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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POBN5PMYfRE This looks really interesting but sadly, I don't understand much of it. Could be useful for making P2P networks more efficient perhaps?
Anonymous 05/03/24(Fri)04:35:53 No. fg-T0ZP0ZBB
I don't think so, As far as I understand, the talk was about verifying distributed computing models. And the "exploration" was about exploring the potential states a bunch of distributed actors could be in. You'd want to do this for the purpose of proving that there isn't a configuration that leads to errors. I've read that some proof checkers are very slow, so I think the work the woman did was to help speed them up for distributed systems. It could indirectly have an effect of making P2P networks more efficient, is that someone might be able to make a more efficient protocol, verify that it's correct, and implement it quicker. It would only have an indirect effect on P2P applications if I'm not mistaken.

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