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I used to have a very autistic setup for generating my site, but I rewrote it on hugo and I liked using it. I spent a couple of days reading about it (it has good documentation) and messing around with it, so I will stick with it. My site still has that same boring look, but now that manipulating the layout is easier, I will try to create something that looks decent. I also spend some time surfing the web and reading other people's personal sites, so I have some ideas for how to design mine. Anyway, have you ever used hugo? What do you think of it?
Anonymous 08/08/22(Mon)14:01:51 No. fg-DEE9885D
I also converted the pages to XHTML because apparently I have a subconscious autismo quota to meet.
Anonymous 08/09/22(Tue)14:05:11 No. fg-D425D434 >>fg-A4842A04
I've come close to using Hugo but I keep using a really autistic and overengineered shellscript setup instead, but it has a slight sentimental value to it so I'll probably keep on using it for now. I am half familiar with how Hugo works and it would probably drastically simplify my website but eh. I also just kinda like the simplicity of lowdown | cat header.html - footer.html | sed whatever, except it's all wrapped up in a simple "make"
Anonymous 08/11/22(Thu)10:33:18 No. fg-A4842A04
>>fg-D425D434 My setup was similar except I used smu as my markdown translator. I used hugo not to simplify, but to automatize things i was previously doing manually, like the pages on the navigation bar and the list of articles on the articles page. I suppose, that counts as simplifying since I don't have to worry about that anymore. Obviously all of this could be implemented on a shell script using find to get a list of files and parsing that to know what to write on each list, but at some point, like you said, it becomes overengineered and you are better off using something written on a real programming language.
Anonymous 08/22/22(Mon)21:28:12 No. fg-C23B84EC >>fg-E1F6DCCA
Hugo is kinda dumb. It is 10000000000000 times simpler to take a hugo template and just hand code it and maintain/change it by hand. Hugo is the best site generator, but site generators are stupid in general. The markdown is just a stupid fucking thing to learn. Learn markdown in order to make simple html pages. Wait...isn't just learning html easier?? :)
Anonymous 09/05/22(Mon)13:19:20 No. fg-E1F6DCCA
>>fg-C23B84EC >It is 10000000000000 times simpler to take a hugo template and just hand code it and maintain/change it by hand. What. >Wait...isn't just learning html easier?? Do you mean to say that you think handwriting HTML tag soup is better than writing simple markdown and letting the computer doing the shit job of putting everything between <>? If that's the case I'm just gonna go ahead and assume you have never written a website with more than 3 pages.
Anonymous 09/09/22(Fri)03:59:39 No. fg-PEUHKFVD
>>fg-E1F6DCCA I like markdown but sometimes you can't do everything you want to do in it. I haven't tried hugo yet.

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