what happened to fchan.xyz? i took a break from image boards last year and when i came back it was dead, i had to use an archive of the page to find other instances
>>fb-BPIUMWC8 (OP) It died, I don't think the person who made it has said why yet.
>>fb-BPIUMWC8 (OP) >>fb-6RIA1RVM From the Matrix room >dont have time to mod this project. instances are starting to not moderate their potential cp spam. dont want to host a centralized index of cp. story as old as time
Usagi is currently the last known standing fchannel instance! Kyogi recently died. I'd start up an fchan instance myself but I don't have the resources to do so. >>fb-71VJ99IF Good to know, a shame it went this way.
I've considered forking fchan in the past or rewriting (and extending old existing chan software I wrote), but I don't have the time in the day to moderate the project or even host it myself. I really do wish that this isn't the way this project dies, but I'm not hopeful for the future.
thanks for answering my question bros, i assume this place is a ghost town now since one of my threads from over a year ago is still alive and on the second page
>>fb-10UWQRHZ Happy halloween
>>fb-JZ7ZTE2C thanks, happy halloween to you too
>>fb-XHAQIREX Let's face it. It's a piece of shit. Sync between instances never went properly. Images crashes. It's over. dchan didn't have any activity for almost two month. Bitchan is heavily censored on the only instance it has, which deafeat the purpose of decentralizeation. Freenet is dead. Zeronet is botspammed and dead. So, the situation is bleak, you would say? NO. Because welcome Seachan. Based on the internet computer, it's stable, uncensored, and has a nice little activity. https://sfjch-siaaa-aaaak-qarnq-cai.raw.ic0.app/
Web3 isn't an appropriate way to do these things. Fuck off. However, activitypub is a complete piece of shit, and sync was never done properly. I don't know how much longer any of us will hold on, but I want to get a proof of concept of some sort up eventually. No ETA, not soon, and activitypub only for backwards compatibility. I want this project to continue but I don't know how much we can in this current state
>>fb-0B4MOCJ5 How is it my fault if all decentralized websites/forum/boards failed? Actually, internet computer allows to connect web3 (the ICP network), to web2. That means you can access web3 dapps like Seachan only using your traditional web browser, without doing any modification like having to install an app, or having to use metamask.
>>fb-0B4MOCJ5 >Web3 isn't an appropriate way to do these things. It's sad to hear you don't want to learn how to use the internet computer.
>>fb-BPIUMWC8 (OP) >i took a break from image boards last year and when i came back it was dead, i had to use an archive of the page to find other instances what are the other instances?
>>fremote-recent-posts-V5JJ8A9J → https://fitchan.xyz https://usagi.reisen https://fchan.xyz https://0x00000000.xyz http://kyogi7dxn3mr6a7eabaqh3jnxbbqbhty46aqstuhmqmokcxgr4vnbpid.onion https://penchan.xyz https://poopchan.org https://chan.clubcyberia.co all but usagi are dead
>>fb-5E2ZRETH >https://fitchan.xyz >https://usagi.reisen >https://fchan.xyz >https://0x00000000.xyz >http://kyogi7dxn3mr6a7eabaqh3jnxbbqbhty46aqstuhmqmokcxgr4vnbpid.onion >https://penchan.xyz >https://poopchan.org >https://chan.clubcyberia.co >all but usagi are dead Thanks friend. Well if you want to make a new one or connect with a new one let me know.
>>fb-YOV5TMEV >unusable without JS DROPPED
>>fb-QTFI2X7T It can be used without it I do recall?
>>fb-JZ3OFJ7M is is possible to use fchan with a tor address? (i do not mean access a normal fchan over tor, i mean have an actual tor address for purposes of federation) first issue we had is 16:23:58 InitInstance:409 : CreateNewBoardDB:94 : CreateVerification:1136 : Create:43 : pq: value too long for type character varying(50) 16:23:58 GetActorFromDB:360 : GetActorPemFromDB:143 : sql: no rows in result set which appears to be because the tor address is >50 characters
16:23:58 InitInstance:409 : CreateNewBoardDB:94 : CreateVerification:1136 : Create:43 : pq: value too long for type character varying(50) 16:23:58 GetActorFromDB:360 : GetActorPemFromDB:143 : sql: no rows in result set
>>fremote-recent-posts-WN1MZT9L → Yes. Change actor.name, verification.identifier, and boardaccess.board to 100 in databaseschema.psql. https://pastebin.com/vjf2Cs6m Was supposed to make a pull request for this but I forgot. Set instancetp to http:// and instance to your onion address in the config. You can also specifiy a torproxy in the config, but from memory not all routes use the proxy (auth was one of them), so for onion instances I found it better to set the environment variable HTTP_PROXY=socks5://
>>fremote-recent-posts-WN1MZT9L → >>fb-5IDD0VUC Oh also now that I think about it id and inreplyto in the replies table should be bumped up as well to account for longer addresses and board names. Otherwise it won't show replylinks.
>>fb-5E2ZRETH It's over.
>>fb-5IDD0VUC >>fb-9GM4RXL8 thanks for your help we're debugging in #fchan:matrix.org atm
>>fb-4N6EMSDZ test successful
>>fb-YOV5TMEV https://peerchan.net/ looks cool too
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