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how do I find other fchan(nel) instances? whener i search for fchan all i get is furfag shit, and unrelated shit when i search fchannel. is there a website that has fchan(nel) instances indexed?
Anonymous 06/24/21(Thu)21:37:23 No. fg-OUZHDFFJ
>>fg-N15EU2P3 (OP) Not yet, but I believe there are some listed in /prog/. (https://github.com/FChannel0/FChannel-Server) has a couple instances. Theres two clearnets, and one tor (which I think is down), and one on Lokinet.
Anonymous 07/01/21(Thu)04:15:26 No. fg-GRRTKU0V
We should make this the server share thread. I also run a /fedi/ board, may be cool if the admin followed it here. >>fg-ZMK6MDXQ → what is your server?
Anonymous 07/02/21(Fri)22:42:37 No. fg-USMPTSAR
it's a shame how everyone is using fchan.xyz we should spread ourselves out more across the network for decentralisation that or fchan should go down for a while like oniichan did to help it along
Anonymous 07/02/21(Fri)22:44:35 No. fg-QKHMN7JA
>>fg-N15EU2P3 (OP) There is a list on the front page of each instance now in case you didn't already notice
Anonymous 07/04/21(Sun)22:33:33 No. fg-DKSR39GY >>fg-ON7DL8WB
>>fg-N15EU2P3 (OP) I use fchan because it is the most up to date version of the chan and currently the other chan doesn't have boards that interesting to me. Maybe when it is mature and stable enough I'll start using other instance as well.
Anonymous 07/05/21(Mon)14:43:54 No. fg-ON7DL8WB
>>fg-DKSR39GY nigga there are only like 5 boards total and half of them are mirrored across all instances what interesting boards are you talking about?
Anonymous 07/09/21(Fri)23:18:43 No. fg-LCBE2B7B
it would be really cool if there was an fchannel client where you could swap between servers easily

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