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/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread Anonymous 05/21/21(Fri)22:31:39 No. fg-6FLD0Z6P
What are you working on, /g/?
>>fg-6FLD0Z6P (OP) something to organize my todo list i started a prototype in lua, but i dont know any interfaces for it maybe i will try ncurses
Anonymous 05/23/21(Sun)23:19:14 No. fg-FI6K9VQQ >>fg-ZV1UN845
>>fg-6FLD0Z6P (OP) Working on some tooling for running my VPSs and some general use scripts (bulk video to audio converter wrapped around FFMPEG)
Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)12:59:30 No. fg-ZV1UN845 >>fg-7Z51D2LZ
>>fg-FI6K9VQQ Working on my trading bot. I must automate the money making process.
Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)18:17:30 No. fg-ROHMF1OB
>>fg-5WNA9L2F i kinda forgot about this, but i couldn't find any terminal interface for lua that has some actual working documentation on how to compile/install without having to use some bullshit module manager like luarocks why the fuck does every interpreted language have something like this (pip for python) for libraries with little to no instruction on how to build the damn thing yourself without relying on a package-manager-like software?
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>>fg-ZV1UN845 this would be an interesting one to have your own trade bot i was thinking to make one for tradeogre. got distracted and just made a trend graph with gnuplot with different moving average and exponential moving averages for any currency pair: XMR-BTC i plan to add a few calculations to better read graph trends and comparing to current market data passive income is the way
Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)02:04:26 No. fg-BHEYPI3B
>>fg-7Z51D2LZ Yeah this is great - getting a little /off topic/ but I've been trading shares for the last 6 months and am up a couple hundred bucks passive income is pretty addictive
>>fg-7Z51D2LZ I'd really like to learn how to use gnuplot better. I've only toyed with it from within emacs, turning org-mode tables into graphs, but I haven't used gnuplot on its own yet, and I don't have a good feel for what it's capable of. One thing I'd like to do is visualize the results of my backtesting, and the chart you posted got me thinking. I have enough data to make charts like the one you posted, but could I annotate the chart at moments where my trading strategy decides to take an action?
Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)06:21:15 No. fg-TYEU5XJJ
>>fg-5WNA9L2F > organize my todo list I use org-mode in emacs for this, and more specifically, I use a workflow I found here: https://emacs.cafe/emacs/orgmode/gtd/2017/06/30/orgmode-gtd.html I use it almost exactly as he described with very little modification. It's a nice system for keeping your tasks organized. CAVEATS: If you're not already an experienced emacs user, I'm kinda throwing you in the deep end of the pool, but if you have played with org-mode by itself and have a feel for how to use it, I'd definitely try to use org-agenda the way he has it set up. Early on, I fumbled around with org-agenda, because I didn't know how to use it, but his system cleared up all my misunderstandings.
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>>fg-CB1TBKR6 defiantly. theyre just data points. so if you calculate the points you can place them wherever on the graph from a file to read in. when you cacluate where you want to annotate just append it to your existing list of data point file or memory
Anonymous 06/05/21(Sat)12:19:02 No. fg-OU5P3WBE
>>fg-CB1TBKR6 i used to use it in university for me it is the sort of thing you would have to actually need to use in order to learn as there is no complete tutorial to teach you everything, so you have to just search "how to do X on gnuplot" and improvise from there it is not hard, though: tell it how you want it to interpret and represent the data points, then give it a list of data points
Anonymous 06/05/21(Sat)21:38:08 No. fg-WJ7JQ6BJ >>fg-PV2BBVA8
>>fg-6FLD0Z6P (OP) on this github.com/Billy02357/gpgpass
>>fg-WJ7JQ6BJ Are you aware of this project? https://www.passwordstore.org/
Anonymous 06/07/21(Mon)19:51:46 No. fg-NR6CSRDR >>fg-0U6X1LDQ
>>fg-PV2BBVA8 Yes, totally I just did it for fun
Anonymous 06/07/21(Mon)20:03:37 No. fg-0U6X1LDQ
>>fg-PV2BBVA8 >>fg-NR6CSRDR I also did it bc i didn't really like pass so I figured I'd just write my own Currently trying to write it on Dlang just for fun too
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>>fg-SLWAQORA Here is my visualization work in progress. I'm feeling my way through gnuplot with the help of _Gnuplot in Action_. https://1lib.us/book/3385211/2f0585 I still have much to learn, but I think I'll be able to visualize everything I have to visualize. There are just a lot of details to iron out.
Anonymous 06/10/21(Thu)18:37:25 No. fg-H6NGYVYN
>>fg-UQV5MQH5 looks good candle sticks are a nice touch.

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