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File: nekotora.gif (383.67 KiB)
is this dead?
Anonymous 11/09/22(Wed)22:57:09 No. fb-FHT0I1SO
>>fb-LD82CQSC (OP) yeah, it's a ghost town now that all the other instances are kil it used to be slow but comfy
Anonymous 11/10/22(Thu)02:13:23 No. fb-QVHBNMEY
Its been a ghost town. I hope for a resurgence eventually.
Anonymous 11/12/22(Sat)03:35:43 No. fremote-recent-posts-PZCT3T1F
>>fb-LD82CQSC (OP) >>fb-FHT0I1SO >>fb-QVHBNMEY test reply - federated
Anonymous 11/12/22(Sat)03:37:04 No. fb-HTMW97DQ
>>fremote-recent-posts-PZCT3T1F → test reply - local
Anonymous 11/12/22(Sat)05:36:39 No. fb-4V9WHW1F
Nagataro is so cute in cat ears

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