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AdminAnon you may want to get your torposting policy sorted out before some sperg comes and ruins everything. Please be generous to tor posters, I hate not being able to post images.
>>fg-FC4DFD76 (OP) any recommendations on a policy? I just have it to where you can easily moderate posts.As far as limiting posts, that will have to be implemented better.
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>>fg-B50279D5 If it becomes a problem you should probably block posting from tor nodes until you develop code to handle it properly. -8chan did it by only allowing tor posters to post images (which meant allowing OP posts without images). This stops most of the CP but not spamming. -I think 9chan allowed tor posters to post images, but only if they had been seen before (hash whitelist I think) and not deleted by mods. This is an improvement. -If you want to go Next Gen™ maybe have a 4chan pass-style system upon which tor posters can deposit crypto but lose it if they abuse their privilege to post illegal content. Not sure how this would fit in with the federated model. It would probably be up to each node/instance operator but a hidden service (onion URI) would be nice too. Nice work though, this is pretty cool as-is.
Anonymous 01/15/21(Fri)06:50:28 No. fg-8DD2320D
>>fg-B50279D5 > any recommendations on a policy? I just have it to where you can easily moderate posts.As far as limiting posts, that will have to be implemented better. it''s a little tricky. tor is used by people for a good reason but can also be abused. block all or allow all. i think moderation of material is the way to go.. for now. if the spam from tor users ever gets out of hand you can restrict access from tor exit nodes easily enough.
Anonymous 01/15/21(Fri)07:15:00 No. fg-FD2C78F3 >>fg-FBE9B760
>>fg-B50279D5 https://check.torproject.org/torbulkexitlist Any instances that don''t want to deal with bullshit should block TOR exit nodes. Look up "tor exit nodes list." I don''t believe you have to block bridges since those are just relays but please correct me if I''m wrong.
Anonymous 01/17/21(Sun)16:11:26 No. fg-FBE9B760
>>fg-FD2C78F3 Please don''t block it
Anonymous 07/12/21(Mon)16:42:25 No. fg-K4NRM3ID
>>fg-FC185817 the 9chan option sounds best desu
Anonymous 07/12/21(Mon)22:42:04 No. fg-DLZ96P7M
>>fg-RV0QGAQZ → do you know how much /shit/ is on the clearnet? unironically not even true

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