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What do you think of BLES as an alternative stack to LAMP?
File: hanako_189370_0-enlarge.jpg (471.09 KiB) [Draw]
>>fg-I31BT8YD (OP) What does BLES stand for?
Anonymous 06/20/21(Sun)02:22:25 No. fg-OJHGXA85
>>fg-JC2PPN90 BSD+Lua+(E)Nginx+SQLite
Anonymous 06/20/21(Sun)19:56:50 No. fg-DEK8BGPU
>>fg-I31BT8YD (OP) tldr - I think this is a good alternative minus lua just because I've never used BSD is good if you need full disk encryption for whatever you're hosting Nginx I also think is great for speed and simplicity of configs (imo tbh tbh tbh) SQLite is good when writing smaller stuff but idk what this is in theory for. I like it for markov bots, todo lists, small blogs, and things like that. Tbh no opinion on Lua never used it lel
Anonymous 06/22/21(Tue)03:46:31 No. fg-DG7VJMJ2
>>fg-I31BT8YD (OP) BLES definately sounds better, never hosted though but bsd runs nice on my laptop and everything else sounds better on paper
Anonymous 06/22/21(Tue)08:37:17 No. fg-JECZ2D1B >>fg-4LZDYJTP
>>fg-I31BT8YD (OP) I think it would be even more based if you used just FS instead of SQL server and UNIX users for user handling.
Anonymous 06/22/21(Tue)16:17:46 No. fg-4LZDYJTP >>fg-R8YROY6E
>>fg-JECZ2D1B even more based still would be a PHNC stack Plan9 + httpd + ndb + C
deleted 11/09/21(Tue)20:00:16 No. fg-2M7XAKQW
Anonymous 11/10/21(Wed)15:05:42 No. fg-R8YROY6E
>>fg-4LZDYJTP based.

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