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Share some interesting or useful software and services. * yt-dlp: Downloads videos and audio. Supports a ton of sites. https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp * gallery-dl: Downloads images including entire galleries and accounts. Coomer-focused, but supports generic hosts like imgur or Twitter accounts. https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl * Image Max URL: When given an image or video url, it'll grab the largest/original file. Available as a script or a website. https://github.com/qsniyg/maxurl https://qsniyg.github.io/maxurl/ - * BespokeSynth: Modular software synth and DAW. https://github.com/BespokeSynth/BespokeSynth * VCV Rack: Virtual modular synth. Freeware with a paid version. Popular, so there's a ton of third-party modules, a bunch of which are free. https://vcvrack.com * SunVox: Tracker-based modular synth. https://warmplace.ru/soft/sunvox/ * Pure Data: Free version of Miller Puckette's original Max language. https://puredata.info * BlackHole: Zero latency loopback driver for Mac OS. https://github.com/ExistentialAudio/BlackHole - * Reticulum and LXMF: Networking protocol and messaging format designed to work over high latency and low bandwidth networks such as packet radio. https://github.com/markqvist/Reticulum https://github.com/markqvist/LXMF * Clients built on LXMF: https://github.com/markqvist/NomadNet https://github.com/markqvist/Sideband https://github.com/liamcottle/reticulum-meshchat * NNTPChan: Decentralized imageboard using the NNTP protocol from Usenet. Unfortunately, seems to be dead. There were like a dozen instances at one point, but I'm unaware of any that are active. Basically fchan a decade ago. https://github.com/nntpchan/nntpchan * BitChan and Gochan: More cool imageboard software, but even deader than us. https://github.com/813492291816/BitChan https://github.com/gochan-org/gochan * Superhighway84: Usenet-inspired decentralized forum. https://github.com/mrusme/superhighway84
Anonymous 09/18/24(Wed)02:46:41 No. fg-WOTEA3Q7
>>fg-AXI1AQ3Z (OP) * Plan 9 from User Space: Ports of the Plan 9 utils to Unix-like systems including the rc shell, sam and acme editors, and plumber. https://9fans.github.io/plan9port/ * OberonSystem3: A port of the Oberon System 3 that runs natively on modern PCs. https://github.com/rochus-keller/OberonSystem3 Use it to follow along with Niklaus Wirth's book at https://people.inf.ethz.ch/wirth/ProjectOberon/ - * Objective-See makes several small, opensource security utilities for Mac OS. https://objective-see.org/tools.html https://github.com/objective-see * Pixeldrain: File hosting website. Unfortunately requires an account now, but I was able to use a disposable email. There's also Catbox and Gofile. There also used to be Anonfiles, but it died.
Anonymous 09/18/24(Wed)03:46:13 No. fg-MM3U4C80
>>fg-WOTEA3Q7 I use pomf.lain.la for file sharing usually.
Not software, but Standard Ebooks does high-quality, edited versions of Project Gutenberg books available in multiple epub formats and as websites - single page and multipart. They also publish the code for generating them on Github. https://standardebooks.org/ https://github.com/standardebooks
Anonymous 10/13/24(Sun)20:26:42 No. fg-E190AL95 >>fg-B3CEIPF5
>>fg-DKAOMTEJ I feel like the Project Gutenberg books are already really good though.
Anonymous 10/14/24(Mon)01:17:29 No. fg-B3CEIPF5
>>fg-E190AL95 The reason why Gutenberg ebooks aren't in modern formats with tons of markup is because most of those formats don't last more than 10 years.
Anonymous 10/16/24(Wed)21:49:31 No. fg-ADPR7T76
>>fg-DKAOMTEJ >as websites I like that because it means I can link chapters to people without sending them the whole book like I can with books on theanarchistlibrary.org
File: logo.png (30.48 KiB) [Draw]
https://aspublic.org/ as:Public is an active Fediverse search engine. There have been Fediverse search engines before, but they tend to go away after (usually Mastodon) people harass the operators because being able to search public, federated posts that are cached across the network is doxxxxing.
Anonymous 12/14/24(Sat)13:02:21 No. fg-NE9KH7VT >>fg-L5WN8OJU
https://cabal.chat/ P2P text channels with subjective moderation and symmetric encryption. See https://cabal.chat/faq.html
Anonymous 12/14/24(Sat)13:03:36 No. fg-TI7S28T1 >>fg-RMO5O4SV
https://www.media.mit.edu/projects/2d-an-exploration-of-drawing-as-programming-language-featuring-ideas-from-lambda-calculus/overview/ λ-2D: An Exploration of Drawing as Programming Language, Featuring Ideas from Lambda Calculus
Anonymous 12/14/24(Sat)13:48:37 No. fg-RMO5O4SV
>>fg-TI7S28T1 Seems cool.
Anonymous 12/16/24(Mon)01:09:41 No. fg-L5WN8OJU
>>fg-NE9KH7VT They use XSalsa20, which is pretty shite compared to the much better ChaCha20. XSalsa/XChaCha are pretty useless either way, IF you've got proper key scheduling (which cabal doesn't seem to have?)
Anonymous 12/16/24(Mon)01:54:48 No. fg-JY08DCXS >>fg-Y8X55N2T
It's for public chats anyway. It's like a p2p open source Discord. It's biggest feature is the subjective moderation. Look it up, it's interesting.
Anonymous 12/17/24(Tue)00:41:25 No. fg-Y8X55N2T
>>fg-JY08DCXS right, but you would expect a reasonable amount of understanding about cryptographic primitives from the devs, as they are the ones implementing it. And we all know retards can't keep their mouths shut, even on Discord. So proper encryption is a must-have.
Anonymous 12/21/24(Sat)22:38:25 No. fg-UEUI9CFY
>>fg-Y8X55N2T keep their mouths shut about what?

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