>be me, 19 >on summer holiday with the bois >want to smoke weed >smoke weed in my bathroom with 3 others >two joints in >we notice a ventilation shaft on wall >whatcouldgowrong.jpg >20 minutes later >all of us hit the beach >guy in our group (non-smoker) says he's feeling weird >he suspects food poisoning >waitasecond.jpg >guy's room is right above mine >ask where he was 20 minutes prior >he was on the toilet for a long time because his stomach hurt >all 4 smokers burst into tears of laughter >mfw we got this mf high second-hand
>>fb-HJGEPLEC (OP) All weed smokers burn in hell, direct or indirect.
>>fb-JP17HXTI imagine being this much of a faggot
>>fb-HJGEPLEC (OP) Hahah yeah I remember that, shame he failed the drug test at his work though.
>>fb-KI4JBLL9 >summer holiday
>>fb-N2HLTEC0 cry about if weed smoking faggot hope you like satan's blunt (cock) in hell rot
>>fb-JK7MU781 he picked up the habit of smoking you ruined his life
>>fb-EZZX8VWR >implies you get addicted from being high once I literally never crave for weed y'all are just probably reciting what your parents told you back in the day
>>fb-EZZX8VWR >you have to be 18 to post here
>>fb-JK7MU781 life isn't free
>>fb-O6NMXDYQ keep coping you faggot he's dead or in jail now because of you well done
>>fb-G1LQB16C >smoking weed is an adult thing
>>fb-HJGEPLEC (OP) Smoking weed is for faggots
>>fb-G1LQB16C getting addicted to weed is a 12 year old thing
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