/overboard/ - Overboard


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File: gAaExtvniwnGlASQUHhy.jpg (56.17 KiB) [Draw]
>>Usagi is a federated image board based on ActivityPub. looks that activitypub federation on usagi side not fully supported - can't federate from my onion mitra instance 2023-12-13T21:11:21 mitra::activitypub::deliverer [INFO] response from https://usagi.reisen/b/inbox: [500] ActorInbox:34 : GetActivityFromJson:126 : GetObjectFromJson:198 : json: can 2023-12-13T21:11:21 mitra::activitypub::deliverer [WARN] failed to deliver activity to https://usagi.reisen/b/inbox: http error 500
Anonymous 12/15/23(Fri)11:20:06 No. fb-TJHMTZEA
dummy bunny cant into computer
Anonymous 12/19/23(Tue)20:12:02 No. fb-71DHQBZ0
activitypub implementation is broken so it can only communicate with other fchannel instances
File: image (7).jpg (851.26 KiB) [Draw]
>>fb-71DHQBZ0 bunny its time 2 code

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