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how to compress data for storage? Anonymous 07/11/21(Sun)16:31:59 No. fg-EOUHBZUC
what is the best compression algorithm to compress a shitton of data to the smallest size possible without regard for compression/decompression speed? i have a stash of random junk that i dont feel like rummaging through any time in the near future but that is taking too much space i looked around and xz seems to be the one, but maybe there is something better?
Anonymous 07/11/21(Sun)18:36:35 No. fg-T7X38FKW
>>fg-EOUHBZUC (OP) winrar
Anonymous 07/11/21(Sun)20:31:58 No. fg-VI9ZOTQ7
Anonymous 07/11/21(Sun)22:08:36 No. fg-EXYSAION >>fg-81ZXMSO0
>>fg-EOUHBZUC (OP) fossil+venti or cwfs + venti
Anonymous 07/16/21(Fri)09:46:50 No. fg-81ZXMSO0
>>fg-EXYSAION can you give me some links to these? i tried looking for them, but i doubt what i found is what you meant (there is a cvs named fossil)

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