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Are there any good open source apps for viewing Word documents, etc. on Android? OnlyOffice looked good, but apparently their mobile app is closed source.
Anonymous 05/07/21(Fri)07:22:40 No. fg-BEFICWTC >>fg-8022MN6X
LibreOffice? If you don't like the app you can always run a X server and LibreOffice via Termux
Anonymous 05/07/21(Fri)21:51:43 No. fg-8022MN6X
>>fg-BEFICWTC Do you mean this one? https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.collabora.libreoffice
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>>fg-292GKEZ6 (OP) document viewer on F-droid. works great.
Anonymous 07/02/21(Fri)07:54:08 No. fg-EMNWO0KK
>>fg-CCX7F0P2 this. Werks pretty good. Also, check Markor if you want.
Anonymous 08/05/21(Thu)15:29:07 No. fg-0HSA42LM
>>fg-292GKEZ6 (OP) I use LibreOffice Viewer https://f-droid.org/en/packages/org.documentfoundation.libreoffice/
Anonymous 09/28/21(Tue)09:10:12 No. fg-LEA5ZYJ5
>>fg-8022MN6X There was a viewer https://f-droid.org/en/packages/org.documentfoundation.libreoffice/ but not quite updated, might still work

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