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I just switched from Artix to Void, gotta say it's far more comfy (and minimal I guess). The only thing I don't like is that there is considerably less documentation when compared to Arch (and it's forks)
Anonymous 07/26/21(Mon)00:34:02 No. fg-DB21LTIE >>fg-DNA9G1DA
>>fg-H70BWDUT (OP) i prefer parabola tbh, though i have never tried void
Anonymous 07/26/21(Mon)00:44:47 No. fg-DNA9G1DA
>>fg-DB21LTIE i really like the void package manager tbh. They're both 100% free but i install nonfree packages anyways kek
Anonymous 07/26/21(Mon)02:37:28 No. fg-KT6ZZYEW >>fg-G8TC5ERA
>>fg-UPZ9PL52 → how so? runit is insanely fast and easy to use, also doesn't suffer the same feature and missioncreep that systemd does
Anonymous 07/26/21(Mon)05:07:22 No. fg-G8TC5ERA >>fg-EVVPAO26
>>fg-KT6ZZYEW openrc gang gang
Anonymous 07/26/21(Mon)14:35:28 No. fg-EVVPAO26
>>fg-G8TC5ERA openrc isn't bad but i much prefer runit, the commands for managing services with openrc are weird
Anonymous 07/26/21(Mon)17:00:46 No. fg-PI1ICT4E >>fg-XHO75PB6
>>fg-H70BWDUT (OP) I feel like I would miss the aur too much but if i were to switch I would probably use void.
Anonymous 07/26/21(Mon)18:19:47 No. fg-XHO75PB6 >>fg-XZ51ALP3
>>fg-PI1ICT4E i thought that too but tbh i rarely use things from the AUR, and if i did its rarely so downloading an AppImage or a quick compile isn't really an issue
Anonymous 07/26/21(Mon)19:24:39 No. fg-D68989HY
>>fg-1BBBLULS → yeah the void docs are pretty good now
Anonymous 07/26/21(Mon)19:49:24 No. fg-XZ51ALP3 >>fg-OTAWLAD8
>>fg-XHO75PB6 learn to compile thing yourself, it will get you ready when you finally switch to gentoo
Anonymous 07/26/21(Mon)20:26:07 No. fg-OTAWLAD8 >>fg-NMHA9W3S
>>fg-XZ51ALP3 i know how to compile things on my own, i usually do it rather than appimages, but i really can't be fucking bothered to compile Librewolf because it takes so fucking long
Anonymous 07/26/21(Mon)22:50:08 No. fg-W9MPFNY9
>>fg-UPZ9PL52 → 9/10 times systemd-only fags tend to be massive retards because you're all too stubborn and obtuse to listen as to why its bad / others are better
>>fg-OTAWLAD8 on the brightside you probably only need to compile it once every few months unless your some autistic feature-goon. i think only arch has a binary build on the aur so you won't have luck with other distros that aren't arch anyways
Anonymous 07/27/21(Tue)02:41:45 No. fg-K2B7PPM8 >>fg-W1UVWOG8
>>fg-NMHA9W3S that's a good point, maybe i'll just leave it to compile overnight and hope it doesn't fuck up
Anonymous 07/27/21(Tue)02:50:03 No. fg-W1UVWOG8
>>fg-NMHA9W3S >>fg-K2B7PPM8 nvm all the build scripts are configured for apt and im lazy, ill stick with an appimage

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