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Random images & videos Anonymous 07/27/23(Thu)02:32:32 No. fb-EKHVNKGT
Anonymous 07/27/23(Thu)04:19:08 No. fb-7K3R3CLG
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Anonymous 10/02/23(Mon)19:42:36 No. fb-GE7APL2L
>>fb-1GPBJ9CI When I watched this anime again I realized there were many more times the girls would wriggle around like this.
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Anonymous 10/06/23(Fri)20:54:10 No. fb-Q8H4AQUO
>>fb-6HU3ZJO3 Flatworms are flat because they have no circulatory system so they need to have a high surface area to get enough oxygen through diffusion.
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File: When Pokemon GO came out.mp4 (585.86 KiB)
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He's fact spitting.
>>fb-EKHVNKGT (OP) Original title: Pahlavi Texts of Zoroastrianism 5: Marvels of Zoroastrianism Translated by E.W. West: ZS Chapter XIX
Anonymous 02/02/24(Fri)14:15:24 No. fb-VCORQ5NJ
>>fb-W8XS6ACH The file didn't upload...
File: WORK.mp4 (11.55 MiB)
>>fb-W8XS6ACH It only is 11.6 MiB
>>fb-W8XS6ACH I don't think this website allows uploading PDFs.
Anonymous 02/02/24(Fri)17:36:38 No. fb-DVX2YWYZ
>>fb-FP5JV851 I was trying to upload this video >>fb-1NM8I0N3, but the filename was most likely too long, that's why it didn't upload. You can upload PDFs. 1. Download the image; 2. Open a hex editor (or any editor); 3. Find DELETE-EVERYTHING-BEFORE-THIS and do as it says!
File: jesus.gif (61.31 KiB)
>>fb-FP5JV851 The GIF
Anonymous 02/02/24(Fri)19:25:08 No. fb-VH25ISQW
>>fb-DVX2YWYZ I get that you can do that of course.
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Anonymous 02/15/24(Thu)05:07:05 No. fb-FF1U5P4K
>>fb-MSYH9XFG Disgusting and repulsive.
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Anonymous 03/07/24(Thu)13:12:33 No. fb-KNEMGGID
>>fb-MSYH9XFG Filian is my favorite VTuber.
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Anonymous 04/28/24(Sun)01:31:34 No. fb-WZ3E7UD8
>>fb-08C2FXET > Newton [the guy who drew that picture] died of typhus in London at the age of 21 Wow, crazy.
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Anonymous 05/31/24(Fri)04:47:07 No. fb-1772PBQZ
>>fb-JTD3S24D Japanese school girls are so cute.
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Anonymous 09/11/24(Wed)22:16:11 No. fb-FDFQL2IJ
>>fb-5R7B7JKF We need pan-species libertarianism (animals have property rights to the fruits of their labour just like humans do and are protected by the NAP)
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>>fb-EKHVNKGT (OP) https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=4zZYg2KT1yc lol
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File: teo.mp4 (3.31 MiB)
Anonymous 10/03/24(Thu)08:15:06 No. fb-98YM9NC2
>>fb-P2P3882P Stallman moment.
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Anonymous 10/09/24(Wed)21:32:23 No. fb-LS72KFSJ >>fb-Z0HRMJGN
>>fb-EPJF7II2 The woman is making it sound like there aren't any men's support groups when that's just false. I googled "men's support group US" and found 100s of them. There are a couple of news articles about schools shutting down men's support groups she posted in her screenshot, but It's not like men can't join any support groups at all. It's still bad for the Unis to shut down the support groups though.
Anonymous 10/10/24(Thu)14:13:43 No. fb-Z0HRMJGN
>>fb-LS72KFSJ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Men's_shed There's one of these near me (in the UK, not the US). I have also seen the BBC report on them in a positive light. So, I'm not sure what that woman's point is exactly, but it seems like mainstream society does care about men to that extent at least. I also haven't noticed local churches doing anything for men in particular. But I could easily be wrong as I am not very religious and even less Christian.
Anonymous 10/11/24(Fri)05:50:21 No. fb-ZYE2JBWQ
>>fb-EPJF7II2 The woman in the clip claims liberal society mocks men for their mental health struggles, and then shames them when they try to do something about it. She goes on to say men are so vilified by folks who tend to be very anti-religious that young men are being pushed into church, where they find support and obtain positions of authority and leadership. She's not saying there's an absence of a lot of very toxic elements to that, but she argues liberal society has become just as toxic when men are mocked for their mental health struggles and shamed for trying to do something about them. She thinks people need to be very aware of the long-term ramifications that isolating, shaming, and not supporting men are going to have, especially if people don't want to return to a theocratic, patriarchal, religiously-run society. Here are articles she references: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/thinking-man/11670138/Why-are-our-universities-blocking-mens-societies.html Why are our universities blocking men's societies? (2015/06/16) https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/mens-issues-group-taking-ryerson-universitys-student-union-to-court-over-club-status Men's issues group taking Ryerson University's student union to court over club status (2016/04/12) https://www.jccf.ca/court_cases/ryerson-mens-issues-awareness-society-v-ryerson-students-union/ Student group advocating for men and boys told by university there is no need for group (2019/10/15) https://media.lsu.co.uk/2024/09/09/the-mens-project-initiative-cancelled-following-student-concerns/ ‘The Men’s Project’ Initiative Cancelled Following Student Concerns https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/23/us/young-men-religion-gen-z.html In a First, Young Men Are More Religious Than Young Women
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>>fb-OXUZNTR7 That looks cozy.
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