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File: StPeterClaver.jpg (55.31 KiB) [Draw]
What's the point in having a password field if there's no option to delete posts?
>>fg-LJNHSFWV (OP) If you scroll to the bottom of the page, and look at the bottom right, there is a delete button. To delete a post, click the checkbox by your name, and type in your password at the bottom right and then click the delete button.
Anonymous 04/29/24(Mon)04:57:52 No. fg-6XF3JA3R
>>fg-SFU4VCKN what he said
Anonymous 04/30/24(Tue)16:43:23 No. fg-L69VQ6O7
>>fg-SFU4VCKN I see. Thank you.

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