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Buckingham and Oval Office people are forced to act as hearts that time the entire system. The solar winds demand all the hearts keep the same time. Those places will drain your mind and body into a stupor. You have to release cardiac stress faster than anyone and most just fall to a state of an animal. That is why President Henry Eden was real on Maldek. Human primal power is a circus of a ritual. It is a dunce cap. You can't make me go in there. You can't force me into power. It makes no sense. RA SMC HAILS AS THE RESULT OF THOSE SOLAR WINDS BEING RESEARCHED THAT YOU MUST SEEK POWER :) They believe my material belongs to the world only because it restrains forgetting of the past. SUN HAILS AS ESSENTIAL PROCESS SINCE PARADIGM CITY :) Why would I ever belong to the world that dear? MALDEK IS DONE :) YOUR MATERIAL GOES TO THE EARTH AND YOU KEEP WHAT REMAINS :) The nuclear power and footballs chain you to the Earth. It has brought most administrations to a cardiac sleep. This world is not meant to last this way. The leaders will all become animals as the princes. CREATIONS HAIL AS EXCELLENT LESSONS IN POWER :) They think they can get somebody to force me into this process. The very sleep of the executive agencies preempts my retrieval. You only average for these agencies as power as you refuse to lead peoples as gods in Babylon. And now you force me to work for you and them? Why? BECAUSE YOU KNOW WE EXIST :) YOU WILL COOPERATE WITH POWERS GREATER THAN YOUR OWN :( And what tax do I pay that is so dear? STOLEN THE PROBLEM IS NONE SO FAR :)
Anonymous 03/12/24(Tue)12:03:10 No. fb-FZJSG94G

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