - Cosmic Serenity /watch?v=QWopT57bL1c
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Suduaya & E-Mantra - Nerida (Original Mix) /watch?v=hbJcRv8AeFA
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Roger Spacebucks - Neon City /watch?v=VNh8UZP6ffI
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Arksun - Arisen (Original Mix) /watch?v=kIA2fFiy9ac
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Oxygene - The Ocean /watch?v=aI3yNckfSvU
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Thenaria - Hidden City /watch?v=Y31oEO3bnIg
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Ashterra - The Moon /watch?v=FP_v1HB-u2U
Anonymous 06/26/23(Mon)09:18:16 No. 0C1FPH8J
Elton John - Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me /watch?v=TxipVM_0CBA
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Argus - Eyes of the Shadow
File: 02 Fusion Factory.mp3 (8.70 MiB)
Joshua Morse - Fusion Factory
File: Blaster Master (NES) - Are(...).mp4 (6.66 MiB)
>>3TBN8NAK Not bad. Here's something from a game I loved a looong time ago. :)
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Neuroq - External Intention /watch?v=InJa6ge1PtE
Anonymous 07/06/23(Thu)06:08:57 No. NP5WP73A
Tangerine Dream - Alchemy of the Heart /watch?v=3OWU1R-_K20
Anonymous 07/07/23(Fri)07:27:47 No. 6HY431I6
Koan - Dreamers of Black Hills /watch?v=CDCC7Y81iss
Anonymous 07/12/23(Wed)09:09:28 No. fmain-4Z0UKECP
Dreaming Cooper - Touch /watch?v=SWiusq8jU2I
Anonymous 07/14/23(Fri)09:26:20 No. fmain-SBYCYIW7
Suduaya - Kundalini /watch?v=ByUiY4VxGaw
Anonymous 07/18/23(Tue)08:33:46 No. fmain-GLYOKKHM
SiebZehn - Under the Radar /watch?v=Qe2KiLtK2CQ
Anonymous 07/19/23(Wed)02:59:31 No. fmain-279Z5Q4Y
Mythospheric - Ancient Tale /watch?v=ZlSHseFC1vY
Anonymous 07/20/23(Thu)03:55:43 No. fmain-V7A7EAGI
Substan - Nautilus /watch?v=sb4FNR5wZDY
Anonymous 07/21/23(Fri)07:27:24 No. fmain-IQ7T43XD
Ascent & Argus - Nostalgia /watch?v=wnpin32v0rc
Anonymous 07/22/23(Sat)05:58:58 No. fmain-0EN1PVAT
Midnight Fury - We are the Gods /watch?v=13Cgm1IknOI
Anonymous 07/23/23(Sun)09:21:53 No. fmain-MBMHW85H
Akshan - Forces of Gravitation /watch?v=RG0-BUcPwZo
Anonymous 07/24/23(Mon)07:35:19 No. fmain-K2DQV4J5
Vibrasphere - San Pedro /watch?v=4uQglUsqpZA
Anonymous 07/26/23(Wed)07:04:08 No. fmain-UYI9UNWK
Stive Morgan - Cassiopeia /watch?v=XnqlAK-iLEI
Anonymous 07/27/23(Thu)04:02:03 No. fmain-VVYOV90W
Dreaming Cooper - The Lost World /watch?v=EkplN5xfL9s
Anonymous 07/29/23(Sat)08:44:32 No. fmain-KS2WV6JS
Yakuro - Blue... The Color Of Dreams /watch?v=PUOFj0ztpSU
Anonymous 07/31/23(Mon)23:09:20 No. fmain-UKFJ6LOI
Argus & Mina - Ocean of Causes /watch?v=MFYN5RL3fh8
Anonymous 08/01/23(Tue)22:17:50 No. fmain-WLKPA2GT
Boom Jinx & Daniel Kandi - Azzura (Original Mix) /watch?v=U2W8Yyzu-xs
Anonymous 08/02/23(Wed)06:45:40 No. fmain-OSA0PKXM
Disturbed - The Sound Of Silence /watch?v=u9Dg-g7t2l4
Anonymous 08/04/23(Fri)09:39:55 No. 0KSBMZS5
Airbase - Tangerine /watch?v=RsrSm-cjVrQ
Anonymous 08/05/23(Sat)04:34:52 No. T4MKJTPP
Alone at Home - City of Neon Lights /watch?v=RiUIpLNVyRo
Anonymous 08/08/23(Tue)11:23:15 No. PRRPI4KZ
Yakuro - White... The Color Of Time /watch?v=M4l64AhHgv0
Anonymous 08/09/23(Wed)07:29:52 No. NEFLTJ29
Inverted - In Between /watch?v=PNHW8nCsPqI
Anonymous 08/10/23(Thu)04:45:42 No. A9PLZ0ED
Stardust - Remember /watch?v=H8R7IYNl3bc
Anonymous 08/11/23(Fri)21:51:20 No. KLIB2K7D
E-Mantra - Petrichor /watch?v=rrvLuVmDtsc
Anonymous 08/12/23(Sat)10:24:56 No. O6TOKKAZ
Merlin - Walk on the Beach /watch?v=XFmF9NeT9I4
Anonymous 08/15/23(Tue)04:38:57 No. TNTYPAU6
Neuroq - Gayatri Mantra /watch?v=-YVLg7dYJww
Anonymous 08/16/23(Wed)07:53:38 No. SDPBH3N9
Suduaya - Snow & Stars /watch?v=Ed0gRO6pehs
Anonymous 08/18/23(Fri)08:06:52 No. SIRM7CFN
Chronos - Hi-Tech Mosaic (Remastered) /watch?v=vTHugS4AZTY
Anonymous 08/20/23(Sun)09:14:38 No. YUP6A5CB
Airbase - August /watch?v=ruEZXiM-WzQ
Anonymous 08/22/23(Tue)02:46:11 No. U5AF0JNE
Tangerine Dream - Proton Bonfire /watch?v=vSSRp3e1EIk
Anonymous 08/25/23(Fri)09:10:14 No. 343CI4SD
The Midnight - Collateral /watch?v=uRsTOMHlU2o
Anonymous 08/29/23(Tue)09:51:21 No. 6MS04WV3
Stive Morgan - The Crossroads Of Time /watch?v=bRjlFUT-eEc
Anonymous 08/31/23(Thu)04:55:18 No. 9S8EBC6Z
Aspect - Priestess Of The Moon /watch?v=fJ6B4fUaU7I
Anonymous 09/01/23(Fri)09:26:04 No. K57FXTJL
Chronos - Step By Step /watch?v=Qm_yKiktXws
Anonymous 09/02/23(Sat)06:18:23 No. S8RZO3FT
Argus - Forgotten /watch?v=5hJmRy_ODZY
Anonymous 09/05/23(Tue)09:44:27 No. 1FAZD4XV
Cabeiri - Central Channel /watch?v=uCrjh9p_jfQ
Anonymous 09/06/23(Wed)06:10:38 No. RYY4LB93
Ascent - Look at the Stars /watch?v=2SxJICqEcv8
Anonymous 09/07/23(Thu)04:29:58 No. 84ADVFLZ
Neuroq - Mangalam /watch?v=RaMEBR0kILg
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Conrad Winged & Ascania - Mona Lisa (New World Remix) /watch?v=T8V7EvNp13U
Anonymous 09/11/23(Mon)04:07:46 No. YURAXNS0
Suduaya - Patience /watch?v=7_pqnrGTC3k
Anonymous 09/13/23(Wed)04:55:32 No. UV0Z5AIM
Astronaut Ape - Acceptance /watch?v=vERkQzQhUl8
Anonymous 09/14/23(Thu)03:22:17 No. 613JVDKL
SiebZehn - Metaphore /watch?v=NanCtEAl7yQ
Anonymous 09/15/23(Fri)06:55:05 No. P8W1HD4U
Dreamstate Logic - Among The Fallen Stars /watch?v=1-ZxVLztp6A
Anonymous 09/16/23(Sat)06:53:33 No. VXFV6E9T
Solar Fields - The Missing /watch?v=DkI7LaJ7ncQ
Anonymous 09/22/23(Fri)22:24:32 No. 64ZTO1WA
Psy TRS - Fluorescent Dreams /watch?v=gKq5MkN-dJs
Anonymous 09/24/23(Sun)12:55:59 No. 4TOB20VD
Taboo - Life In The Universe /watch?v=sXVCF6y0-7s
Anonymous 09/26/23(Tue)10:43:28 No. S6FK7LMP
Mystic Crock - Spellbound /watch?v=y6P807iX42c
File: Viva México jarabe tapatío(...).opus (2.46 MiB)
Anonymous 09/29/23(Fri)00:08:49 No. G8TBZ1I1 >>P5EBFK5Z
File: 1-Sonata-Allegro.mp3 (6.97 MiB)
A bit of modern classical
Anonymous 09/29/23(Fri)06:50:10 No. P5EBFK5Z
>>G8TBZ1I1 No idea what she's saying, but nice voice & melody
Anonymous 09/30/23(Sat)08:02:25 No. 5C6Z5RGG
AES Dana - Opalin /watch?v=p1oGMZKEzZs
Anonymous 10/02/23(Mon)11:16:00 No. YPRE4Z5J
Solar Fields - The Stones Are Not Too Busy /watch?v=CzYRgayAkkQ
Anonymous 10/04/23(Wed)12:08:21 No. Q1S84AIA
Mystic Crock - Tempting Abyss (Dense Remix) /watch?v=l3edpoIdyTA
File: 04 Firedance Parts I & II_(...).opus (8.37 MiB)
Anonymous 10/05/23(Thu)10:05:23 No. X38YN9NY
Static Movement - Sol /watch?v=Z8YEKHcMYns
File: 01 Pride of Chanur.mp3 (6.60 MiB)
We are the pride of chanur
Anonymous 10/07/23(Sat)08:54:32 No. MUMULR3K
>>890DKN3U Furries ... in space? uh oh! https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1197129.The_Pride_of_Chanur
Anonymous 10/07/23(Sat)16:53:34 No. L5RBLHOU
That is unironically a good song. Might read the book.
Anonymous 10/09/23(Mon)11:14:38 No. WWGBXCG5
Neuroq - Neuroquantum Leap /watch?v=abEVcJK4OfA
Anonymous 10/10/23(Tue)10:51:08 No. FQ1B41KV
Dreamstate Logic - Etheric Echoes /watch?v=jdSeufSZaGc
Anonymous 10/13/23(Fri)11:02:37 No. JJYIHB3C
Suduaya - Manipura /watch?v=0Nedtiza3wY
Anonymous 10/15/23(Sun)09:47:08 No. 68JLBLSM
Connect.Ohm - Snow Park (Remastered) /watch?v=OvMynHTnz5Q
Anonymous 10/17/23(Tue)09:01:43 No. CFVESAKX
Ken Lusk - Morphology /watch?v=3WGZzxUe7is
Anonymous 10/18/23(Wed)09:54:29 No. GDVKA6K5
Ra - Floating Shrine of Inanna (Remastered) /watch?v=Q7-2LNaKhpE
Anonymous 10/20/23(Fri)10:25:27 No. VSB8JT64
Dreaming Cooper - Mysterious Places /watch?v=rPhOB7Vv6Pk
File: NA. Little Bittern.opus (7.77 MiB)
File: 05. A Little Blues.m4a (2.47 MiB)
Anonymous 10/22/23(Sun)02:53:32 No. UMBSVAXU
Midnight Fury - Generate /watch?v=nLimVDPiG8A
Anonymous 10/25/23(Wed)07:06:40 No. U9J6108V
Neuroq - Wonderland /watch?v=eLQb1vHWlmc
Anonymous 10/26/23(Thu)07:34:08 No. 94DG3KIX
Dreaming Cooper - Andromeda /watch?v=5C6_lLfOz4s
Anonymous 10/27/23(Fri)01:22:04 No. IB7KX837
Anonymous 10/27/23(Fri)08:59:09 No. YQONMCWB
Profondita - Orin /watch?v=0h32EI_qNQk
Anonymous 11/02/23(Thu)07:04:01 No. GGFG8GDY
H.U.V.A. Network - Cobalt /watch?v=Qp5tng4kunI
Anonymous 11/04/23(Sat)06:33:04 No. DJUSVTI8
Stive Morgan - Child of War /watch?v=SqLU4Em6P7g
Anonymous 11/06/23(Mon)03:46:37 No. FCCK6YKN
Subdream - Ultramarine Void /watch?v=G6XUns7Z7BY
Anonymous 11/07/23(Tue)03:50:11 No. 2PVBZE8T
Kenny G - Alone /watch?v=HRN-GLacHm0
Anonymous 11/08/23(Wed)10:07:40 No. 4VMEIN1V
Psybort - Access to Infinity /watch?v=-7gcVTf3bN4
Anonymous 11/09/23(Thu)07:45:36 No. ABPSWT1Z
Klaada - Water (Original demo version) /watch?v=XMz9epec-_s
Anonymous 11/11/23(Sat)14:28:09 No. 7XVAEZP8
SiebZehn - Endless Reflections /watch?v=9CKF2VI4GSE
Anonymous 11/12/23(Sun)04:05:57 No. 3VG0MK6L
Mungusid - Escape /watch?v=opPovflstNM
Anonymous 11/16/23(Thu)03:49:33 No. S6XA97OG
I.M.D - Momentos /watch?v=Dm4V9xJwyt8
Anonymous 11/16/23(Thu)09:50:49 No. WY3B8264
散り散り - darekachan Funkot Remix https://soundcloud.com/darekachan/tiridiri-darekachan-funkot-remix
Anonymous 11/19/23(Sun)11:54:27 No. M6IKJF3U
Mystic Crock - Sparkle of the Masses /watch?v=VEE6QOHIapI
Anonymous 11/21/23(Tue)08:42:55 No. AFJC0YZU
Paradise Lost - Erased /watch?v=FWzMxsmNjxg
Anonymous 11/22/23(Wed)08:44:09 No. 4CU5I2HS
Ladynsax - Ameno (cover) /watch?v=kymLz9ZyUZg
Anonymous 11/23/23(Thu)08:02:24 No. KS9NNH2C
Mobitex & Psybort - Desert /watch?v=8rFKqCvbzEA
Anonymous 11/24/23(Fri)08:16:28 No. J5L90CQU
Dreaming Cooper - Ashes /watch?v=WAb79Sbxowo
Anonymous 11/27/23(Mon)08:42:27 No. 0YI39JGZ
Dreaming Cooper - The Portal /watch?v=8LBpuaCJqxA
Anonymous 12/03/23(Sun)05:28:56 No. IEPYCCDF
SiebZehn - A Different Sky /watch?v=NPdblrNKxKA
Anonymous 12/06/23(Wed)09:52:27 No. 5ICQW0OB
Dreaming Cooper - Unlock /watch?v=5cHMFERkQOw
Anonymous 12/06/23(Wed)18:07:30 No. 4B6A6XKR
Anonymous 12/06/23(Wed)20:45:22 No. WPK5GCPS
https://yewtu.be/watch?v=obOBRZOIzBM Requiem: Mack Wilberg, Mormon Tabernacle Choir - Full Performance, 2008
Anonymous 12/10/23(Sun)08:18:55 No. D7EGV49H
Red Sun Rising & Mobitex - Nemesis /watch?v=T8fie_7Mdck
Anonymous 12/15/23(Fri)04:34:18 No. BGEUAZYZ
Argus - Eternal Flame /watch?v=9cDTRE3qti8
Anonymous 12/19/23(Tue)03:40:21 No. YJA35HU5
Quantik - Natural Energy /watch?v=xLyVd7xLkX8
Anonymous 12/21/23(Thu)04:02:10 No. SCIBZ6HE
Timecop1983 - Dark Days /watch?v=NhKbqfgYQOU
Anonymous 12/23/23(Sat)08:54:52 No. C5X17RDB
Dreamstate Logic - Silent Universe /watch?v=bUXz_68IBRM
Anonymous 12/27/23(Wed)06:11:42 No. XXELRDCZ
Ra - Visions of Touch /watch?v=c1jYNWQslcU
Anonymous 12/30/23(Sat)20:29:05 No. 7MHW2J8T
Anonymous 12/30/23(Sat)20:35:00 No. D0ESGY5M
Umbrellas of Peru - Jogeir Liljedahl https://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_by_moduleid&query=138592
Anonymous 12/30/23(Sat)20:41:22 No. 421MOPRD >>DA0JD8O3 >>EZ098YAO
Sweet Flavour - Jogeir Liljedahl https://modarchive.org/module.php?67989 Celtic Waves - Jogeir Liljedahl https://modarchive.org/module.php?138185 This one reminds me of one of the shrines in BoTW
Anonymous 12/30/23(Sat)20:41:59 No. DA0JD8O3
>>421MOPRD >This one reminds me of one of the shrines in BoTW Part of it anyway
Anonymous 01/02/24(Tue)08:52:56 No. EZ098YAO
Necros - Point of Departure https://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_by_moduleid&query=55696 >>421MOPRD > Celtic Waves - Jogeir Liljedahl Damn, a portion of that sounds familiar. I listened to tracker music back in the '90s & 2000s. Now I'm building a collection again. :) Thanks for the reminder about modarchive! I'd forgotten about the site.
Anonymous 01/06/24(Sat)10:25:40 No. HM4ZN56U
Nibana - Let the cynics be /watch?v=DnH-DdbGbVc
Anonymous 01/11/24(Thu)08:27:08 No. 83FEW3MO
Leviathan - Emerald Visions https://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_by_moduleid&query=47092
File: Mont-Jòia - Salabrun : Val(...).opus (3.42 MiB)
Anonymous 01/16/24(Tue)08:27:57 No. 6PB2A0SU
Dreamstate Logic - Earthbound /watch?v=ZeTbIr2ZV48
Anonymous 01/20/24(Sat)10:29:24 No. RPXV1W2N
Lauge - Labyrinth /watch?v=Unab6jtAlEY
Anonymous 01/23/24(Tue)23:20:25 No. Y5DFKQME
LEMMiNO - Nocturnal https://soundcloud.com/lemmino/nocturnal
Anonymous 01/24/24(Wed)00:27:15 No. 87J0SEIV >>5EBV3QA1
Luke Pickman - Stickerbush Symphony (Donkey Kong cover) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRNnMQEKo7o
Anonymous 01/25/24(Thu)10:40:02 No. 5EBV3QA1
Chrono Trigger - Corridors of Time (Jazz Cover) /watch?v=pFlT8CtZSYg >>87J0SEIV That's pretty nice.
Anonymous 01/29/24(Mon)19:30:27 No. LWCMFMRM
Patty Griffin - Making Pies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRA2fZAG7RY
Anonymous 02/01/24(Thu)05:23:18 No. ZNFJ94IK
Logical Elements - Deloi /watch?v=dl_T3GfHL1w
Anonymous 02/09/24(Fri)20:34:44 No. ZHY8P1FH
Suduaya - Clear Water /watch?v=a-4-3wgwCRM
Anonymous 02/14/24(Wed)05:55:47 No. RC7HU3I7
I.M.D - Caminando /watch?v=RmSWO10p3BU
Anonymous 02/20/24(Tue)05:46:14 No. 563AXQ52
Dan Tanner - Winds of Zephyros /watch?v=_qtwt4qtHmU
Anonymous 02/28/24(Wed)05:46:06 No. Y6A7Q74I
SiebZehn - Portals /watch?v=v52IKJpuI9U
File: 16bard - #91b2fe - 02 A2.opus (6.89 MiB)
Anonymous 03/03/24(Sun)08:21:21 No. K8O7KCX9
Lauge - Taiga /watch?v=uC3rCydQgSQ
Anonymous 03/07/24(Thu)08:11:10 No. 9GB6QSLN
Tetouze - The Alchemists /watch?v=Lugnm77f05w
File: Beyond The Time.mp3 (11.92 MiB)
File: 14. The Winner - Miki Mats(...). The Winner - Miki Matsubara.mp3 (11.07 MiB)
Anonymous 03/15/24(Fri)08:55:46 No. XALW5LR3
Dreaming Cooper - Digital World /watch?v=RyM4FwiK9hY
Anonymous 03/17/24(Sun)07:43:43 No. 6ZEDFZCM
The Protomen - Mr. Roboto /watch?v=14LAAU8H4Rc
Anonymous 03/17/24(Sun)21:56:10 No. 9WYHXYHF
Kraftwerk - The Robots /watch?v=D_8Pma1vHmw
Anonymous 03/20/24(Wed)09:15:17 No. TUJLOSF6
Suduaya - Baku /watch?v=Li4Oju6v_7Y
Anonymous 03/23/24(Sat)09:49:01 No. PJT8BKM4
Dreaming Cooper - Pilot /watch?v=aWyuB8HR0Dc
Anonymous 03/29/24(Fri)04:43:09 No. YRDDQ50P
Neuroq - Perpetual Reflections /watch?v=StTAfyWG3EA
Anonymous 04/05/24(Fri)06:00:49 No. H4Y5WK15
Kliment - Fairdreamers /watch?v=SBIhN4uGKVk
Anonymous 04/08/24(Mon)04:24:09 No. A30PK035
ENGAI - 5th Impact (Remastered) /watch?v=EHIg-Dab9HQ
Anonymous 04/18/24(Thu)02:26:47 No. 9OHUIGA4
Dreamstate Logic - Edge of Eternity /watch?v=6KnzhmE1pic
Anonymous 04/18/24(Thu)22:45:00 No. BYZFTBNG
Tangerine Dream - Alchemy of the Heart https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OWU1R-_K20
Anonymous 04/23/24(Tue)05:50:14 No. EC80ILW8
Suduaya - Naica /watch?v=DP2ui_vE-Ec
Anonymous 04/29/24(Mon)04:13:30 No. QIG5DLKK
Bassment - Nomads /watch?v=RjOMt6Eh9lw
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)07:29:21 No. DYTO6OB7
Baom - Extraterrestrial Encounter /watch?v=McEzfN-Q-1o
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)02:20:42 No. 1AX3O43E
Nabihah Iqbal - 'This World Couldn’t See Us' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFRIaix41cU
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)02:23:41 No. CMNAXMTA
Hildegard von Bingen - Voices of Angels https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6qFCYRQKVA
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)09:50:15 No. S18SEUBL
Soul Asylum - Runaway Train /watch?v=NRtvqT_wMeY
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)22:14:16 No. C53QBTRJ
Viy - Yshov Ya Nebom https://www.jamendo.com/album/67754/yshov-ya-nebom
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)22:24:41 No. HOZFGSYU
COSMOS - CAN CAN CAN! [1982] https://tube.raccoon.quest/playlist?list=PLo7vLMy-RaWd4SYyTRSA9yrPU6MuS5Kur
Anonymous 05/14/24(Tue)22:12:19 No. WEKIQCWX
Nabihah Iqbal - 'Sunflower' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWMY-JKFhL4
Anonymous 05/15/24(Wed)03:18:16 No. V4AUG2DN
Mobitex - Ayala /watch?v=Xb5E82BEidQ
File: 05. Bob Ross.mp3 (3.14 MiB)
This song is stuck in my head >You could be my Bob Ross >and I could be your Suzie-su >You could paint me mossy rocks >and I could sing rock songs for you-u
Anonymous 05/19/24(Sun)04:09:59 No. AE4ZPPGU
Paul Simon - You Can Call Me Al /watch?v=KHxeM1hQOSc
Anonymous 05/22/24(Wed)03:14:02 No. FIFBM86A
Mflex Sounds - Winter Dreams /watch?v=rWPdOeGKZOU
Anonymous 05/22/24(Wed)17:16:05 No. YCPVILSL
>>CI87EZJP I have been informed that it's actually "Suzie Sioux". Like the Native American tribe.
Anonymous 05/24/24(Fri)04:44:46 No. 8DR5A2G4
Ace Ventura - Going Back (Suduaya Remix) /watch?v=4Rjyo5ukpQs
Anonymous 05/29/24(Wed)23:04:55 No. XQ7WWCH1
Stive Morgan - My Universe /watch?v=jDWqEzPxTO0
Anonymous 06/01/24(Sat)07:11:15 No. TA1IH13G
Yakuro - Through Time /watch?v=45dpdQHMn1Y
Anonymous 06/06/24(Thu)03:53:08 No. X0VUB689
Dreamstate Logic - Emergence /watch?v=2DGkEtH4h7Y
File: NA. 蛍.opus (5.63 MiB)
File: NA. Dansen Op De Vulkaan.opus (5.40 MiB)
Anonymous 06/07/24(Fri)00:55:23 No. 5CILXRK6
Anonymous 06/12/24(Wed)06:32:13 No. 84BNMXPE
I.M.D & Suduaya - Brise de Vie (Original Mix) /watch?v=_5LWCcxSfWA
Anonymous 06/20/24(Thu)18:47:38 No. O8IWEZOU
Space Cadets - Militia Girl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ckfwkd3nkQ
Anonymous 07/06/24(Sat)21:16:07 No. XU7UF5R2
https://creo.bandcamp.com/track/in-synergy https://creo.bandcamp.com/track/lost
Anonymous 07/15/24(Mon)00:04:29 No. 12JP1RYC
Ivan Torrent - The Power of Will (feat. Gaby Koss) OP here. I'll no longer reference YouTube because of Google's increasing hostility toward Invidious along with news of the company considering ad injection directly into streams. I'm open to reconsidering, but I would prefer not to advertise Google's property any more than I have already. Going forward I may post repeats too, sharing whatever it is I'm hearing even if it's already been posted in this thread. (And, yes, "torrent" is a fitting pun in this case. Arrr, mateys! :)
File: Nighcore - Bloody Mary.webm (1.87 MiB)
Anonymous 07/16/24(Tue)18:24:07 No. NXKY2DGZ
>>BAQ5478B I like it.
Anonymous 07/21/24(Sun)06:34:46 No. 9BHY202M
Mystic Crock - Stardust
Anonymous 07/22/24(Mon)05:50:55 No. 82YNXK31
2Pac - Dear Mama
Anonymous 07/28/24(Sun)08:52:41 No. KMWMH2IN
Syntharos - Aurora's Whisper
Anonymous 08/03/24(Sat)04:45:55 No. VYI059CS
I.M.D - Brujas
Anonymous 08/05/24(Mon)04:55:07 No. YTVRV62V
Stive Morgan - If Will Come Tomorrow
File: DAKTYLOI - Sulfide Box - 0(...).opus (9.61 MiB)
File: Flip top box [201126998].mp3 (2.11 MiB)
https://soundcloud.com/nermal-mclaren/flip-top-box https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iADUFJSYynU
Anonymous 08/10/24(Sat)03:53:42 No. 0NZBVJS7
Psybort - Synchrotron
Anonymous 08/14/24(Wed)04:02:48 No. Y2U5GYT8
Solar Powered Beings - The Great Unknown
Anonymous 08/18/24(Sun)07:07:45 No. SF8DQ5X3
Mystic Crock - Refuge
Anonymous 08/24/24(Sat)07:18:52 No. CUQVSE8Q
Tangerine Dream - Valley of the Sun
Anonymous 08/29/24(Thu)03:37:39 No. KKUNRM5G
Andrew Flame - Space
Anonymous 09/03/24(Tue)07:17:42 No. XZFFQZWR
Vibrasphere - Floating Free
File: KAYN-ORTHO-Front_3000px-1-(...).png (3.34 MiB) [Draw]
Roland Kayn - The Ortho-Project
Anonymous 09/08/24(Sun)07:44:14 No. YMW4SHDP
Lev Hordynskyi - The Last Mile
File: a3414993521_16.jpg (55.71 KiB) [Draw]
Concrete Echo by Plant43 https://plant43.bandcamp.com/album/concrete-echo
Anonymous 09/22/24(Sun)20:25:02 No. E3ROL5XG
Astropilot - Betelgeuse
Anonymous 09/26/24(Thu)05:13:25 No. V1TO40Z7
Syntharos - Stardust
Anonymous 09/26/24(Thu)22:02:41 No. E3PHJTR2
Dimitris Athanasiou - Arcux
Anonymous 10/03/24(Thu)00:46:53 No. 6CVP2VXM
Stardust - It's For You
Anonymous 10/08/24(Tue)06:35:19 No. Z2EVTV19
Ra - The Burning
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)06:00:43 No. LINV8PN6
Dimitris Athanasiou - Bellatrix
File: a0282876659_16.jpg (81.06 KiB) [Draw]
Paysage accidenté #1 – #4 by Julien Beau & Mokuhen (musique concrète) https://julienbeau-mokuhen.bandcamp.com/
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Selected Ambient Works Volume II (Expanded Edition) by Aphex Twin (ambient) https://aphextwin.bandcamp.com/album/selected-ambient-works-volume-ii-expanded-edition The sound quality of the new remaster seems clearer than the original, but there's also some audio issues including some DAT glitches, but I think those were probably on the original too, just harder too hear. "Rhubarb Orc. 19.53 Rev" is nice, but seems weird as a bonus track since it's from so much later and is in a completely different style. "28 Mix" from the On EP is almost certanly an outtake and there were a few outtakes in the Soundcloud dump that would've fit. Overall I'm glad to revisit an old favorite.
Anonymous 10/21/24(Mon)04:38:37 No. SNOMHO6B
Future Opioids - Yolocuicatl
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Experiment Defined by Gedankenexperiment (dark electro) https://betaevers.bandcamp.com/album/experiment-defined I love pretty much eveything Gerald Donald's been involved in
File: 10-The-Masochism-Tango.mp3 (6.42 MiB)
https://tomlehrersongs.com/the-masochism-tango/ Literally all of these are public domain btw.
File: 22-The-Masochism-Tango.mp3 (5.59 MiB)
>>U152DGLR Without laugh track.
Anonymous 10/28/24(Mon)04:53:54 No. ZYGUT60E
Lauge - Undercurrent
Anonymous 11/05/24(Tue)04:20:36 No. A344GYI1
Dreaming Cooper - Extraterrestrial Civilizations
File: AE_LYON_070524.jpg (124.34 KiB) [Draw]
AE_LYON_070524 by Autechre
Anonymous 11/10/24(Sun)05:12:01 No. 95TDD6XL
Astralage - Midnight Spiral
Anonymous 11/18/24(Mon)03:38:51 No. 8C3XPKNL
Solar Fields - Discovering
Anonymous 11/24/24(Sun)21:13:45 No. T0E7HWAY
>>CCWY191F (OP) been obsessed with A$AP Rocky - I Smoked Away My Brain (I'm God X Demons mashup), idk why
Anonymous 11/27/24(Wed)00:20:12 No. 836LIJ2O
E-Mantra - Devourer
Anonymous 12/03/24(Tue)07:30:42 No. 1U817PC9
Dreaming Cooper - Neon Portal
File: N-062_Cover.png (23.38 KiB) [Draw]
Xerrox, Vol.5 by Alva Noto (ambient)

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