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File: 5215097-f5916e75b0f4e081a0(...).mp4 (3.01 MiB) [Draw]
Anonymous 08/29/23(Tue)15:16:44 No. fb-H96KP0DD >>fb-KJH2NQXL
What is that liquid?
Anonymous 12/09/23(Sat)07:40:15 No. fb-KJH2NQXL
>>fb-H96KP0DD isn't it obvious? it's cow blood
Anonymous 12/11/23(Mon)23:06:06 No. fb-4R7CW6V7
>>fb-A2XLDJRG (OP) getting through the kali yuga so hard
Anonymous 12/15/23(Fri)20:19:14 No. fb-QQ4RR91X >>fb-B8ZS017V
>>fb-A2XLDJRG (OP) I had always thought most Indians and Hindus were vegetarians
Anonymous 12/16/23(Sat)02:46:56 No. fb-B8ZS017V >>fb-OGYSPXJ8
>>fb-QQ4RR91X https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_sacrifice_in_Hinduism
Anonymous 12/18/23(Mon)00:16:16 No. fb-OGYSPXJ8 >>fb-HDWR4VK5
>>fb-B8ZS017V I don't see any mention of cow sacrifice in that article. Aren't cows sacred to Hindus (at least today)?
Anonymous 12/18/23(Mon)04:45:36 No. fb-HDWR4VK5
>>fb-OGYSPXJ8 fb-KJH2NQXL said it was cow's blood. It could be ox blood.

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