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File: soulless.jpg (272.83 KiB) [Draw]
Since when is this...
File: soulful.jpg (276.89 KiB) [Draw]
>>fg-FIDV40Q2 (OP) More beautiful than this. What happened?
Anonymous 07/03/21(Sat)13:05:59 No. fg-6GHYPXQT >>fg-ZNXLIUZI
>>fg-FIDV40Q2 (OP) >it's THAT mobile phone vs desktop comparison
File: spotify-web-player.jpg (67.70 KiB) [Draw]
>>fg-6GHYPXQT The desktop versions are still lacking in soul
Anonymous 07/03/21(Sat)16:29:28 No. fg-QJILT1J8
>>fg-ZNXLIUZI I think there could be some middle ground between flatshit and that ugliness
Anonymous 07/03/21(Sat)19:26:09 No. fg-FK3KM4HR
>>fg-ZNXLIUZI its the flat/minimal (¿clean?) design that took over.
File: what-is-neumorphism.png (65.28 KiB) [Draw]
>>fg-WK8IYQW0 this design style is called Skeuomorphism, emulating the look of a physical object. >>fg-FIDV40Q2 (OP) is obviously flat or material design. The idea is to make important UI elements very obvious for the end user by reducing clutter. Now, there is a new trend coming along returning to skeuomorphism like style, it's called neumorphism. Picrelated is an example. We will probably be seeing this style of minimal and hypermodern combined with depth shadows and a sense of physicality become more popular. What do you make of it?
File: linux_ss.jpg (313.62 KiB) [Draw]
Late 90s to early 2000s (pre-Aero) desktop customization was peak aesthetics
Anonymous 07/04/21(Sun)08:51:03 No. fg-Z3LYXJFT
>>fg-M3UDGVUK I like that. A bit too round for my taste but still.

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