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What's you favorite custom android ROM? I'm currently using GrapheneOS, but I just bought a new phone (Motorola E5 Play) that I plan on installing LineageOS. Do you fellas use anything else?
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>>fg-QF1TPXTL (OP) iOS
Anonymous 06/15/21(Tue)02:24:20 No. fg-0UVJFDFD
>>fg-QF1TPXTL (OP) I'm using PixelExperience on my pocophone and it works nicely. only niggling issue is that sometimes when going back to the home screen it lags and you have to use the back gesture a couple times for it to work again. but bluetooth, payments, banking, etc all work.
I havent had a need for rooting or installing a ROM on my phone in almost a decade. It was essential back then now not so much. Because of planned obsolescence i am being forced to upgrade my phone to one that doesnt only have 3G. Ill have to buy a new phone and once i do that ill be using lineageos. Honestly been just thinking of using a flip phone but i am not sure if im to conditioned for smartphone use.
Anonymous 06/15/21(Tue)12:53:14 No. fg-SP440JZZ
>>fg-09VYNRID I just bought a Motorola E5 Play, it's the only non feature-cucked phone pretty much left in this fucking market (plus it's only like $100). It's also only from 2017 so it's not that bad for my daily use case. It's the only phone left that I could really recommend because of the headphone jack + removable battery + storage + etc...
Anonymous 06/15/21(Tue)23:10:39 No. fg-RRDXITND
>>fg-09VYNRID my smartphone broke several months ago and i had an old flip phone lying around and decided to use that instead felt like being unchained tbh, haven't looked back since if i knew how bad things really were i would have done the change sooner
Anonymous 06/16/21(Wed)02:51:10 No. fg-12Q2MN2B
>>fg-CJ683CKS ifaggot detected, commit suicide

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