wow an instance free of dumb bunny except her shitty code i hate wamen
bumping because why not i forgot to get a plague doctor custome before doing crowntan lolf lolf lolf
>>ffedi-5OZPVSNE >bumping because why not ответ, почему бы и нет >instance free of dumb bunny who is mr dumb bunny?
>>ffedi-IXU1JUF2 fuku glowing spoopablyaty lunabunbitcher >who is mr dumb bunny? oy vey iz mir zezak zezak zezak oficerie zezak zezak chokfishake zezak zezak nr moj ata jane tani per tani per tani per tani zezak zezak zezak oficerie zezak zezak chokfishake zezak zezak nr moj ata jane tani per tani per tani per tani zezak zezak zezak oficerie zezak zezak chokfishake zezak zezak nr moj ata jane tani per tani per tani per tani zezak zezak zezak oficerie zezak zezak chokfishake zezak zezak nr moj ata jane tani per tani per tani per tani zezak zezak zezak oficerie zezak zezak chokfishake zezak zezak nr moj ata jane tani per tani per tani per tani zezak zezak zezak oficerie zezak zezak chokfishake zezak zezak nr moj ata jane tani per tani per tani per tani zezak zezak zezak oficerie zezak zezak chokfishake zezak zezak nr moj ata jane tani per tani per tani per tani
>>ffedi-82BDSM9F Ф Бабруйск, жЫвотное!
>>ffedi-OLD54X14 lunar виггер oe wissen sodass ih wissen sodass oe wissen sodass ih wissen ik bun saugetier lassen allein biologisch narrin schlappohr
lunar виггер oe wissen sodass ih wissen sodass oe wissen sodass ih wissen ik bun *nae* saugetier lassen allein biologisch dumb bunnies idiocy is rubbing off on me nooooo
>>ffedi-DYFU004L Бобруйск для бобров! Кроликам в бобруйске не рады!
>>ffedi-GK9MDOX4 thought that was a play on Бабруйскs flaggot being a bundle of sticks to me it looks like this "you fucking, faggot animal!" ok ill believe ur not dumb bunny
>>ffedi-GK9MDOX4 love how this image cant federate to nonloki users even with changing the url bunnies shit code in full effect here everyone
>>ffedi-I2TAJF11 this is trivial for p2p activitypub reiceive only messages not media for media need config media cache in nginx
>>ffedi-I2TAJF11 КГ/АМ
>>ffedi-NFQ3P5R9 >force niggerx bloat what a fuck bnnuy not fnnuy
>>ffedi-B2QLBV80 >what a fuck bnnuy not fnnuy кролик уже не торт, а бобр курва
>>ffedi-9SV4YWDD damn dumb exbunny beaver cant even properly make meds that turn her into the right animal
>>ffedi-9SV4YWDD это нейронка пиздит или че
>>fb-Y8P6LYW7 >это нейронка пиздит или че или чо
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