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It would be cool if boards had an RSS feed.
Anonymous #Admin 01/04/24(Thu)11:13:11 No. fb-GQKYFVJB
>>fb-1EZQB7IU (OP) I'll probably add feeds this weekend.
Anonymous #Admin 01/07/24(Sun)16:59:17 No. fb-OD0DMR4Z >>fb-U3LWBK3A
I added feeds. https://usagi.reisen/board/feed.rss (Atom and JSON feeds are also supported, at .atom and .json respectively) The formatting needs some tweaking, but for a 10 minute job I'm happy enough with it. I'm gonna try a couple of RSS clients to see how it looks, and go from there. By default it fetches the last 100 threads/posts, you can use the limit parameter to change this, you can fetch every post by using a limit of 0. https://usagi.reisen/b/feed.rss?limit=0 For now you can use /overboard/ to get posts from all boards, this will change to https://usagi.reisen/feed.X eventually. I plan to add a parameter to only show threads.
Anonymous 01/07/24(Sun)17:01:31 No. fb-Q29TCQAT
>>fb-OD0DMR4Z Cool
Anonymous #Admin 01/07/24(Sun)17:14:32 No. fb-U3LWBK3A
>>fb-OD0DMR4Z I also want to have per thread feeds since it's easy enough to do.

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