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stop shilling your alt-chans here, federate or gtfo
Anonymous 08/20/21(Fri)22:48:54 No. fb-2LQM1E8L
>>fb-EDGGNDMK (OP) based
Anonymous 08/21/21(Sat)20:31:25 No. fb-766E8OZP
>>fb-EDGGNDMK (OP) this needs to be pinned
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>this needs to be pinned
Anonymous 10/11/21(Mon)11:37:08 No. fb-AYCIVZ75
>>fb-EDGGNDMK (OP) This
Anonymous 12/02/21(Thu)01:53:11 No. fb-TLKK7U62
>>fb-ZXFYBD9N → bumping another cuckchan off
Anonymous 01/23/22(Sun)17:13:18 No. fb-6XIMZKS0
This needs to be sticky
Anonymous 02/08/22(Tue)22:52:24 No. fb-MC2OA182
to the top you go
Anonymous 02/10/22(Thu)19:14:04 No. fb-FWTGXI65
>>fb-EDGGNDMK (OP) fod bump :)
>>fb-EDGGNDMK (OP) >>fb-EDGGNDMK (OP) I don't even see the point of not federating now. Isn't it obvious that alt-chans must merge into a giga federated alt-chan, that will overthrow 4chan? Perhaps i watched too much shonen mangas.
Anonymous 02/11/22(Fri)06:00:58 No. fb-CLAO89F4
>>fb-DFNI9BAX captcha per post sucks and should be optional instead of mandatory
Anonymous 02/11/22(Fri)06:00:58 No. fb-CLAO89F4
>>fb-DFNI9BAX captcha per post sucks and should be optional instead of mandatory
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Anonymous 02/11/22(Fri)17:32:00 No. fb-5RAQUYR3
>>fb-CLAO89F4 Captchas per post is the only thing that slow down bots. Either you are disinfo, or you don't know what you are talking about.
Anonymous 02/13/22(Sun)05:47:40 No. fb-MHAFZQIK
>>fb-EDGGNDMK (OP) I'll bump this each time I see shitty alt-chan post
Anonymous 02/14/22(Mon)18:34:45 No. fb-54HS5LUN
>>fb-WQG62NNN >federated camera system samsung really pulled it off. guys, can we get a based off B
Anonymous 03/08/22(Tue)09:18:56 No. fb-5Y2DOYNE
Kinda hoping FChannel can bring stickies to fruition
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>>fb-EDGGNDMK (OP) Taylor Swift has sexy feethttps://fchan.xyz/b/EDGGNDMK#5RAQUYR3
Anonymous 04/03/22(Sun)22:58:01 No. fb-G6VRZ27F
>>fb-EDGGNDMK (OP) based sticky
Anonymous 04/16/22(Sat)04:57:48 No. fb-CWF0FXIT >>fb-CTELNSPK
>>fb-EDGGNDMK (OP) What a shame. All the documentation is on the fchan github, yeah? Was thinking about seeing how to start up an instance for /g/ and /news/ if it exists.
Anonymous 04/23/22(Sat)07:24:06 No. fb-8ZGAN0QU
Alt chan federation?
Anonymous 05/18/22(Wed)01:36:14 No. fb-OPX6Q8QL
>>fb-EDGGNDMK (OP) bumping for relevance
Anonymous 05/18/22(Wed)01:36:47 No. fb-CTELNSPK
>>fb-CWF0FXIT do it fren, more instances never hurt
>>fb-EDGGNDMK (OP) I recently found that FChan wasn't the only decentralized chan. There is also dchan and bitchan. You guys lied to me.
Anonymous 05/29/22(Sun)20:36:04 No. fb-ACO719TE >>fb-6S4MLL2D
>>fb-0VADSLCX bro web3.0 is a lie
Anonymous 05/29/22(Sun)21:08:39 No. fb-IFD9ILB2
>>fb-0VADSLCX proof?
Anonymous 05/30/22(Mon)18:32:48 No. fb-6S4MLL2D >>fb-6TAZBVWA
>>fb-ACO719TE Well so far web 2.0 has serious limitations, like the spam problem (bots), censorship. Web 2.0 had a golden age (2008-2014) until the coming of spam bots, and the pressure of deep state to systematically censor content. See what happened to most search engines. Mass delisting of non mainstream content. I'm not even fighting FChan, as i was myself a proponent of it. Between FChan, Bitchan, dchan, let the better win.
Anonymous 05/31/22(Tue)15:06:06 No. fb-6TAZBVWA
>>fb-6S4MLL2D web 2.0 is just javascript and browser bloat, censorship and spam was just a consequence of people doing something they were not supposed to (interacting with an otherwise static page). activitypub (what fchan speaks) already has quite a bit of backing, heck even tumblr is gonna speak it soon. dont see much of a contest here
Anonymous 06/08/22(Wed)22:40:47 No. fb-4RMGO9ZE >>fb-PX0ITNBR
Is dchan the only truly (almost) uncensorable board?
Anonymous 06/08/22(Wed)23:06:49 No. fb-PX0ITNBR >>fb-821WYHMP
>>fb-4RMGO9ZE BitChan, run locally, is the only uncensorable board.
>>fb-PX0ITNBR I tried Bitchan recently, on the main Kiosk. They censor a lot. The main Kiosk is a "national socialist" board. And they censor anything that doesn't suit them. Bitchan run locally is different, but i fear the setup might push non techies away. Need a simpler install.
Anonymous 06/09/22(Thu)23:52:58 No. fb-CN3WWJO4 >>fb-K71RXXZ9
>>fb-821WYHMP The kiosk listed on BitChan's github is not a National Socialist imageboard. The /pol/ board as it appears on that kiosk is.
Anonymous 06/10/22(Fri)00:01:19 No. fb-EYLE429H >>fb-I6SBDDUU
>>fb-821WYHMP >muh install is too difficult The install: docker-compose up --build -d sudo apt install build-essential docker.io docker-compose git sudo systemctl enable docker git clone https://github.com/813492291816/BitChan cd BitChan/docker sudo make daemon -open tor browser -navigate to about:config -search for network.proxy.no_proxies_on -enter And hosting your own kiosk is also really simple: -edit BitChan/docker/docker-componse.yaml by commenting out the nginx port section in order to disable exposing port 8000 -Save, then rebuild BitChan: cd BitChan/docker make daemon https://github.com/813492291816/BitChan#install-bitchan
Anonymous 06/10/22(Fri)00:25:44 No. fb-K71RXXZ9
>>fb-CN3WWJO4 The Bitmessage Kiosk bitchanr4b64 censor everything that is contrary to their national socialist narrative, even on non /pol boards. This Kiosk is a damn shame, and gives the new decentralized board bitmessage a bad reputation. Not because of the national socialist stuff, because of the systematic censorship. Look for yourself (copy paste from bitchanr4b64): On the bitchanr4b64 kiosk: - This is a National Socialist board - Insulting National Socialism or Hitler or maligning either will not be tolerated. - Jewish propaganda and off topic posts will not be tolerated. - This is not a free speech board. - Post constructively and your posts will remain. Source link: http://bitchanr4b64govofzjthtu6qc4ytrbuwbgynapkjileajpycioikxad.onion/thread/BM-2cXVUC29HSjd7rhseJdcSE1m4qSnPPZmH2/483e4127fe7a To be precise, jewish propaganda is anything they do not like. For example, a real quote from Ernst Rohm was censored. Purely and simply disappeared. Is a quote from Ernst Rohm jewish propaganda?
Anonymous 06/10/22(Fri)00:30:03 No. fb-359ZNZN8 >>fb-8NLJ6CAE
Oh by the way here is some easy done proof. Here are some Ernst Rohm quotes. Copy paste some of them in the bitchanr4b64 Kiosk, and see the fuckers admins delete them. https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Ernst_R%C3%B6hm
Anonymous 06/10/22(Fri)00:36:48 No. fb-8NLJ6CAE >>fb-JVR6IEF0
>>fb-359ZNZN8 >>fb-359ZNZN8 Don't be obtuse. You left out: >Off of the bitchanr4b64 kiosk, on local BitChan instances, all posts are preserved as long as you catch them before the time to live (TTL) expires. If you prefer a completely unmoderated /pol/ experience it is recommended that you run BitChan locally. >If you prefer a completely unmoderated /pol/ experience >/pol/ I run BitChan locally and I compared it against the bitchanr4 kiosk. You were censored for spamming conspiracies and other nonsense on pol and got called out for it, but you didn't stop. IMO the moderators were in the right. >even on non /pol boards. The only other place you were censored on was an anime board because you posted politics there. Makes sense to me why you'd get censored there too. It seems like you're just a lonely troll. Time for you to find a new home or run your own kiosk.
Anonymous 06/10/22(Fri)00:37:49 No. fb-I6SBDDUU >>fb-X56NY9KO
>>fb-EYLE429H Thanks, i was able to do it. But do you realize that you lost 90% of the normies? And that's a conservative estimation. Need a snap. Or a .deb.
Anonymous 06/10/22(Fri)00:45:28 No. fb-X56NY9KO >>fb-1TX11JVA
>>fb-I6SBDDUU >you lost 90% of the normies? Sure, but 2 things: - The software is still under major development and - That's what the kiosk feature is for Most normalniggers aren't going to install and run a dedicated imageboard software at all, especially just to shitpost, and especially those superparanoid niggers that the software was made for in the first place. All it takes is a few to run a kiosk and the normies will find them and use them. >Need a snap. Or a .deb. It's being played around with, but the image is quite large. The devs, from what I understand, are actually waiting for the Bitmessage devs to finish their refactoring before trying again.
Anonymous 06/10/22(Fri)00:51:34 No. fb-JVR6IEF0 >>fb-KVTSALIR
>>fb-8NLJ6CAE Jesus it really is a small world. Adolf Hitler being financed by Rockefeller through I.G Farben (main shareholder) is not a conspiracy. Also, why didn't Maria Schicklgrubber EVER said who the father of Alois Hitler was? Why did Johan Hieddler NEVER recognize Alois Hitler? Also, the Ernst Rohm quotes are not conspiracies. Here we go, again. Ernst Rohm, a few weeks before being killed in the Knight of the long knives: "The time has come for the national revolution to come to an end and to become a National Socialist revolution. [...] There are still men in official positions today who have no idea of the spirit of the revolution. We will get rid of them without mercy if they dare to put their reactionary ideas into practice" Also, when is a conspiracy a conspiracy, when it suits you people? Gaz chamber, 9/11: a true jewish conspiracy. However, the killing of Ernst Rohm, the financing of the NSDAP by Rockefeller and Rotschild, the fact that the gold of poland after the german invasion went into the Bank of England vaults, for you people, is it false conspiracies, jewish propaganda? There are tons of material of this, even on the mainstream internet, of course, you will have to have the courage to look at it, and not be in denial. Yes, Hitler was financed by the federal reserve: https://www.globalresearch.ca/history-of-world-war-ii-nazi-germany-was-financed-by-the-federal-reserve-and-the-bank-of-england/5530318 https://humansbefree.com/2016/05/hitler-was-financed-by-the-federal-reserve-and-the-bank-of-england.html You people have your own little comfort zone, your own little safe space. You are not much different than the progressives.
Anonymous 06/10/22(Fri)01:09:39 No. fb-KVTSALIR >>fb-YHJ58CZM
>>fb-JVR6IEF0 If you would have posted this on bitchan's /b/ it would have remained, because that's where shit and piss go.
>>fb-KVTSALIR Except i've posted complaining about censorship on Bitchan's kiosk bitchanr4b64, and guess what? My message got deleted. You national socialist people are worst censor than mainstream reddit and 4chan. You whine and whine and whine constantly about the holohoax, and the imaginary persecussion you face because you denounce history falsification. However, when you are in a position to do blatant censorship, because it suits your interest, your narrative, you censor every chance you get. As a classical marxist, we will never censor you. We will beat you fair and square. Even give you a tribune, to better defeat your national (socialism) Capitalism nonsense. You people are normies. You worship money like the normies. You only think that having a swatiska on your arm and making the nazi salute somehow makes you badass.
Anonymous 06/10/22(Fri)01:27:24 No. fb-7RN6TQCW >>fb-UOURVFIK
Apart from this, thank for the informations about Bitchan.
Anonymous 06/10/22(Fri)01:28:51 No. fb-UNRTZIZ2 >>fb-69N0CNZQ
>>fb-YHJ58CZM >As a classical marxist lol this is explains everything.
Anonymous 06/10/22(Fri)01:33:50 No. fb-69N0CNZQ >>fb-UOURVFIK
>>fb-UNRTZIZ2 Do you even know what classical marxism is? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classical_Marxism#:~:text=Classical%20Marxism%20refers%20to%20the%20economic%2C%20philosophical%20and,contrasted%20with%20later%20developments%20in%20Marxism%2C%20especially%20Marxism%E2%80%93Leninism Sure reading Marx is harder than reading Hitler, and way more interesting. I know, i have read both.
Anonymous 06/10/22(Fri)01:44:45 No. fb-UOURVFIK
>>fb-7RN6TQCW You're welcome. If you have any recommendations or find any bugs please post them to /babby or /b/. Note that /babby/ has an auto-wipe feature, but /b/ doesn't. Please report any serious bugs to /bug_report. Or you can use /bctlk/ to talk to the devs, but you have to follow their directions: >The only way to post to this board is to install BitChan locally on your computer, create an Identity within BitChan, then send the Identity address to the developers requesting permission to post -- use either the BitChan mailbox or Bitmessage to contact BM-2cWyqGJHrwCPLtaRvs3f67xsnj8NmPvRWZ or email [email protected] (least secure method). >>fb-69N0CNZQ roflamo
>>fb-X56NY9KO I'm not using something that censors people. I am not. dchan seems superior. No bullshit there. In fact, 0 bullshit. Pure decentralized, spam resistant (due to the transaction fee), 0 censorship board.
>>fb-1TX11JVA You just don't understand how bitchan works. Run locally it can't censor unless you, as the operator, choose to. The kiosk that is on the github is run by someone who chooses to censor certain content. You could easily run your own kiosk and not censor anything. Dchan requires crypto transactions and the only crypto it supports are persistent ledger, non-anonymized coins, which means that, in principle, posts can be linked back to a wallet holder/poster. That's not secure. I also notice that there is no illegal content on dchan, which means it's very likely the host of the dchan.network instance DOES censor. >This is a decentralized application: the content shown here is not hosted on this website's servers, but is instead retrieved via IPFS. >Please refer to the IPFS Gateway Service's legal page to report any offending content. This means that information can be relatively easily censored. Unlike dchan and IPFS, on bitchan text and attachments posted purely on the bitmessage network are 100% uncensorable (by anyone, full stop). For large attachment uploads, bitchan uses an amendable list of free anonymous file hosts from which users can choose and it obscures uploaded data in very clever ways. This makes any attempt to censor attachments basically impossible. Bitchan uses the bitmessage network which is free, open source and exposes 0 deanonymizing metadata when posting. Run locally, bitchan is superior to all other decentralized or federated imageboard software.
Anonymous 06/12/22(Sun)06:57:23 No. fb-FA710Q6D
>>fb-G9YHWPXN >spam resistant Bitchan also has built in spam mitigation due to the POW scheme employed by the bitmessage network.
Anonymous 06/12/22(Sun)07:09:05 No. fb-TL9CZDP0 >>fb-2OE5LP36
>dchan >https://dchan.network/#/_/posts?s=censor >Like any dapp ui censorship is always possible. Web interface is a central point that you can filter/censor. >The admin can censor it in the frontend lol just lol. These same facts are true of any bitchan kiosk. Any host can and will censor content to keep from getting vanned and to keep their public frontend alive. That's why the local option for bitchan exists. Local bitchan instances are what bitchan was primarily developed for, the kiosk is an afterthought.
>>fb-TL9CZDP0 >>fb-G9YHWPXN Okay. But it's too bad that local Bitchan running still sucks in terms of user experience. Even Zeronet, which is many years older, is way better in terms of simplicity.
Anonymous 06/12/22(Sun)16:13:28 No. fb-YSELP31K
>>fb-2OE5LP36 Zeronet is as simple as it is bad. It's terrible, very insecure (uses javascript to do basically everything), is ridiculously slow, and no one uses it (which is a problem since it's a torrent based experience). Installing, running and posting on bitchan is very simple. It has many advanced features that are not found on any other IB software and if those features confuse you, it's probably because you don't read.
Anonymous 06/12/22(Sun)18:01:04 No. fb-L4LPPUFJ
>dchan >fchan >zeronet All completely unusable without Javascript and therefore very insecure. >BitChan All basic functions and most advanced features usable without Javascript and therefore it's significantly more secure. BitChan is designed specifically to be as secure as possible. Nothing is added to it that sacrifices security for usability or functionality. The only things that are dependent on JS, that I know of, are #countdown() which dynamically updates a timer and the copy-to-clipboard button which is not necessary and is available for convenience to copy BM identities.
Anonymous 06/12/22(Sun)18:37:00 No. fb-6KQZIHRQ >>fb-J77AQAT6
>>fb-2OE5LP36 >too complex for me durr Russian nationalists and nazis regularly use the board with no trouble. I guess your capabilities are inferior to these fellas?
>>fb-6KQZIHRQ I managed to install it locally. But to be fair, i wouldn't recommend it to a friend. Stuff complicated like this will end up like i2p of freenet. Great technically, but it will never gain traction. >Russian nationalists and nazis regularly use the board with no trouble. Maybe most of those used the kiosk.
Anonymous 06/12/22(Sun)22:22:22 No. fb-XOP83658
>>fb-J77AQAT6 What is complicated about it?
Anonymous 06/12/22(Sun)23:04:31 No. fb-SHRNNRUN >>fb-0RLA20TU
>>fb-J77AQAT6 >complicated I run this locally as well and I'm trying to understand what is so complicated about it. On the surface, it runs, looks and feels like a normal anonymous IB. Without getting into any of the advanced features, you can ignore anything unfamiliar and just post, so I don't see what's so complicated about it. Maybe it's the lists? When you first run bitchan, iirc you're not joined to any boards except for /babby/ and you're not joined to any list except /bablist/ and maybe /bitchan/. To join additional boards you only have a few options: - You can look at /bablist/ and join any of the boards (or lists) list there - You can learn about a board (or list), get the board (or list) passphrase and join it - Create your own board (or list), share it and add it to a list like /babby/ So maybe you're confused about why there's no boards? Maybe you find the list system confusing? But to me, this is the best model for 'federating' that I've come across. Maybe you find BitChan's identities too complex? But like I said, you don't have to know anything about them to use the IB in an anonymous way. All the other stuff BitChan allows you to do is icing on the cake. It's just a normal IB with a lot of bells and whistles. It's also absurdly secure compared to all other options and that security comes with a lot of options which increases the complexity, but none of it needs to be messed with to use it normally.
Anonymous 06/12/22(Sun)23:48:31 No. fb-0RLA20TU >>fb-SL5LVKFA
>>fb-SHRNNRUN Bitchan is okay i guess. The user interface is just not as sexy as dchan is. And the main censored Kiosk sucks.
Anonymous 06/13/22(Mon)00:02:18 No. fb-O8PXW5IB >>fb-0NEEBK2Z
>>fb-YHJ58CZM >/thread/BM-2cXAPLyeNpnyiVWaZbevvTGUm4umTWLh6Y/b23281b9feab#86701E55D >06/08/2022 >don't worry, i'm leaving. I will not touch this board with a 6 feet pole again. But then >06/12/2022 >/thread/BM-2cXVUC29HSjd7rhseJdcSE1m4qSnPPZmH2/6bcc66e8e278#642BCCAAC >hitler's a black jew copypasta posted for the 9th time on /pol/ You were told you'd be back. You can't stay away. You're on bitchan forever now.
Anonymous 06/13/22(Mon)00:06:31 No. fb-SL5LVKFA
>>fb-0RLA20TU >not as sexy as dchan >prefers bloated, insecure, bubbly, flashy js cancer You can always do a pull request with your new an improved (js-free) ui design. >makes posts which break kiosk rules >main censored Kiosk sucks Host your own, advertise it on bitchanr4, the devs will probably add it to the github.
Anonymous 06/13/22(Mon)09:03:27 No. fb-0NEEBK2Z
>>fb-O8PXW5IB Who told you that was me? I'm not the only guy who knows these things. Read Robin de Ruiter - The legacy of the 13 satanic bloodlines.
What do you guys think about a Fchan <-> BitChan bridge? Retarded?
Anonymous 06/14/22(Tue)08:26:42 No. fb-4DI4JEHR >>fb-CBAPUUG3
>>fb-UUQLZ98W I think there are enough decentralized chans now (FChan, dchan, bitchan). One of these, of perhaps a new one, will in the future have some sucess.
>>fb-4DI4JEHR that didnt address the questions >>fb-UUQLZ98W that would be great to have. not having decentralized chans isolated based on the protocol they implement.
Anonymous 06/14/22(Tue)20:09:34 No. fb-9M9M88IA >>fb-7RH8CBN1
>>fb-CBAPUUG3 So basically FChan instances would function as a Bitchan kiosk? Why not, since the only known Bitchan instance (kiosk not run locally) practice censorship. Bitchan has some nice activity recently.
Anonymous 06/14/22(Tue)21:18:10 No. fb-7RH8CBN1 >>fb-CKO35KOV
>>fb-9M9M88IA >Bitchan kiosk practices censorship. All public IBs do. FChan does, Dchan does. Post illegal content on any public forum and watch the host censor. Run your own private instance. That's what BitChan is made for btw. Decentralization means control, public frontends means re-centralization and loss of control. BitChan is the only software designed to give the user full control through full decentralization.
Anonymous 06/14/22(Tue)21:43:49 No. fb-I2CA7BMP
>>fb-CBAPUUG3 For FChan to be mirrored on BitChan, they'd need to: 1a) Create a board on BitChan, say /fch-b/ 2a) Alter FChan's code to send a copy of every FChan post to the BitChan mirrored board For BitChan to be mirrored on FChan, they'd need to: 1b) Make a board, say /fch-b/ or use the one 1a) created 2b) Create a bot to repost BitChan posts to FChan To accomplish 2a) Fchan would have to effectively become BitChan. This is because the BitChan 'protocol' is very specific. The only way around that is to write a script which automates posting on BitChan. This would probably be very difficult because: 1c) FChan would have to use a kiosk 2c) Kiosks are not necessarily permanent 3c) BitChan is under active development, so the script would likely break when updates are pushed to kiosks To accomplish 2b) BitChan would have to add to its code the ability to do this. It seems more likely that BitChan COULD mirror other boards than other boards consistently mirroring BitChan and mirroring themselves there. BitChan kiosks could add an api for grabbing posts and likewise for Fchan, but without the devs dedicating some serious time to this, it probably isn't going to happen. BUT I encourage any coders to try to do this.
Anonymous 06/15/22(Wed)19:10:36 No. fb-CKO35KOV >>fb-42SFYYMX
>>fb-7RH8CBN1 Well how could i argue against this? >Run your own private instance It's running. Need a .deb, flatpak, .exe, .dmg. Most nazis use windows anyway. So if you want to attract them you need this. Sure they post on the nazi kiosk, but they do not even see what others see. What a joke, they are punishing themselves with their bullshit censorship. Also, boards needs to be obviously visible when starting the local instance. No bablist.
>>fb-CKO35KOV >they are punishing themselves with their bullshit censorship. No Nazi has ever complained, Marxist retards on the other hand... >boards needs to be obviously visible when starting the local instance. No bablist. The boards which exist on the kiosk were probably created by the kiosk owner. There can be an infinite number of /pol/ boards On BitChan. The devs will not direct any one to join any board. /bablist/ is a list populated by anons, it is not a predetermined list that rolls out with BitChan. Except for /babby/ there are no boards that come with BitChan. BitChan doesn't endorse any board (except for /babby/ which is an example board with an auto-wipe function). This is what independence and freedom is all about, no predetermined board set. Every gripe about BitChan that you have is indicative of an immature mentality. You are like a baby, so stay on /babby/.
Anonymous 06/15/22(Wed)23:16:50 No. fb-6KD8MST8
>>fb-42SFYYMX >No Nazi has ever complained, Marxist retards on the other hand... Strange because i would complain if nazis would get censored. Nazi get off being censored. They view themselves as grand resistant fighters of modern times. So better let them publish everything they want. Clearly class struggle paid a far heavier price on the last decade than little internet nazis. Do you know that 24 yellow vests lost an eye from flashball shots, and that a thousand of them were send to jail? How many internet nazi in jail the last years?
Anonymous 06/15/22(Wed)23:22:09 No. fb-ZK6HTH0B >>fb-UWA75DAR
>>fb-42SFYYMX >Except for /babby/ there are no boards that come with BitChan. BitChan doesn't endorse any board (except for /babby/ which is an example board with an auto-wipe function). This is what independence and freedom is all about, no predetermined board set. It's strange that you clearly have an anarchist mentality, yet you have some sympathies for national(socialist) Capitalists, who clearly are the opposite of this. Order, hierarchy, ultra-centralization (one Fuhrer), are their motto.
>>fb-ZK6HTH0B Since you're an idiot and this is a /b/ thread about decentralized IBs, I'm not going to argue about why you're politically and historically niggerbrained. I'm just going to tell you you're an idiot. You're an idiot. And that's ok. The world needs idiots as an example of how not to be or as a subject to mock. There's use for you yet, niggerbrain.
Anonymous 06/16/22(Thu)13:19:47 No. fb-IMD2V7O4
>>fb-UWA75DAR It seems that since a few years, and especially the last year, idiots like me are gaining traction. I can see it on the clearnet. It seems we are absorbing you. The cleverest have already turned a few years ago, and the slightly above average are currently converting. Only the retards, or oldest, won't see the light, and wake up to class consciousness. In a few years, you'll be a minority. You seem to be young. You'll understand.
Anonymous 06/20/22(Mon)22:59:12 No. fb-BVSAARYG >>fb-2RA7Y821
Apparently other people on the Bitchan kiosk bitchanr4b64 are unhappy with the censorship.
Anonymous 06/21/22(Tue)00:33:51 No. fb-2RA7Y821 >>fb-Y6O21PFH
>>fb-BVSAARYG It looks like the leftypol owner-tranny even hates you faggots.
Anonymous 06/21/22(Tue)10:22:07 No. fb-Y6O21PFH >>fb-PCK877G4
>>fb-2RA7Y821 Arnose, admin of Bitchan Kiosk bitchanr4b64 is apparently dogmatic Hitlerian.
Anonymous 06/21/22(Tue)19:16:29 No. fb-PCK877G4
>>fb-Y6O21PFH Muy basado tbqf
Anonymous 06/27/22(Mon)07:09:32 No. fb-6Q072P3D
Relevant: "Free Speech is an Environment", or "How to be Pro-Free Speech Without Being a Simp" - https://peertube.anon-kenkai.com/w/bUhKeLhAWrezFW5vZNXXSd
Anonymous 06/27/22(Mon)07:21:30 No. fb-UEWWT6R8
>>fb-1TX11JVA Consider that the flagship instance of Mastodon censors people and blocks instances, yet there are plenty of other instances of Mastodon that don't.
>>fb-UWA75DAR No. you're the idiot. Nazis never have, and never will, value independance and freedom. They just cynically pretend to because it suits their interests. That being said, the Communist Manifesto is also in favour of ultra-centralisation. Is that not classical Marxism?
Anonymous 06/27/22(Mon)12:29:00 No. fb-473GM5XO
>>fb-MGJ0ED8I >I am very smart.
Anonymous 06/27/22(Mon)12:54:46 No. fb-5A1ORNTW
>>fb-MGJ0ED8I >Nazis never have, and never will, value independance and freedom. No shit retard. You don't know anything about Nazism and this is obvious from your comment. You're not going to find any mentions of the liberal idea of 'individual freedom' at the core of the NSDAP ideology. Individual independence and freedom have nothing to do with it, so they are actually being consistent with their ideology to deny the freedom of speech. The ordering principle of the NSDAP ideology is: The activity of individuals is not to counteract the interests of the universality, but must have its result within the framework of the whole for the benefit of all. >They just cynically pretend to because it suits their interests. They don't pretend, they are quite open about it, and they're open about it because they believe it and practice it. No cynicism here. You're just butthurt about honest Nazis because they don't blindly adopt your degenerate liberal values.
Anonymous 06/27/22(Mon)22:54:39 No. fb-C20QC9MD >>fb-LG88RRO8
Nazi 10 years ago were people fed up with the 9/11 lies, with the censorship about the holohoax, and with constant imperialist wars in the middle east. Many of those old nazi left and became something else. Today's internet nazis are Adolf Schicklgruber fanatics. Prone to blatant censorship, and also totally fine with class based society, aka wage labor. They even defend it by saying that the purest blood in society, that means the purest whites among the whites, have the legitimacy to own the means of production. Clearly it's the opposite of what Ernst Rohm or Gregor Strasser wanted. Obviously internet nazis do not understand that Capitalism only favor profit, and if more profit can be made by delocalizing factories in third world countries, then delocalizations will happen. Capital do not give a shit about racial preferences. Reminder that japan delocalized many of it's production, and is slowly accepting more and more foreigners. That is the Capitalist mode of production in movement.
Anonymous 06/28/22(Tue)00:02:14 No. fb-LG88RRO8 >>fb-HIL9EG57
>>fb-OS4QPV01 → >Yes they whine constantly about the light censorship done around the holohoax. Another logical failure. It is not inconsistent to want freedom of speech from the reigning and unjust regime and at the same time be prepared to accept restricted speech from their preferred regime. >I was nazi years ago, but even during this time i wouldn't have liked censorship one bit. In my opinion, and from my personal experience, nazi 10 years ago were slightly different. >I Who cares what you would have liked. You obviously didn't understand what you claimed to be and this becomes even more obvious by the nonsense conspiracies you believe. >>fb-C20QC9MD >Prone to blatant censorship, and also totally fine with class based society, aka wage labor. They even defend it by saying that the purest blood in society, that means the purest whites among the whites, have the legitimacy to own the means of production. Your reading comprehension is so fucking bad it makes me laugh. But please, by all means, continue to spam the same irrelevant and incorrect drivel that you believe. I take solace in the fact that no one cares what you say (because it's so obviously wrong and spergy). Take care nigger.
Anonymous 06/28/22(Tue)00:58:12 No. fb-HIL9EG57 >>fb-N2QAEAU5
>>fb-LG88RRO8 >Another logical failure. You speak like mainstream society. >It is not inconsistent to want freedom of speech from the reigning and unjust regime and at the same time be prepared to accept restricted speech from their preferred regime. Really looks like double standards. Also, you do not even know that truth comes from uncensored debate. >You obviously didn't understand what you claimed to be Oh i think i understand pretty well that national (socialism) hitlerism is wage labor with a nice Swatiska flag. Wage labor. Do you hear me boy? Wage labor. Rip Ernst Rohm. >But please, by all means, continue to spam the same irrelevant and incorrect drivel that you believe. You national (socialist) hitlerians are loosing. Do you really not see it? Each year Capitalism critique gain a little more traction, and each year national Capitalism, that is you, you national (socialist) hitlerians, loose ground. We will push, push, push, until there is nothing left of your little national Capitalism, national wage labor. National commodity, national money. National finance. That is what you are, you little practical national jew. You embrace judaic values: wage labor, money, commodity, finance (Schroeder and Rockefeller german bank created in 1936). Enough of you and your little jewish Rotschild fuhrer Adolf Schicklgruber. Financed by Rotschild anyway throught the bank of england in 1934. https://www.globalresearch.ca/history-of-world-war-ii-nazi-germany-was-financed-by-the-federal-reserve-and-the-bank-of-england/5530318 Is globalresearch.ca a conspirationist website? I WILL tell the proles what your little wage labor nationalism is. I will tell them that they will stay wage worker with you. And what it means: exploitation. Surplus labor. I will tell them the truth.
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>>fb-HIL9EG57 With you as their representative, I'm sure it will go well. lol the impotence intensifies.
Anonymous 06/28/22(Tue)01:12:51 No. fb-FVWP9HB3
>>fb-N2QAEAU5 You just proved that you are dumb enough to fall for the psy-op. Dumb fuck identity politics was financed by the CIA as a diversion tactic from class struggle. And since you are a dumb fuck you fell for it. Dumb fucks will fall for dumb traps.
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commies deserve mockery not arguments
Anonymous 06/28/22(Tue)01:16:57 No. fb-7R1NO59H
>>fb-N2QAEAU5 Imagine thinking the proletarian movement from the paris commune (1871), to revolutionary Catalonia (1936), to occupy wall street is about anti-fascism, and not class struggle. I think you are too dumb to even have an abstract idea of what class struggle is.
Anonymous 06/28/22(Tue)01:17:56 No. fb-6EZX01BK
>>fb-B9J802RR Could you even do argument even if you wanted? I don't think so.
Anonymous 06/28/22(Tue)01:18:54 No. fb-U8EFR6NO
>>fb-B9J802RR >What is class struggle?
>be the paris commune >"no way french army will attack us" >get BTFO'd >last 2 months >be revolutionary Catalonia >be an unorganized conglomeration of anarchists, communists, militias and socialists >even Stalin and Orwell hate you >last 3 years >be occupy wall street >care about literally occupying wall street, corrupt bankers, bailouts >abandon that >start talking about whiteness, intersectionality, racism, discrimination >be literally the same as globohomo >last 3 months Fucking LOL
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Anonymous 06/28/22(Tue)10:32:59 No. fb-YZVDV2SN
>>fb-6JD9UA5E >start talking about whiteness, intersectionality, racism, discrimination >be literally the same as globohomo >last 3 months That is the psy-op, as was it proved by the mainstream newspapers starting talking about those identity politic subjects ten times more AFTER occupy wall Street. It's not a coincidence. And you fell for it.
Anonymous 06/28/22(Tue)10:39:38 No. fb-WQ0TFYZ1
>>fb-OVZLA7GQ Retard fucking lenin himself was calling the new economy policy "our State Capitalism". How many times does it have to be repeated? Do you even think? https://libcom.org/discussion/lenin-acknowledging-intentional-implementation-state-capitalism-ussr Also an other proof that bolshevism wasn't communism, is that bolsheviks had many trade agreements with England. Like Hitler by the way. You cannot unironically be real communist, and do trade. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglo-Soviet_Trade_Agreement You little Fuhrer was a shopkeeper by the way. That's right, a shopkeeper. Like you.
Anonymous 06/28/22(Tue)17:43:28 No. fb-0E72USHJ
Virgin incelboy internet nazism is nothing else than shopkeeper mentality. A shopkeeper is a shopkeeper. Whether he is jewish or "Aryan" is irrelevant. He is a shopkeeper.
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>>fb-6JD9UA5E >be revolutionary Catalonia >Orwell hate you What? Georges Orwell literally wrote a book called Hommage to Catalonia. Orwell's 1984 was inspired by the lies spread by the republic in the end of revolutionary Catalonia. That the POUM! were fascist. It possibly inspired Orwell in 1984: "the lie became the truth".
Anonymous 06/28/22(Tue)21:23:18 No. fb-MS3OWZ57
>>fb-6JD9UA5E It's pretty clear from this very post that you are not with the proletarians, but against them.
Anonymous 06/29/22(Wed)00:37:02 No. fb-7RQXVDVC
Imagine thinking you are freeing the goyim by giving him an "aryan" bank, the Schroeder and Rockefeller bank (1936). http://coat.ncf.ca/our_magazine/links/53/rockefeller.html
Anonymous 06/29/22(Wed)10:50:31 No. fb-6CIQH59X
>>fb-OVZLA7GQ for scientific reasons i need the sauce of the pic on the post on your pic
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Anonymous 10/29/23(Sun)18:55:41 No. EKIMHKV8
Anonymous 10/29/23(Sun)21:03:02 No. fb-265C56VZ
Anonymous 10/29/23(Sun)23:40:20 No. fb-INW3P3TL
>>fb-9PR6RNZ3 >Address not found
Anonymous 12/01/23(Fri)22:08:22 No. fb-VOZJGP0Z
Anonymous 12/04/23(Mon)02:53:32 No. fb-XOLJY5TJ
Anonymous 12/04/23(Mon)02:54:25 No. fb-2G2WS2HM
Anonymous 12/04/23(Mon)03:29:14 No. fb-WYUPAFDU
Anonymous 12/04/23(Mon)03:30:12 No. fb-2SH6HY1W
new test
Anonymous 12/06/23(Wed)18:15:33 No. fb-UO0UN0MA
>>fb-0E72USHJ Wtf is "shopkeeper mentality"?

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