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Any of y'all have a home server? What services do you host on your own? I'm planning to eventually get a server and host some services such as: openvpn, syncthing, maybe a git server and some media streaming shit i guess Share with the /g/ fags
Anonymous 06/15/21(Tue)17:30:53 No. fg-CJOCQF7C
>>fg-5BGQI2CD (OP) I use mine for owncloud and Plex. If I wasn't stuck with shit internet with data caps I would like to do more with it.
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I run the following on it: Ombi - Lets my family request shit to download off usenet Plex - Where they watch shit off of usenet Emby - Where I watch my weird shit Sabnzbd+++DSkldsjl - Usenet download client I plan on adding other stuff to it eventually, but mainly it's just a complicated usenet download box and frontend.
Anonymous 07/09/21(Fri)17:57:59 No. fg-1XIFATM4
>>fg-5BGQI2CD (OP) Jellyfin Sonarr/Radarr Szurubooru Minecraft Server
Anonymous 07/24/21(Sat)07:01:56 No. fg-UWRTPHIS
>>fg-FKQYZV19 are you the asshole in my neighborhood who left their usenet box open? I keep running into you shit when I'm war scanning.

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