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Hypothetical Cross-Service Operations Anonymous 07/15/23(Sat)07:42:20 No. fg-AE0WJ4SI
it's pretty cool how you can post from mastodon into a lemmy instance in this thread we hypothesize about potential interoperability between fchan and other activitypub services
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>>fg-AE0WJ4SI (OP) I imagine many would be onesided(visibility), but still useful operations the main ones I have in mind are: -from a mastodon account, boost(retweet) an anons post to share it over there -- this would be more useful than taking screenshots of greenposts -share a tooth into a thread (or as a new thread) here as a post to share it and discuss it -- not just tooths, im thinking more about peertube videos
Anonymous 07/15/23(Sat)07:56:46 No. fg-E592Y8QX
>>fg-AE0WJ4SI (OP) it's useful to hyphotetize about these things as projects like: NodeBB are discussing the idea of making their forum software so that you can post in it from your own mastodon account Gitea is implementing it so that issues can be created from your mastodon account, code reviews the same * understanding that by mastodon I mean misskey, pleroma, etc as well
Anonymous 07/19/23(Wed)17:41:15 No. fg-QKZQWLBL >>fg-Y0ZXM928
It would be nice if there was a website that let you post on other instances without an account. I was thinking it could be called anonymouscoward.moe . I would guess that you could make it look like everyone's posts were coming from one account. If you type in a name, then it would look like it was coming from a different account from the same website. I hate making accounts for shit.
Anonymous 02/18/24(Sun)15:07:49 No. fg-E8Z49OCJ >>fg-JOHD053Q
now that the dust has settled, can someone explain to me what that shitstorm about the bridge was all about? some dude wanted to federate harder and snowflake trannies panicked about their hugbox safe space? all right, they might have some point bridge to the current (what appears to be) singular instance of BlueSky, but once there are multiple instances federated through AT protocol, there is not much of a difference between that and AP-federated Mastodon. So why not federate both networks together? tl;dr: I fucking hate trannies, so I want to find a right-wing part of Mastodon where I can relax
Anonymous 02/18/24(Sun)16:08:10 No. fg-Y0ZXM928
>>fg-QKZQWLBL Sounds similar to https://mastinator.com/, except that's read only
Anonymous 02/18/24(Sun)16:17:29 No. fg-JOHD053Q
>>fg-E8Z49OCJ Pleroma seems right up your alley. It leans mostly right and non-LGBT, but the people who aren't still won't get wound up about stuff like you describe.
Anonymous 02/18/24(Sun)17:57:23 No. fg-48ZW81Y4
>>fg-JOHD053Q wasnt elixir bloat developed by altlgbt funny if true
Anonymous 02/20/24(Tue)18:00:25 No. fg-FF1E9GEY
>>fg-Y0ZXM928 This service deeply enraged the mastodon trannies. https://mastinator.com/apology/
Anonymous 02/28/24(Wed)06:17:53 No. fg-XRVFAOLG
I think we should bridge this place with Mastodon.

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