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File: DC++.PNG (94.26 KiB) [Draw]
Reject torrent, Return to P2P. Take the DC++ pill.
Anonymous 01/16/21(Sat)07:44:43 No. fg-C3F5CCDB >>fg-T28LVDG1
>>fg-07A745EE (OP) does it work on gnu/linux?
Anonymous 01/16/21(Sat)11:22:32 No. fg-D184AB33
>>fg-07A745EE (OP) based, dc++ is the shit.
Anonymous 01/16/21(Sat)18:49:01 No. fg-F4BB62A8
>>fg-07A745EE (OP) >proprietary client for a shitty network "No". At least shill freenet instead.
Anonymous 07/03/21(Sat)15:27:25 No. fg-WQELTUXZ
>>fg-07A745EE (OP) no idea what this dogshite even is or what the picture has to do with it. torrent is p2p. i2p is p2p. what does this even do? why are you posting bank transactions on the internet?
Anonymous 07/04/21(Sun)17:52:00 No. fg-T28LVDG1
>>fg-C3F5CCDB aMule does
Anonymous 07/04/21(Sun)23:35:51 No. fg-P4XI3CBQ
>>fg-WO5LBGE5 → I don't know why it is not more popular
Anonymous 07/05/21(Mon)14:42:56 No. fg-6WKZN0WV >>fg-SIS6R2KE
>>fg-A2E62CWC → >you have to do port forwarding this is retarded and probably the only reason its not more popular
Anonymous 07/05/21(Mon)14:45:32 No. fg-SIS6R2KE
>>fg-6WKZN0WV also >>>>propietary :heyface:

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