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Text Editors Anonymous 07/22/21(Thu)03:34:31 No. fg-KCDX9CO4
What text editors do my fedifellas use? I like vscode purely for the linters and autocomplete that are easy to setup. I like emacs a lot because its fast and fairly minimal, is there a way to setup the linters/autocomplete on emacs to get it similar to vscode? is there a better alternative than the two? (ideally something that doesn't use electron)
Anonymous 07/22/21(Thu)03:47:38 No. fg-QD7FXXDC >>fg-6YYF8EIA
>>fg-KCDX9CO4 (OP) no emacs is the final red pill. you can get intellisense for most programming langues. the ones it doesn't have i just use the dedicated IDE with emacs keybindings. if you are new and looking for a keybinding system to learn use vanilla emacs bindings. most of it is transferable to other gnureadline programs. vim keybindings will be a curse to learn and rely on.
Anonymous 07/22/21(Thu)04:03:10 No. fg-6YYF8EIA >>fg-30O6EWKQ
>>fg-QD7FXXDC im fine with learning emacs keybindings, i've already learned a few since i use it, i just want to know how to setup intellisense
Anonymous 07/22/21(Thu)04:10:07 No. fg-30O6EWKQ >>fg-D9GAMMXM
>>fg-6YYF8EIA its language specific. there isnt a one package solution. what programming language are you using most?
>>fg-30O6EWKQ C and Python i just looked into it and i didn't realize there were different repos and shit i had to add kek, i'll figure this all out tmrw
Anonymous 07/22/21(Thu)17:00:22 No. fg-IRXSWK11 >>fg-JZCVOX5P
>>fg-D9GAMMXM i got company set up and its very comfy but I cannot for the life of me get any of the company python backends to work at all and i have no idea what i'm doing wrong
Anonymous 07/22/21(Thu)18:57:27 No. fg-JZCVOX5P
>>fg-IRXSWK11 nvm eglot is the chad of emacs LSP plugins, got it working immediately
Anonymous 07/23/21(Fri)21:37:39 No. fg-4NLXLQ6Y
>>fg-KCDX9CO4 (OP) I’ve been using emacs
Anonymous 07/24/21(Sat)01:21:15 No. fg-UHPPDQNO
>>fg-HDQAF7CA → >>fg-S27NJD9K → >micro doesnt have gnureadline keybindings out of the box into the trash it goes
Anonymous 07/24/21(Sat)02:48:57 No. fg-6CVRJ3FE
>>fg-HDQAF7CA → >ed you have to be troling
Anonymous 07/24/21(Sat)03:26:11 No. fg-OXWAL9E9
>>fg-MA727BU3 → i have and if you are telling me you use that to productively program or even fucking edit config i have no choice but to put you in a ward
>>fg-KCDX9CO4 (OP) >What text editors do my fedifellas use? I just use vim, fairly boring answer. I like the keybinds and am very used to them, plus it is extensible. I am sure I do not need to explain why vim is cool. Wrote my entire dissertation in vim with latex. Here's something confusing, why is there a supposed "vim vs emacs" war, when they are not really comparable? vim is a text editor where as emacs is more like an ide with a text editor as just a part of it. Never used emacs though so maybe I'm just being dumb
Anonymous 07/28/21(Wed)17:50:52 No. fg-0HYSVUWX
>>fg-WT4D3RWH i dunno it's just a cuckchan /g/ elitist thing, they really aren't similar at all. (unless you're talking about workflow in comparison to the keybinds, etc)
Anonymous 07/30/21(Fri)01:55:01 No. fg-KUA5FGV7
>>fg-WT4D3RWH >why is there a supposed "vim vs emacs" war Back in the day, they were the two major editors available to the Unix community, and they seemed diametrically opposed in their philosophy. The banter got heated at times, but it was mostly good fun. I don't think the war was ever that serious. These days, vim and emacs are the old grandpas of the editor world, and there's less reason for them to fight when the kids are going over to vscode.
Anonymous 08/03/21(Tue)00:50:03 No. fg-P6E3RC8F
>>fg-A9R05RXG → it's sad really, an emacs fork with the extension support of vscode would be way more popular
Anonymous 08/03/21(Tue)03:49:29 No. fg-T7QN3YMZ
Vim if I need fast editing like editing config files. Vscodium with vspacecode (spacemacs-like keybinding for vscode/codium) for doing real work (webshit). I used doom emacs before and I like it, but vspacecode just way easier and faster to customize.
Anonymous 08/03/21(Tue)06:30:52 No. fg-88KGR14P
>>fg-KCDX9CO4 (OP) acme is very nice once you get used to it
Anonymous 08/04/21(Wed)21:08:21 No. fg-9OWH2UKL
>>fg-D9GAMMXM I use elpy for Python, it makes REPL experience pretty great. For C maybe try https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/LanguageServerProtocol . I've used LSP before but it was very slow because JSON parsing was still done in elisp on my old version of Emacs so I don't use intelisense stuff anymore and don't really miss it all that much.
Anonymous 08/05/21(Thu)09:45:19 No. fg-XSMG03YY
Kate's pretty nice for GUI editing on my desktop. vim's good for CLI editing.
Anonymous 08/05/21(Thu)13:00:36 No. fg-D50FVBYZ
>>fg-XSMG03YY → >Kate's pretty nice for GUI editing isn't Kate literally just the KDE note taker? That's what CLI is great for, i'd rather use a way more powerful editor for gui
Anonymous 08/05/21(Thu)22:11:43 No. fg-6RE2HD01
Kate is powerful, that's why I like it. KDE Advanced Text Editor. Maybe you're thinking of Kwrite?
Anonymous 08/06/21(Fri)22:09:12 No. fg-E40886HA
>>fg-6RE2HD01 → probably, I've only seen screenshots of it, never used it myself
Anonymous 08/15/21(Sun)03:12:35 No. fg-2K6WI90H
I use ed. After all, ed is the standard text editor.
Anonymous 10/15/21(Fri)03:34:51 No. fg-I3LTLDKH >>fg-S1KXRGHI
>>fg-KCDX9CO4 (OP) Emacs, if I could use it in the fucking terminal at all with font rendering and without Xorg libraries.
Anonymous 10/15/21(Fri)04:29:07 No. fg-S1KXRGHI
>>fg-I3LTLDKH I know about pgtk, I just want font rendering, nothing else. I don't mind running it in terminal.
Anonymous 10/23/21(Sat)12:56:30 No. fg-ZVOGFNO1
Vim is really nice, after you learn some keys it is very rewarding.
Anonymous 12/15/21(Wed)20:26:57 No. fg-0AEVZBJ5
I use Spacemacs and LunarVim.
Anonymous 12/18/21(Sat)14:06:35 No. fg-Y0CFS83X
BusyBox vi is good enough for me 99% of the time.
Anonymous 12/22/21(Wed)03:17:21 No. fg-URD5CKXN
I've used busybox vi for a while but since switching to openbsd I've just been using default vim because BSD vi has no backspace
Anonymous 12/22/21(Wed)09:07:09 No. fg-6NGARK5N
You can probably add BackSpace yourself via the .exrc, by mapping the key to a sequence like ESC x i

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