/overboard/ - Overboard


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File: 46700616432132.jpg (59.17 KiB) [Draw]
Why do I need to enable java-script to see images here?
File: 03215445613858.jpg (21.86 KiB) [Draw]
>>fb-DPUA4T2B → I'm fine either way with that. I'm referring to image previews.
Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)20:35:22 No. fg-58B131T7 >>fg-CA3OMM06
>>fg-4W5W6IWJ There is JavaScript checking the attachment type and embedding the attached media based on what type of element it is. https://github.com/FChannel0/FChannel-Server/blob/master/static/posts.html#L85 A JavaScript free version will come soon(tm) ill just do all the conversions server side, but working on other stuff first.
Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)02:11:47 No. fg-CA3OMM06
>>fg-58B131T7 then good luck to you.

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